Notizen bei der ICAN Konferenz in Oslo 2013

Donnerstag: Fahrt nach  Berlin, Flug von Tegel nach Oslo.

Empfang von Kirsten Osen am Donnerstag, 28.2.13, sie bezahlt mir auch den Bus und die Wochenkarte.

Diskussion über Mann, Enkel (fünf), die Welt, Friedenslogik, Hans-Peter Dürr, die Eigensucht der Gene, meine These, dass dies nur technische Details seien und dass der Mensch sich davon nicht beeindrucken lassen sollte, die Möglichkeiten des Menschen, sich auszurotten mit Atomkrieg, Nuklearen Winter und Radioaktivität von AKW`s und den Möglichkeiten der Mäuse, unsere Nachfolge anzutreten…, das Brain Messer für den Lachs,

 Obst zum Frühstück,

Zum Mittagessen am Freitag lade ich sie ein. Nachmittags geht sie zum Jahrestreffen der IPPNW, ich zur Eröffnung der Konferenz.

Zuerst haben wir uns das Konferenzzentrum angesehen. Dort haben wir Arielle, Robert Mtonga, Tilman Ruff, John Loretz getroffen. Danach zum Parlament gefahren, die Hauptstraße entlang gegangen:

Wir haben in einem Fischrestaurant am Fjord Fisch/Muschelsuppe gegessen. Wir sind über das Eis fünffüßig gegangen.

Danach ich zurück zur Konferenz. Dort Anmeldung, zusätzliches Treffen von Patricia, Gold, Hermann Spanjard. Dann Anruf bei Marlis und Hildebrandt.  Er meint, am Montag hätte ich eine Chance. Ich nehme mir vor, ihm am Sonntag abend eine Email zu schreiben und ihn Montagmittag noch mal anzurufen.

Danach Vorstellung einer Ausstellung, Begrüßung durch einen Franzosen,   Musik und Kennenlernen eines Amerikaners, der sehr freundlich auf mich, aber auch alle anderen seiner Umgebung eingeht, die Leute vorstellt, und sich mit uns unterhält. Ein Puertoricaner ? spielt Flöte, seine heiße Frau sitzt an unserem Tisch und gibt mir Ratschläge, wie ich meine Frau behandelt sollte, ihr Mann auch…

Nachher kommt Kirsten Osen dazu, spricht mit einem Australier vom Roten Kreuz, danach „bringt sie mich wieder nach Hause“.

Nach dem Schlafen merke ich, dass ich mich noch nicht um Stuhlgang gekümmert habe und nehme erst morgens eine Minipille. Danach  Notizen im Notebook und Frühstück.

Samstag: African Kontinent, I can create ¸we owe it to humanity, not without you, I´m a hero,

Naima Mclean, from South-Afrika, Artist,

Nosizwe Baqua,  

Misha Byrne from South-Afrika,

A whole new world of information,

Schumacher, make it simpler, message 19.000 nuclear , threat of use, simple, courageous idea, over 400 people of humanity, of20 countries,

Keep on marching, have courage,

Technical difficulties, not to easy, non nuclear w states starting, energy, campaign, not organisation, idea, restaurant , I can


First speaker, Dr Kruschel??

What they are, what they do, what they

Physics, protect the nucleus, Rutherford, strong nuclear force, that strength,

Huge amounts of energy, a million times of chemical, mid forty invented, very big, dirty bombs, fission, fusion, thermonuclear bomb,

Two types of fission bombs, Ura.

Radiation, big dirty mass,  not so different, von cluster ammunition,

Blast way, half energy , 35 heat, 10% fall out,

What the problem, two countries, are bringing them down, slowly,

alert status, great concern, humanitarian issues, huge accident or even nuclear war,

weapons old fashioned, out dated, mode of killing people, we don´t want to

face them down,

Rebecca Johnson, long history in grass root

Several times incarcerated so completely non violence, unfinished business,

Nuclear terror, Half the trident could cause huge catastrophy, hunger,

We are tired of waiting,


John Wright?,

cardinal john Onrijehan, Roman catholic church, ,

Intimidated, boy of 14, some make war, when They say they love peace,

So obvious, yet they are there, where is the problem , preach to the converted,

Ideas move a little forward , civilized, obsolete, but terribly dangerous,

Weapons in general, peace and war, light weapons, anthings that kills,

Arm traders are working with

Para bellum,

The more you arm, the more there will be wars,

All Connected

Peace, work for justice,

John Paul the second, never succeed full justice, learn to forgive, peace and reconciliation process,

Just war, who is a just or unjust aggressor, holy war, contradiction, anybody who kills in the name of god, blasphemy, john paul the second,

Global family, all together, how do we use science, wisdom, human values, religious, we all belong together,

Other religious bodies,

What matters is humanity, our continent has decided to go nuclear free,

Total eradication, one god one human family,

Gry Larsen ,  state secretary, of foreign minister of Norway

One of the most important goals, we are very commited, we move the discussion about nuclear weapons, partnership between civil society, we will not reach the common goal,

humanitarian impacts, disarmament is about real peoples, we are able to good results, landmines,

three issues, result of one nuclear weapon,

Second: wider consequences, third: concerns the preparedness of states, humanitarian disaster, 132 states signed up, some countries decided not to come, their arguments were coming, we can not wait for it to start,

Hearts and minds,

Three young people ,

Proudness turned to frustration,

World? Commission migrated to a bunker in Norway

Commission decided to go viral, 20 new commissioners with green Shirts, aYy


Gespräche mit Amis, Jan Mc Illraith, Secretary oft h International Committee of Artists for Peace, ICAP,, Japaner in USA, 

Hibakusha,  Yutaka Minabe

Bombs were a Kriegsverbrechen, international law?  prohibit indiscriminate attacs, 140.000 killed in H, 40% der Insel starb bei nur zwei Bomben, I could not hear about tragic experience, because my family , tragedies of perpetrators, nor victims nor perpertrators, raise our voice, if we remain there will be silence, small peace at home,

Hibakusha: Dr. Terumi Tanaka,

13 y as bomb Nagasaki, lost consciousness, 3,1 km from, any medical injuries,

Meri Joice,  Translator,

600 m above Hiroshima, 

Suffer survivors guilt…, dignity of humans,

Helen Durham, what unites us is much more important

than what divides us,

geneva appealed never use them, Red Cross , and to quickly

poetry music art, intellectual, science dues,  we have to be evidence based,


Andy Hynes?, effects of nuclear , off the intern. Agenda, He,

If the fireball touches the ground, 13kt, nagaski, 22kt, 60.00-80.000,

Alan Robock, Climate effects of nuclear winter,

Smoke wou

Ira Helfland  Nuclear Famine, circles of d

Arsenals, real danger, that they are used, each trident has sometimes the possibility to produce nuclear winter,


Another time Roback:

Suicidal weapons,

95 % of pop would dy


Castro said, elimination necessary for reason of nuclear famine,

Rienna Thula, physical , nuclear energy,

Stigma, survivors, exposed to the radiation, woman considered as damaged goods,

People need to be empowered 


Maria from Mexico, how Nuclear Power, Rienna Thula, renewable energies,

 One of the strategies,

HK, Germany

Renewable Energies,

We can quickly go to 100 % Renewable Energy ,

Storage themes can be solved with water energy, Power to Gas, with batteries and many other reasons.

Atomic Energy is in reality expensive!  

Whole world , human , end of civilization, have not the right to hold this all over our heads,

The physics is simple, how much smoke, how long does it stay,

Evening: Sheen, Actor all my life, to make a living, Aktivismus is to stay alife,

Miraculous , keep on keeping on, that any use of nuclear weapons, obligation to eliminate them completely, million ripples build a current, 1969, Robert Kennedy, The task before us, one heart with couage, is a majors, no more good cause, let us all awake,

Your friend, tremendous guy, embodiment of a peace maker, 75 times arrested, political Father John Dear

How do you like Norway, thrilled , coming home, Martin rude, President of United States, two brothers in Vietnam, inspired, Poet, talking about , father Barrigan, you don´t , children,

Children, what ist going to happen when you don´t, struggle to lead an honest life, interrelated, father Burgen, 1968, arrested first time, with Barrigan, house for defense industrie, star wars, father John, leading Peace activist un , Dopey Guy, I want to , I wanted to

1982, peace for gallery, 65.000 People , love your enemy, make Peace, make justice, Barrigans, 24 hour to be arrested, 1993, hammered on the warplane to make sword to plowshare, who drove you, by the holy spirit, 100 plow shore action, Trespasserw will be shot on sight, 10 of thousand of soldiers, 20 years in prison,

Ghandi, napalm, equal , number, join the army or I never…

Ghandi total life change, poem, film was very popular, everbody in Hollywood loved Ghandy,  thin, tan and moral,

Immoral poverty, wonderful radical, who practiced what the gospel preaches, very first mess,

May the light of the holy,  and , the friendship of the non-violent Jesus,

Ghandi 20.000 ,

We shouldn´t be too harsh in critiscism of Christianity. It has never been Tried,

You are the only one who know, I am 72, I have come the , we do not get the harvest, we plant the seeds,

We have to get rid  of ,

Grassroot movement , ghandi and martin luther king would be part of ICAN

We are announcing the abolition of slavery, they lifted up a living, we have lost the

We are

Non violence , no existence,

Nine countries, nuclear weapons, South Africa has abolished them, 85 non violent

Very exciting time to be alife, hopeless hopeless, ordinary people do the right thing, the hope will happen, really nonviolent,

Character as president of the US, General Electric, one of the biggest warmakers, hard not have to be arrested, called him an old drunk, Bush,

Terrified to go out of their movie structure,

Woman, children, not to be arrested, similar, kneel in front of the soldiers, remote desert, 1500 exploded there, I adored her, dancing up in the line, I started loughing, wounderful experience, Kathlen Romp and the women, silesway from South Afrika,

Kanoostory, in the belly of the beast, I tried everything I can,

Canoo, Trident,

Make up president, Obama, we were never be taken seriously,

Diabolical, MAD, Reagan was going to begin war first, not using a nuclear Weapon, they thought we , 48 hours after the accident, Sweden or Norway said, they had exploded , they thought

Nixon in China, something funny is going to happen, the

There is no security, has this made us more secure,

Helmut Käss from Germany there may be

I consider an important new topic, I heard at the Peace conference in Munic by Hanne Margret Birkenbach,

Peace logic in Germany,

Peace logic and security logic, Peace logic is more complicated ,

but security logic  leads often to war,

You are doing it this way already,

 but I consider it good to think about this and to read her reasons, 

What do you think about it,

Creative Nonviolence

Sunday, 10:00

Cultural context

Jai hearte Helmut,

Sunday ,


Man is swinging his sword,

I don’t want to do the dishes,

Question ,

Tallest man in the nuclear business,

Tuebon Graf hygon,,

International law and institute,

Nuclear weapons,

Happy to be here,

International treaty making.

Business to

To make laws is like making a sauce, Bismark,

How the saucage is made,

What are the rule of the game, very distinguished panel,

Speakers all promised,


John Boy, unacceptable harm, new Zealand,

William Pace, development of international law, ICC, effective court,

Ivoy deboy, tripel c, prevented, Steffen Karlbekken, International climate and

Anald McDonald, OxfaMS Programm,

John Boy, unacceptable harm, new Zealand, international zombies

Mindless, they don’t know that they are

Zombie weapon eradication plan,

Treaties, codification of a state, you have to create the new norm

One normative state to another,

Weapons were thougt to be useful, now they are not

How to demotivate, delegitimize,

Fissel  materials,

Business as usual, pace of the slowest,

Humanitarian perspectives change,

Landmines, Oslo Initiative, 1997, a hundred states agreed, now 161,


2008 eventual cluster ammunition

Humanitarian changed, folks like you, dought, feeling of anxiousness and insecurity,

To conclude that the weapons they posses , are unacceptable,

We could learn something from Zombies,

William Pace, development of international law,

State security to human security, to protect, coalition criminal court .

Protect responsibility of the states,

International justice, amnesty successful campaign since slavery

122 Nations have ratified, Norway and finnland have begun to proscecute,

Enforcement, 900 full time staff, outlaws the possession and the use of nuclear weapons, ICC Treaty inside the UN, automatc jurisdiction, no immunity, lets get a treaty that works, the countries who are responsible, dictatorships and big powers,, EU, could support but not oppose, Robin Cook, under the radar from examination of media, governments, five hundred grope in twelf teams

BAD rELATION to the security

Ngo from south and north,

Steffen Karlbekken, International climate

Three , costs and benefits, wind power farm, asymmetric situation, costs direct, benefit unsure and longer term,

US law for , fossil lobby, Rio, Dezember November each year,  Principle, Responsibility , as the world looked 1992, us unwilling, developed countries, reduce emissions about 80%,

Very diverse interests, we are poor vulnerable countries, deadlock for twenty years, Katar, false division,

Most effective approach, regime complex, G 20,

Focus what we are trying to go, not on the methods,

Anald McDonald, OxfaMS Programm,

Just juli 1000 diplomats worked a month on the arms treaty,

flooding the world dangerous places,                         

we worked ten years on this, new ways , coalition,

you can change the world,  


What in a case, where we have problems with time,

as the treatys need much time

I think

It is about To empower some Non nuclear weapons state,

the UN conference for a nuclear free zone Near East ,

is postponed,  

How can we press this, because this would reduce the risk of war between USA


Richard Morris, ten minutes,

Kristoffer Liden,

Three things

Focusing on the goal, externally building connections, and intern,

Personal stories, broader social impacts,

A treaty banning nuclear weapons,

Does not immediately achieve with change on the ground,

A new set of confidence, aggressive ,

Second:  good partners, civil society, we cant sign national treaties ourself,  with governments, politiv core group of states, Red Cross, lot of meetings,

Last point: think about ourself, a lot of trust and confidence, between individuals, we will have our difficulties, what will be the outcome of the meeting tomorrow, key partners,

John Dear: Obama  has done more for nuclear than any since

ethics standard of conduct,

everybody is your sister or brother,

active love, disarming everything, hermeneutic of nonviolence, 

you just have to kill somebody,

another john, cardinal,

clarify some ideas, ethic and politics, every child that died you have killed, telling lies, manipulation, it doesn’t work, what works? Moral , religion, god, it is just wrong, humanity some guidelines, morality and ethics in real life,

Bharti tailor, Hindu, charity begins at home, local municipality und ones country, the voter, for ethical politician, local, nationally and internationally, Hindu in Brittain, you must vote , vote for candidates, who act , Ghandi, it’s the action, not the fruit, in a gentle way you can change with vote, so do it (near…)

Liv Torres: a little  more secular, not so much ethic arguments are successful

Game-changer, Norway most proud of, cluster convention, and

Northern interest, but in the old times they did not jump of joy for the cluster convention,

Much work, value and rationality, we have to talk, not pro anti debate, not a right left convention, multilateralism is important, we beleave in the NVA? Numbers of countries are important, not everybody

We have power civil society, we have to show this power, landmines and cluster also to nuclear weapons,

ARCHBISHOP Dear , Nonviolence,

Atomic weapons and atomic energy

in Hiroshima was said, Together nuclear chain, Terrible Twins

, climatmeeting nuclear winter,

Politics are meant to think ethical,

Issues world concern, not so many school,

We have always

We want a ban! We need alliances.

Common grounds,

our hope, our duty

they don’t care, global campaign, pressing the usa,

both kind of altruism, conceptions how the world is, structure our reasoning,

14:30, Campaigning , Luise????, Best Practice Campaigning, Amelia Showalter, Jim Mc Bride, Dr. Rianne Teule,

Thomas Nash, ICAN,

Amelia Showalter, Jim Mc Bride, Dr. Rianne Teule ,

Barby, how big is yours, fishes, as well as sex movies, fetisch,

fetisation of nuclear weapons, knowing whom you are talking to.

Keep good data, made people to donate again or other support,

Administration, may people feel appreciated,

Keep them engaged, binds people to you,

get somebody in your network,

register people for our event,

social media which segment your community, good,

email lists, more more unsubscribe, yet more money, more action, don’t be afraid of overcommunication,

once a week, may be once a month,

twitter much more,

huffican post,

sharing is caring,

to offer different share it on facebook, twitter to company, writing a letter or a fax, may be go on the street,

getting people to do something, phonenumbers, facebook, most likely to participate, signed up for an event, message, tweet,

it depends, direct ask, for money, Michel birthday card, variety, different people respond to different things, volunteer, 

building of Beziehung, oceans campaign, data, get your message out, be viral, arab spring, occupy wallstreet,  bringing people together,

using data when you can, the tone Is different in Twitter, facebook, nuclear theme, I was really scared, one was , not be afraid to test things out.

Looking on some of the successes, Man of mysterie

Magnus lovel,

Costa rica, a lot of acceptance, maiko ishi ? from japan, embassodors, students, the day before the north Korean test, late two people , 17 active, 90 potential,

Nigeria, cardinal, ban nuclear weapon,

Frau Badiko? from Hiroshima,

140 countries to 140.000 for response

See on our , how to increase, homepage, to think about

Jasmine Spinoza, Chile, amnesty int? ALL OVER Latinamerika, to this campaign, chile more proactives, Champions to have,

Kennedy , I was a virgin, I cannot be a virgin any longer, speakers and audience,

Nuclear free treaty of Afrika,

Prizion ? from Brasil, Cluster Ammunition group started, latinamerika, together in oslo 2008, Brasil used to have cluster ammunition, as they don’t have nuclear weapons, network, toy,

Achmad Tsada, egyt, seven thousand years elected president,

Total abolition nuclear weapons, Tahir square, we managed to communicate, five month 50.000 supporters, nuclear free u

Panela landmark, Sweden, blood pressure, to prevent heart attack and nuclear attack,

A gamewinner, we can only win this game, acht jahre in Waffen investiert, bisher so langweilig,

Second lesson, Call opn somebody,

Company , crowd , party


KOnferenz, is there anybody from us there? Civil society

  1. there is the chance to meet our own or other politicians, me for Germans, but we need contacts, mixed groups,
  • the UN conference for a nuclear free zone Near East , is postponed, 

How can we as ICAN press this, because this would reduce the risk of war between USA,

National chapters, federation office, a

Über admin

Hausarzt, i.R., seit 1976 im der Umweltorganisation BUND, schon lange in der Umweltwerkstatt, seit 1983 in der ärztlichen Friedensorganisation IPPNW ( und, seit 1995 im Friedenszentrum, seit 2000 in der Dachorganisation Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, und ich bin seit etwa 15 Jahren in der Linkspartei// Family doctor, retired, since 1976 in the environmental organization BUND, for a long time in the environmental workshop, since 1983 in the medical peace organization IPPNW ( and, since 1995 in the peace center, since 2000 in the umbrella organization Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, and I am since about 15 years in the Left Party//
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