10 verblüffende Fakten, die Sie vielleicht nicht über 9/11 wissen https://wp.me/paI27O-5GB
Was sind die Fakten?
1. …dass der dritter Turm, das 47-stöckige World Trade Center Gebäude 7, stürzte um 17:20 Uhr am 11.9. zusammen, obwohl er nicht von einem Flugzeug getroffen wurde.
2. …t, dass Gebäude 7 mit der Beschleunigung des freien Falls fiel, was bedeutet, dass nicht einmal eine seiner massiven 81 Säulen einen Widerstand leistete. Was ist mit ihnen passiert?
3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition.
4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of an incendiary called “thermite,” was found by First Responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers and was seen pouring out of the South Tower minutes before it collapsed.
Auszug aus diesem Link:
5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7.
6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, and feeling explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the downward motion of the Twin Towers.
7. …that the downward movement of the Twin Towers was at 2/3rds of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of these structures were instantaneously removed.
8. …dass der größte Teil der 100.000 Tonnen Stahl in jedem der Zwillingstürme bei einer Geschwindigkeit von 80 mph seitlich verschoben wurde und bis zu 600 Fuß in jede Richtung fiel, so dass der Stahl nicht zur Verfügung stand, um das darunter liegende Gebäude zu zerstören.
9. …dass der größte Teil der 90.000 Tonnen Beton in jedem der Zwillingstürme zu einem feinen Pulver pulverisiert und seitlich über drei Quadratmeilen von Lower Manhattan in einer drei Zoll dicken Decke verteilt wurde, so dass der Beton, genau wie der Stahl, nicht zur Verfügung stand, um das darunter liegende Gebäude zu zerstören.
10. …dass der US Geological Survey (USGS) und das Ingenieurbüro RJ Lee unabhängig voneinander die Entdeckung von etwa 4 Tonnen von bestätigt haben, aber nicht erklären können;vormals geschmolzene Eisenmikrokugeln in den WTC-Staubproben, was auf Temperaturen von über 2.800º F hinweist.
Und, eine zusätzliche Tatsache:
11. …dass ein Team von 8 internationalen Wissenschaftlern in den WTC-Staubproben mehrere Tonnen von High-Tech-Nano-Thermit entdeckt hat;in Form von kleinen rot-grauen Spänen, die nach der Entzündung in einer DSC bei 850º F geschmolzene Eisenmikrokugeln erzeugen und dieselbe chemische Signatur aufweisen wie die von der USGS entdeckten Eisenmikrokugeln.
Geben Sie diese Fakten weiter und helfen Sie, die Welt aufzuwecken!
Betreff: | 10 Facts You May Not Know about 9/11 |
Datum: | Wed, 28 Aug 2024 02:05:11 +0000 |
Von: | Richard Gage, AIA, Architect <richardgage911@substack.com> |
Antwort an: | Richard Gage, AIA, Architect <reply+2g8npc&g2ir2&&d4562ab8aea84d71e513bda1dc332057ce90f872621bd6b20d75acd4896739c2@mg1.substack.com> |
An: | Helmut_Kaess@web.de |
Co-produce the film series “9/11: Crime Scene to Courtroom” with RichardGage911 and the Lawyer’s Committee for 9/11 Inquiry! 10 Facts that you may not have known about 9/11Watch this 17-second video first: Now, what are those facts? 1. …that the third Tower, 47-story WTC Building 7, not hit by a plane, collapsed at 5:20pm on 9/11. 2. …that Building 7 fell at free-fall acceleration, which means that not one of its 81 columns gave any resistance. Where did they go? 3. …that Building 7 fell symmetrically — in the exact manner of a classic controlled demolition. 4. …that molten iron, the byproduct of the incendiary thermite, was found by first responders in pools throughout the debris pile of all 3 towers, and pouring out of the South Tower minutes prior to its collapse. 5. …that witnesses heard and felt explosions prior to the collapse of Building 7. 6. …that 186 First Responders were recorded hearing, seeing, feeling, explosions as well as flashes of light prior to the „collapses“ of the Twin Towers. 7. …that the downward motion of the Twin Towers came down in 2/3 of free-fall acceleration, meaning that 90% of the structure was immediately removed. 8. …that most all of the 100,000 tons of steel in each tower was displaced laterally at 80mph, landing up to 600 feet in every direction, so it was not available to crush the building below. 9. …that most all of the 90,000 tons of concrete in each tower was pulverized to a fine powder and distributed laterally from river to river across Lower Manhattan in a 3″ thick blanket, so it also was unavailable to crush the building beneath it. 10. …that the US Geological survey and RJ Lee both independently confirm the discovery of what amounts to about 4 tons of previously molten iron microspheres in the WTC dust samples, indicating temperatures exceeding 2,800º F — and they don’t know where they could have possibly come from. And, a bonus fact: 11. …that a team of 8 international scientists discovered what amounted to several tons of high-tech nano-thermite in the WTC dust samples, in the form of small red-gray chips that produce molten iron microspheres after ignition in a DSC at 850º F, with the same chemical signature as the iron microspheres discovered by the USGS. Pass these fact around and help wake up the world!You’re a free subscriber to RichardGage911. Please consider joining the family of sustaining supporters!