helfen Sie mit, das Jahr des neuen Paradigmas für die ganze Menschheit einzuleiten// Schillerinstitut



Webcast: Der BRICS-Gipfel und das Ende von 500 Jahren Kolonialismus
Nehmen Sie am 30. Oktober um 11 Uhr MEZ an Helga Zepp-LaRouches wöchentlichem Live-Dialog teil und helfen Sie mit, das Jahr des neuen Paradigmas für die ganze Menschheit einzuleiten. Schicken Sie Ihre Fragen, Gedanken und Berichte an questions@schillerinstitute.org oder stellen Sie sie im Live-Stream.

In einer Sitzung am Montag, dem 28. Oktober, wurden die geschichtsträchtigen Ereignisse der letzten Woche ausgewertet – darunter der BRICS-Gipfel vom 22. bis 24. Oktober in Kasan, Rußland, das Symposium/Konzert „Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War“, das von den unabhängigen LaRouche-Kandidaten Diane Sare und Jose Vega veranstaltet wurde, und die „Operation DAWN, Threat of the Year“ am Sonntag, dem 27. Oktober. 27. Oktober, „Operation DAWN, die Bedrohung durch einen Atomkrieg in der heutigen Welt“, organisiert vom ehemaligen Geheimdienstoffizier der US-Marines und Whistleblower Scott Ritter-Schiller und der Institutsleiterin Helga Zepp-LaRouche, die sowohl an diesen Veranstaltungen teilgenommen als auch zu ihnen beigetragen hat, und frühere Prozesse, die die Erfolge dieser Veranstaltungen möglich gemacht haben, zeigten, was ihrer Meinung nach als nächstes geschehen muß. „Wir müssen unbedingt klarstellen, daß die einzige Möglichkeit, die Gefahr eines Dritten Weltkriegs zu überwinden, darin besteht, den kollektiven Westen – also die Vereinigten Staaten und die europäischen Nationen – dazu zu bringen, ihre alberne geopolitische Konfrontation mit dieser neuen Mehrheit der Welt zu beenden. Immerhin repräsentieren die BRICS (Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China, Südafrika und andere Nationen) in ihrer jetzigen Form 4,7 Milliarden Menschen und 57 % der Weltbevölkerung,  und es gibt noch viel mehr  und es gibt viele weitere Länder, die darauf warten, sich anzuschließen. Und es wäre töricht, bis hin zum Wahnsinn, wenn der Westen sich dem weiterhin widersetzen würde“.
Während der BRICS-Konferenz in Kasan in der vergangenen Woche hatten die anwesenden EIR-Korrespondenten dem russischen Berater des gastgebenden Präsidenten Wladimir Putin, Anton Kobjakow, diese Frage gestellt: Auch wenn die BRICS nicht gegen den Westen sind, ist der Westen derzeit gegen die BRICS. Wenn sich dies nicht ändert, besteht die Gefahr eines Atomkriegs bei den Konflikten in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten sowie einer Aufrechterhaltung der Sanktionen. Sehen Sie das Potential für Aktivitäten und Erfolge der BRICS, die Sichtweise der anglo-amerikanischen Eliten zu verändern und sich positiv an der Entwicklung einer neuen Sicherheits- und Entwicklungsarchitektur zu beteiligen, wie sie von Helga Zepp-LaRouche vom Schiller-Institut vorgeschlagen wird?“ Kobjakow hatte geantwortet: „In der Tat hoffen wir sehr darauf, dass sie sich sozusagen an der Ausarbeitung von Friedensinitiativen beteiligen werden. Unser Präsident spricht immer davon. Und wir haben sogar eine nukleare Abschreckungsstrategie. Die Hauptsache ist, dass die Pax Americana, wenn sie zusammenbricht – die Hauptsache ist, dass sie, wenn sie zusammenbricht, uns nicht alle unter den Trümmern begräbt.“
Dies sind Worte, die die Amerikaner sehr aufmerksam hören sollten. Die Vereinigten Staaten, die derzeit am Rande eines sich ausweitenden und möglicherweise sogar thermonuklearen Krieges mit Russland und China stehen, befinden sich auch am Vorabend eines Wahlergebnisses der Präsidentschaftswahlen am 5. November, was letztlich unbefriedigend sein wird, ganz gleich, welcher Kandidat gewinnt.

Zwei andere Kandidaten, die beide nicht für die amerikanische Präsidentschaft kandidieren – die unabhängige Kandidatin für den US-Senat in New York, Diane Sare, und der unabhängige Kandidat für den Kongress in der Bronx (CD15), Jose Vega – sprangen in das politische Vakuum des Präsidenten ein und veranstalteten gemeinsam mit ihm ein einzigartiges „internationales Stadtgespräch“ über eine neue Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Experten konzentrierte er sich nicht darauf, wer die Schuld trägt, sondern vielmehr darauf, was die Bürger tun müssen und welche Lösungen für die derzeitige Krise gefunden werden müssen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden die Kriege in der Ukraine und in Südwestasien als tragischer Ausdruck des Fehlens einer höheren Perspektive angesprochen und der Weg zu dieser höheren Perspektive aufgezeigt.
Ein internationales Publikum hörte ehemalige hochrangige amerikanische Militäroffiziere, Journalisten und sogar Komödianten im Dialog untereinander und mit Helga Zepp-LaRouche. „Diese Nationen des globalen Südens sind bereits die globale Mehrheit, und sie sind entschlossen, die Periode von 500 Jahren Kolonialismus zu beenden, indem sie ein neues Weltwirtschaftssystem aufbauen, das es ihnen ermöglicht, sich zu industrialisieren und Armut und Unterentwicklung zu überwinden“, sagte sie auf dem Symposium am Samstag. „Sie bauen eine große neue Entwicklungsbank des globalen Südens, eine neue Investitionsplattform, eine neue BRICS-Getreidebörse und andere Institutionen auf, die ihnen helfen werden, zu wachsen.

Es ist die dringendste Aufgabe zur Wiederherstellung des Weltfriedens, dass die Vereinigten Staaten diese Bemühungen unterstützen. Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, daß der Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg der erste antikoloniale Krieg in der Geschichte war, indem er die Unabhängigkeit Amerikas vom Britischen Empire begründete.“

Die Zehn Prinzipien für eine neue internationale Strategie- und Entwicklungsarchitektur von Helga Zepp-LaRouche sind nicht nur eine Grundsatzerklärung, sondern eine Absichtserklärung, die, wenn sie von den Menschen in der transatlantischen Welt angenommen werden, das einzige Mittel darstellen würde, mit dem eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Nationen des globalen Südens und der globalen Mehrheit jemals vertrauensvoll und damit realisierbar wäre.
Nehmen Sie am 30. Oktober um 11 Uhr MEZ an Helga Zepp-LaRouches wöchentlichem Live-Dialog teil und helfen Sie mit, das Jahr des neuen Paradigmas für die ganze Menschheit einzuleiten. Schicken Sie Ihre Fragen, Gedanken und Berichte an questions@schillerinstitute.org oder stellen Sie sie im Live-Stream.
Herzliche Grüße, Helmut
Tulpenweg 11, 38108 Braunschweig, Tel: +49 531 350513 Mobile: +49 176 577 47 881, https://helmutkaess.de/willkommen/www.ippnw.dehttps://www.sicherheitneudenken.de, ttps://leuchtturmard.de, Dr. med. Helmut Käss, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin i.R.,



Webcast: The BRICS Summit and the End to 500 Years of Colonialism

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.





Webcast: Der BRICS-Gipfel und das Ende von 500 Jahren Kolonialismus
Nehmen Sie am 30. Oktober um 11 Uhr MEZ an Helga Zepp-LaRouches wöchentlichem Live-Dialog teil und helfen Sie mit, das Jahr des neuen Paradigmas für die ganze Menschheit einzuleiten. Schicken Sie Ihre Fragen, Gedanken und Berichte an questions@schillerinstitute.org oder stellen Sie sie im Live-Stream.

In einer Sitzung am Montag, dem 28. Oktober, wurden die geschichtsträchtigen Ereignisse der letzten Woche ausgewertet – darunter der BRICS-Gipfel vom 22. bis 24. Oktober in Kasan, Rußland, das Symposium/Konzert „Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War“, das von den unabhängigen LaRouche-Kandidaten Diane Sare und Jose Vega veranstaltet wurde, und die „Operation DAWN, Threat of the Year“ am Sonntag, dem 27. Oktober. 27. Oktober, „Operation DAWN, die Bedrohung durch einen Atomkrieg in der heutigen Welt“, organisiert vom ehemaligen Geheimdienstoffizier der US-Marines und Whistleblower Scott Ritter-Schiller und der Institutsleiterin Helga Zepp-LaRouche, die sowohl an diesen Veranstaltungen teilgenommen als auch zu ihnen beigetragen hat, und frühere Prozesse, die die Erfolge dieser Veranstaltungen möglich gemacht haben, zeigten, was ihrer Meinung nach als nächstes geschehen muß. „Wir müssen unbedingt klarstellen, daß die einzige Möglichkeit, die Gefahr eines Dritten Weltkriegs zu überwinden, darin besteht, den kollektiven Westen – also die Vereinigten Staaten und die europäischen Nationen – dazu zu bringen, ihre alberne geopolitische Konfrontation mit dieser neuen Mehrheit der Welt zu beenden. Immerhin repräsentieren die BRICS (Brasilien, Russland, Indien, China, Südafrika und andere Nationen) in ihrer jetzigen Form 4,7 Milliarden Menschen und 57 % der Weltbevölkerung,

und es gibt noch viel mehr  und es gibt viele weitere Länder, die darauf warten, sich anzuschließen. Und es wäre töricht, bis hin zum Wahnsinn, wenn der Westen sich dem weiterhin widersetzen würde“.
Während der BRICS-Konferenz in Kasan in der vergangenen Woche hatten die anwesenden EIR-Korrespondenten dem russischen Berater des gastgebenden Präsidenten Wladimir Putin, Anton Kobjakow, diese Frage gestellt: Auch wenn die BRICS nicht gegen den Westen sind, ist der Westen derzeit gegen die BRICS. Wenn sich dies nicht ändert, besteht die Gefahr eines Atomkriegs bei den Konflikten in der Ukraine und im Nahen Osten sowie einer Aufrechterhaltung der Sanktionen. Sehen Sie das Potential für Aktivitäten und Erfolge der BRICS, die Sichtweise der anglo-amerikanischen Eliten zu verändern und sich positiv an der Entwicklung einer neuen Sicherheits- und Entwicklungsarchitektur zu beteiligen, wie sie von Helga Zepp-LaRouche vom Schiller-Institut vorgeschlagen wird?“ Kobjakow hatte geantwortet: „In der Tat hoffen wir sehr darauf, daß sie sich sozusagen an der Ausarbeitung von Friedensinitiativen beteiligen werden. Unser Präsident spricht immer davon. Und wir haben sogar eine nukleare Abschreckungsstrategie. Die Hauptsache ist, dass die Pax Americana, wenn sie zusammenbricht – die Hauptsache ist, dass sie, wenn sie zusammenbricht, uns nicht alle unter den Trümmern begräbt.“
Dies sind Worte, die die Amerikaner sehr aufmerksam hören sollten. Die Vereinigten Staaten, die derzeit am Rande eines sich ausweitenden und möglicherweise sogar thermonuklearen Krieges mit Russland und China stehen, befinden sich auch am Vorabend eines Wahlergebnisses der Präsidentschaftswahlen am 5. November, was letztlich unbefriedigend sein wird, ganz gleich, welcher Kandidat gewinnt.

Zwei andere Kandidaten, die beide nicht für die amerikanische Präsidentschaft kandidieren – die unabhängige Kandidatin für den US-Senat in New York, Diane Sare, und der unabhängige Kandidat für den Kongress in der Bronx (CD15), Jose Vega – sprangen in das politische Vakuum des Präsidenten ein und veranstalteten gemeinsam mit ihm ein einzigartiges „internationales Stadtgespräch“ über eine neue Außen- und Sicherheitspolitik. Mit seinen außergewöhnlichen Experten konzentrierte er sich nicht darauf, wer die Schuld trägt, sondern vielmehr darauf, was die Bürger tun müssen und welche Lösungen für die derzeitige Krise gefunden werden müssen. In diesem Zusammenhang wurden die Kriege in der Ukraine und in Südwestasien als tragischer Ausdruck des Fehlens einer höheren Perspektive angesprochen und der Weg zu dieser höheren Perspektive aufgezeigt.
Ein internationales Publikum hörte ehemalige hochrangige amerikanische Militäroffiziere, Journalisten und sogar Komödianten im Dialog untereinander und mit Helga Zepp-LaRouche. „Diese Nationen des globalen Südens sind bereits die globale Mehrheit, und sie sind entschlossen, die Periode von 500 Jahren Kolonialismus zu beenden, indem sie ein neues Weltwirtschaftssystem aufbauen, das es ihnen ermöglicht, sich zu industrialisieren und Armut und Unterentwicklung zu überwinden“, sagte sie auf dem Symposium am Samstag. „Sie bauen eine große neue Entwicklungsbank des globalen Südens, eine neue Investitionsplattform, eine neue BRICS-Getreidebörse und andere Institutionen auf, die ihnen helfen werden, zu wachsen.

Es ist die dringendste Aufgabe zur Wiederherstellung des Weltfriedens, dass die Vereinigten Staaten diese Bemühungen unterstützen. Wir müssen uns daran erinnern, daß der Amerikanische Unabhängigkeitskrieg der erste antikoloniale Krieg in der Geschichte war, indem er die Unabhängigkeit Amerikas vom Britischen Empire begründete.“

Die Zehn Prinzipien für eine neue internationale Strategie- und Entwicklungsarchitektur von Helga Zepp-LaRouche sind nicht nur eine Grundsatzerklärung, sondern eine Absichtserklärung, die, wenn sie von den Menschen in der transatlantischen Welt angenommen werden, das einzige Mittel darstellen würde, mit dem eine Zusammenarbeit mit den Nationen des globalen Südens und der globalen Mehrheit jemals vertrauensvoll und damit realisierbar wäre.

Nehmen Sie am 30. Oktober um 11 Uhr MEZ an Helga Zepp-LaRouches wöchentlichem Live-Dialog teil und helfen Sie mit, das Jahr des neuen Paradigmas für die ganze Menschheit einzuleiten. Schicken Sie Ihre Fragen, Gedanken und Berichte an questions@schillerinstitute.org oder stellen Sie sie im Live-Stream.




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Webcast: The BRICS Summit and the End to 500 Years of Colonialism

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.



Webcast: The BRICS Summit and the End to 500 Years of Colonialism

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.


In a Monday meeting, Oct. 28, held to evaluate the history-making events of last week—including the Oct. 22-24 Kazan, Russia BRICS summit; the Oct. 26 symposium/concert “Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War,” hosted by LaRouche Independent candidates Diane Sare and Jose Vega; and the Sunday, Oct. 27 “Operation DAWN, Threat of Nuclear War in the World Today” brunch, organized by former U.S. Marines intelligence officer and whistleblower Scott Ritter—Schiller Institute head Helga Zepp-LaRouche, both contributor to and participant in those events, and earlier processes that made the achievements of those events possible, indicated what she believed needed to happen next.

“We have to absolutely make clear that the only way how the danger of a Third World War can be overcome, is that we have to get the collective West—that’s the United States and the European nations—to stop their silly geopolitical confrontation against this new majority of the world. After all, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus other nations) as they are now, represents 4.7 billion people, and 57% of the world’s population, and there are many more countries in line waiting to join. And it would be foolish, to the point of insanity, if the West would continue to oppose that.”

During last week’s Kazan BRICS conference, EIR correspondents in attendance had asked Russian advisor to host President Vladimir Putin, Anton Kobyakov, the question: Even if the BRICS is not anti-West, the West is currently anti-BRICS. If this does not change, we have the risk of nuclear war in the conflicts occurring in Ukraine and the Middle East, and a perpetuation of sanctions. Do you see the potential for activities and successes of the BRICS to change the outlook of the Anglo-American elites, to participate positively in developing a new security and development architecture, as proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute?” Kobyakov had responded: “Indeed, we hope very much for that—that they will take part in hammering out, so to speak, peace initiatives. Our President talks about that, always. And we even have a nuclear deterrence strategy. The main thing is that Pax Americana, if it collapses—the main thing is that when they collapse, that they not bury all of us under the rubble.”

These are words that Americans should pay close attention to. The United States, presently on the verge of an expanding and potentially even a thermonuclear war with both Russia and China, is also on the eve of a November 5 Presidential electoral result, which will ultimately be unsatisfying, no matter which candidate wins. Two other candidates, neither of them running for the American Presidency—U.S. Senate independent candidate in New York Diane Sare, and Congressional independent candidate in the Bronx (CD15) Jose Vega—stepped into the Presidential policy vacuum, co-hosting a completely unique “international town meeting” on a new foreign and security policy. With its extraordinary set of experts, it focused, not on who is to blame, but rather, what citizens need to do, and what solutions to the present crisis must be made. In that context, the wars in Ukraine and Southwest Asia were addressed as tragic expressions of the lack of a higher perspective, and they identified the path to that higher perspective.

An international audience heard former American military officers of high rank, journalists, and even comedians, in dialogue among themselves, and with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. “These nations of the Global South are already the Global Majority, and they are determined to end the period of 500 years of colonialism, by building a new world economic system which will allow them to industrialize and overcome poverty and underdevelopment,” she said to the Saturday symposium. “They are building a great, New Development Bank of the Global South, a new Investment platform, a new BRICS grain exchange, and other institutions, which will help them to grow. It is the most urgent task for reestablishing world peace that the United States supports this effort. We must remember that the American War of Independence was the first anti-colonial war in history, by establishing independence of America from the British Empire.”

The Ten Principles for a New International Strategic and Development Architecture by Helga Zepp-LaRouche are not only a statement of principle, but a statement of intent, which, if adopted by people in the trans-Atlantic world, would supply the only means by which a collaboration with the nations of the Global South, and the Global Majority would ever be trusted, and therefore realized.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.


Webcast: The BRICS Summit and the End to 500 Years of Colonialism

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.


In a Monday meeting, Oct. 28, held to evaluate the history-making events of last week—including the Oct. 22-24 Kazan, Russia BRICS summit; the Oct. 26 symposium/concert “Build a Chorus of Peace Against the Ghouls of War,” hosted by LaRouche Independent candidates Diane Sare and Jose Vega; and the Sunday, Oct. 27 “Operation DAWN, Threat of Nuclear War in the World Today” brunch, organized by former U.S. Marines intelligence officer and whistleblower Scott Ritter—Schiller Institute head Helga Zepp-LaRouche, both contributor to and participant in those events, and earlier processes that made the achievements of those events possible, indicated what she believed needed to happen next.

“We have to absolutely make clear that the only way how the danger of a Third World War can be overcome, is that we have to get the collective West—that’s the United States and the European nations—to stop their silly geopolitical confrontation against this new majority of the world. After all, the BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, plus other nations) as they are now, represents 4.7 billion people, and 57% of the world’s population, and there are many more countries in line waiting to join. And it would be foolish, to the point of insanity, if the West would continue to oppose that.”

During last week’s Kazan BRICS conference, EIR correspondents in attendance had asked Russian advisor to host President Vladimir Putin, Anton Kobyakov, the question: Even if the BRICS is not anti-West, the West is currently anti-BRICS. If this does not change, we have the risk of nuclear war in the conflicts occurring in Ukraine and the Middle East, and a perpetuation of sanctions. Do you see the potential for activities and successes of the BRICS to change the outlook of the Anglo-American elites, to participate positively in developing a new security and development architecture, as proposed by Helga Zepp-LaRouche of the Schiller Institute?” Kobyakov had responded: “Indeed, we hope very much for that—that they will take part in hammering out, so to speak, peace initiatives. Our President talks about that, always. And we even have a nuclear deterrence strategy. The main thing is that Pax Americana, if it collapses—the main thing is that when they collapse, that they not bury all of us under the rubble.”

These are words that Americans should pay close attention to. The United States, presently on the verge of an expanding and potentially even a thermonuclear war with both Russia and China, is also on the eve of a November 5 Presidential electoral result, which will ultimately be unsatisfying, no matter which candidate wins. Two other candidates, neither of them running for the American Presidency—U.S. Senate independent candidate in New York Diane Sare, and Congressional independent candidate in the Bronx (CD15) Jose Vega—stepped into the Presidential policy vacuum, co-hosting a completely unique “international town meeting” on a new foreign and security policy. With its extraordinary set of experts, it focused, not on who is to blame, but rather, what citizens need to do, and what solutions to the present crisis must be made. In that context, the wars in Ukraine and Southwest Asia were addressed as tragic expressions of the lack of a higher perspective, and they identified the path to that higher perspective.

An international audience heard former American military officers of high rank, journalists, and even comedians, in dialogue among themselves, and with Helga Zepp-LaRouche. “These nations of the Global South are already the Global Majority, and they are determined to end the period of 500 years of colonialism, by building a new world economic system which will allow them to industrialize and overcome poverty and underdevelopment,” she said to the Saturday symposium. “They are building a great, New Development Bank of the Global South, a new Investment platform, a new BRICS grain exchange, and other institutions, which will help them to grow. It is the most urgent task for reestablishing world peace that the United States supports this effort. We must remember that the American War of Independence was the first anti-colonial war in history, by establishing independence of America from the British Empire.”

The Ten Principles for a New International Strategic and Development Architecture by Helga Zepp-LaRouche are not only a statement of principle, but a statement of intent, which, if adopted by people in the trans-Atlantic world, would supply the only means by which a collaboration with the nations of the Global South, and the Global Majority would ever be trusted, and therefore realized.

Join Helga Zepp-LaRouche October 30, 11am Eastern/4pm CET in her Weekly Live dialogue and help usher in the Year of the New Paradigm for all Humanity. Send your questions, thoughts and reports to questions@schillerinstitute.org or ask them in the live stream.





hello and welcome to our weekly dialogue with helpp larou Helga is the founder
and chairwoman of the Schiller Institute today is October 30th
2024 I’m Harley schlanger and I’ll be your host you can send your questions
and comments for Helga via email to questions Schiller institute.org or you
can post them on the chat page well h last week was was an extremely eventful
week uh three of the most significant events were the brick Summit in Kazan Russia the Sarah Vegas Symposium concert
on the 26th uh in New York City and the brunch the next day hosted by Scott
Ritter on the threat of nuclear war at the two events in New York City you were
a participant and provided a clear alternative to the wars of the oligarchy
in which you spoke of replacing geopolitics with a new strategic and development architecture so our first
question is can you elaborate on what you mean when you say we must reject
geopolitics and give your assessment of the brick Summit did it represent
positive motion toward overcoming geopolitics well yes um the Kazan
meeting uh offers a new system of relations among Nations basically based
on the five principle of peaceful coexistence namely to respect the sovereignity of every uh country of
non-interference in the internal affairs and accepting the different social
system so I think that five principles of peaceful coexistence is the basis for
the bricks conference and that is naturally also embedded in the UN Charter and if the West would stick to
the UN Charter they would have no problem in you know just associating themselves with it what stands in the
way is the uh relict uh remnant of
geopolitics which comes from the time of Empire especially the British Empire is
very notorious that they always like to manipulate the states the allying with
the weaker State against the stronger state or causing some kind of a a map
which you know would give room for manipulation of borders and ethnic
conflicts and then naturally this idea of geopolitics was emphatically
reiterated in the wolovitz doctrine at the end of the Cold War whereby the neocons uh basically
said you know that there must be a unipolar world dominated by the United States and that no group or no country
no Nation or group of Nations should ever be permitted to bypass the United
States in terms of economic political or military power now that is obviously
what was unfortunately the basis of the foreign policy in the immediate period
after the Cold War uh which led to color Revolution to regime change to
interventionist Wars by you know basically trying to keep that kind of an udip poar world and make sure that no
other government would would oppose that now this is now too short to go into all
the policies which went along with it but you know it led to a enormous
blowback because you know the idea that you can uh export the liberal model of
democracy what Francis fukuyama called the end of History which basically meant
you know that you would import or export the liberal economic neoliberal economic
model the liberal cultural model uh export the Western conception of
democracy human rights uh into all of these countries around the globe led to
a gigantic uh blowback and now what we see since quite some time is a
realignment of Nations who do not like to be uh changed you know I mean there’s
people say we have their own our own culture our own tradition and we want to stick to that so this is why you have
now a relatively loose Association of States who are not forming a block and
they are very emphatic in saying that they are not competing with NATO or the EU in terms of block building but
basically they say they are open for everybody to join including NATO
members uh so you know this would be a perfect opportunity to say let’s let’s
just put this confrontation you know that you always need an enemy and that
either a country is with you or against you and you are either Friend or Foe let’s put that scheme of black and white
aside and just recognize that it’s good it’s a good thing that the world is made up of So Many Nations and cultures and
traditions and let’s find an M Mo through common development that we can all live peacefully on this one planet
which happens to be the only one we have so far uh you know uh pending future
space exploration but this planet is the only one we have to to live on for the
time being so let’s make peace and let’s have an order which which allows that to
to that to occur now that is the overwhelming intention I mean at the
Kazan bricks meeting there were already uh 22 uh members I think uh nine or so
nine uh full members and 13 becoming
members but being already accepted as members and then a whole long line of countries who are is a hoping to become
a member in the future so already in Kazan there were 4.7 billion people
represented and with it uh 57% of the world population now that’s
clearly the global majority already right there and you know these countries
are now uh proceeding to try to build a new economic system which you know will
overcome poverty and underdevelopment of all of them and they while not yet going
fully the way to have a new Reserve currency because they want to be careful and not m not repeat the mistakes of the
euro um but they are creating new institutions they have already created
the new development bank which is supposed to become the great uh Bank of
the global South uh then you know Putin suggested a investment platform for the
bricks a grain a grain platform for the bricks so things are moving very very
rapidly and you know I think the West is still having a very difficult time not
not everybody because people who know about it Ordinary People so to speak
they are quite happy and are welcoming this development but some of the
establishments um they have a very hard time of recognizing this new uh majority
that it’s organized that it’s growing because you know if they would take a positive attitude they would have to
throw overboard all of their existing assump and exioms about the world and
obviously they’re not intellectually flexible enough to do that so they’re still refusing to to relate in any
positive way to this new uh bricks uh combination but there are more and more
voices now you know who who speak out like you know for example naturally
Hungary Slovakia the new government in Georgia but also the grandson of char Pier de go
asked that France should under no circumstances miss the opportunity to join the bricks actually he said there
are forces saying things like that in Italy in Germany so I think you know it
is now a period of great transformation and I can only say you know people
should really study this and not condemn it just because the mainstream media is
having a negative attitude uh I think it’s really a chance for Humanity to
avoid the disaster of going into a nuclear war which would end our life on
the planet if he in time can join this new situation so I think it’s a very
optimistic and very very joyful event you’re listening to hel goep
larouche the chairwoman of the Schiller Institute and and we can take your questions uh send them via email to
questions Schiller institute.org now Helga prior to the bricks Summit there
was an agreement reached between India and China to resolve their border dispute which had been a longstanding
issue so I have a question for you from a correspondent in Pakistan uh who asked
given the role of the anglo-americans and provoking confrontation do you think
this agreement can succeed in achieving better relations between India and China
and what does this mean for Pakistan well I’m pretty sure that it
will succeed because you know it’s uh clear um that you know India was the
most um contested nation of the bricks from the standpoint of that you know the
so-called democracies wanted to pull India as the supposed largest democracy
in the world into the camp of the Democrats I mean there has been a tremendous effort from the United States
from Great Britain from schz SCH schz went there with four ministers on Friday
immediately following the Kazan meeting trying to pull India into the Western
Camp by offering military equipment to reduce the quote dependency from Russia
and all of that so they have not given up on trying to pull India in the other
direction uh and I think that you know Modi is uh the lot of things one can say
about his domestic policy but I think on the Strategic Outlook he wants to keep
the independence of India in the tradition of Indian you know policies going back way back so I think that is
an important thing and I think for xingping it is also a very high priority
I mean remember that xingping went to India many years ago 10 years ago or so
and uh he made a speech in New Delhi which I read at the time in detail and I
was really impressed that shiing ping has an in-depth knowledge about Indian
history uh and you know he he emphasized the important high high points in in
Indian uh history and culture so I think you know from from that side there is a
great openness as well and what that means for uh so you know I think I think
they they will stick to it I think they know what is the opposite the obstacle I
know they know they who is trying to oppose it and they are smart
politicians but it means for Pakistan well I know that uh it probably
was India why Pakistan was not invited to the bricks Summit if I’m not
mistaken and you know obviously there are still lots of tensions but
I I’m quite optimistic that the whole idea of the belt and Road initiative or
local uh connectivity um will basically you know grow into all of
Asia all of Eurasia that will will connect uh the Asian countries with the
European countries through development corridors along the uh you know the old
silk Cod along other corridors which are newly built so I’m quite optimistic you
know that the cpeg corridor which is one of the Showcases of the whole Bel and
Road initiative will be connected to all of these other projects and that
eventually through joint Economic Development uh these tensions will will
outgo themselves now I think that also obviously will have some important
implications for the domestic policy in Pakistan which I think needs also some
improvement in terms of what is happening with Imran Khan so I think the
overall perspective you know I I think the momentum is clearly on the side of the bricks and uh therefore I think
hopefully the tensions between Pakistan and India can also be eliminated in that
context in the common of all now on Saturday there was a
conference and a a symposium and a concert sponsored by the independent candidacies of Diane sah for US Senate
and Jose Vega titled build a peace chorus against the ghouls of War we have
a question from one of the participants there who said the musical presentations were especially moving but she asks I’m
not sure I fully understand how culture can play a role in overcoming
geopolitics that’s a good question um well you know I think it’s important to
understand that both from the humanist side what I mean by humanist is I know
this word in English means a little bit has a slightly different connotation than we use the word in Europe what I
mean by humanism is uh the Italian Renaissance the German Classical period
people like beov and Chilla humo for them you know the idea of music and
culture in general but music in particular is having a direct effect on
the emotions and the reason why we and they emphasize so much classical music
of which the spiritual in the United States is a a part of is because it speaks directly to
to the heart to the to the mind but through the heart and it elevates people
uh it makes people think and feel more ennobled and more you know more
sophisticated more El elaborated more degrees of freedom in your emotional
development and that’s very important to the development of the character and and
the mind um this is why for example many great scientists including Albert
Einstein would before they would start start to work on a mathematical or
physical problem would play the violin or some other musical instrument because
it puts yourself in in a creative mindset now if you look at what the
opposite does that’s the Roman Empire you know they use the uh Circus the
Gladiators um fighting each other or Christians being thrown to the lion in
that tradition the empires always used entertainment to lower the moral and and
intellectual level of the of the people because you know they think that if people are as bestial as possible it’s
easier to control them because if they have unelevated emotions you can get
them to either you know if they they should agree to kill the Christians or
the CL Ator then they should pull down their Thum if they let them live they should put the sum up and that were
involve involving them actually in a bestial um mindset and if you look at
some of the so-called popular music and I know I’m stepping on many
people’s toes when I’m saying that but if you look at some of the pop music from Gothic uh you know to various other
forms of of rap and and and you know a bestial image of men is being put
forward or meaningless vience or you know just the the lowest part of the
human character you you you you you increase aggression you know and you can actually get people through specific
rhythms you can actually get them pretty aggressive and that you see in certain
types of football and soccer games and anyway you you you you get the gist of
what I’m I’m mean so if you want to elevate people and say that we should
not regard other nations as as enemies but we should relate to the best
tradition of the other well then you would try to find the most beautiful Fork songs or the
best classical composition uh not not every music has the kind of uh polyphonic composition
like Western classical music um but you know you you can find you know even in
simple Fork Melodies you can find incredible degrees of beauty and you
would relate to that so it is obviously you will not end an ongoing
War by playing a classical concert but you transform the people listening to
classical music into a more Noble mindset and then they’re also receptive
for more noble ideas so that’s why I think it was a real breakthrough and and
the joy to use this you know mixture of political speeches classical music
chorus music U soloists uh uh to
basically have that uh effect and some people have never been exposed to
classical music and they have a difficult time to relate it to it but I
think you know only very few hardened Minds um are not able to to eventually
get it and people can see the video of the
event last Saturday it’s posted at the Schiller institute.com and it it’s over
three hours but I I recommend watching it sharing it it it it was really quite
an extraordinary event with some very well-known speakers such as Scott Ritter Jimmy D Garland Nixon Colonel Lawrence
Wilkerson and of course Helga was there now on this question of elevating the
human Spirit and the whole question of of Brotherhood there’s several emails
from people who are angry about the continuing murderous attacks by the Israeli Defense Forces in Gaza in
Lebanon and elsewhere and we have for example Jim hog right what’s the point of trying to persuade
Psychopaths and he called for an massive armed invasion of peacekeepers to
protect Aid workers in Gaza another wrote that she’s losing hope and asked why won’t the Arab Nations or Russia
threaten to strike Israel well I think it is unspeakable
what is happening and the latest development of Israel to ban the uh
Palestinian Ian Aid organization unra um is you know just if you imagine
what is going on I mean now there are no more journalists because they have all been killed or driven
away no more Aid workers no more Medicals help no doctors and the few
reports coming from Gaza are so unbelievable you know what is happening
there basically you know it is ethnic cleansing and you know that mankind is
not capable so far to to deal with that is incredible but I you know I think
there is a lot in motion um the South African government
uh just delivered new material 5,000 pages of documentation to the
international court of justice asking for immediate action and U you know I
can only say that you know the the non-action of some governments will you
know be a stain on them for for probably ever and the fact that there are still
some governments sending weapons to Israel with everything which is going on
you know I can only I can only hope that we can mobilize uh
some alternative you know we and I I have said it last time um that that even
if it looks extremely unlikely you know with the military strikes between Israel
and Iran the ongoing horror show in Lebanon the the genocide in in Gaza I
can only hope that we can succeed to push this idea of New International
Security and development architecture on the international Arena uh and then have the Oasis
economic development plan for Southwest Asia as a part of that and really try to
change the dynamic and you know on the one side naturally you cannot rest for
one minute uh because of what’s the situation but I’m also a little bit
hopeful you know because the changes occurring are right now extremely
rapidly I think the Ukraine situation is is coming to a decisive point of change
hopefully for the better uh the situation in um the US election we have
in six days a new president one one would think um or you know in any case a
change in the situation and we have the Kazan uh results so I can only say we
have to keep mobilizing as much as we can to put the solutions on the table
which you know is an economic development plan for the entire region
because if you don’t have a approach which helps every country in in the
situation I don’t think a solution is is going to be possible so I know this is
not what some people would like to hear but I I think it is you know if it would
be an easy problem it would have been solved already and I can only say that
the hope for economic development in the context of the bed and Road initiative
is probably the only way how we will come to peace and hopefully ending the
the ma come okay I have a correction to make
from what I said earlier the event is posted at the sfor senate.com that’s
s for senate.com that’s where you can see the event from last Saturday uh on commenting on the
cultural question Diana shayer from Canada writes there’s not much culture in the west today unfortunately all we
hear and see is the Hollywood entertainment she said thankfully with the Advent of the internet we can now
access real culture so thanks for that Diana now here’s a question that came in from a
couple of people Helga what’s the status of Saudi Arabia is Saudi Arabia part of
the bricks or not uh not formally um I think they are
still sitting uh sort of on the fence U I can only imagine that they’re being
pressured a lot from Great Britain and the United States not to join the bricks um I think that they are you know
basically uh you know given the history of Saudi Arabia with Great Britain with
the United States I’m not totally sure what the internal Dynamic is of Saudi
Arabia but as of now I think they are sitting on the defense and uh you know
one can only assume that they will go with the tide
eventually okay um let’s see okay here’s
a question from someone who’s referring to events from Sunday there was an
election in Georgia and the the Georgia dream party which is
considered a pro- Moscow party won the election the parliamentary election and
immediately the European Union and NATO uh ex uh Express their discontent their
unhappiness and this person is writing and do you think there will be an attempt at a maidon coup in Georgia and
if is and if so what would Putin do well I think it’s very very
interesting because what becomes very clear is that if a poor NATO country
wins anywhere it’s a victory of democracy and if the opponent win then
it is vote for and has to be opposed I mean it’s becoming so apparent you know
the dream party had 54% I think the uh the poor European union party had 39% so
it’s an overwhelming Victory but that did not prevent the president the you
know who’s obviously proe in Pro West uh
she is actually a pupil of SPO pinski she studied at columia University she
was a French Ambassador at one point she has a French nationality so in my view
she’s one of these typical examples you know where certain po Western
politicians have been put in positions in the former Soviet republics and then
there are you know very loud in demanding you know to join Freedom and the west and so forth but not
representing the actual uh will will of the people now the fact is that the
Georgian population you know I mean remember that there was a war in Georgia
in 2008 where Russia did intervene in O sou
oisha and abazia and uh you know this was a very dangerous uh moment for Georgia this was
you know I think it was the result of the effort uh to pull Georgia into NATO
which was promised at the NATO Summit in budap in bu Bucharest Budapest Bucharest
in 2008 um and a lot of trouble you know for Ukraine resulted out of that totally
uh Reckless promise that Ukraine could join NATO and you know when
basically that led then to the Russian intervention uh in Georgia this stopped it for Georgia at
the time being and you know obviously Georgia is in a in a very uh difficult
situation um because it has to be they’re not anti-west you know they’re making the dream party is saying they
want to be part of the European Union or part of the west but they also want to have good relationship to Russia and
isn’t that a reasonable position I mean what do you think why is Mexico not joining the bricks because they’re at
the border of the United States and there is a saying in Mexico that they only have one problem and that is
geographical and historical obviously what this refers to so Georgia is in a
comparable uh situation and is it not wiser to say that they want to have a
good relationship to both like Slovakia like Hungary uh and um know so I think
this whole idea what the EU is doing OA ferine basically you know calling out
this election and so it it’s just is exactly the kind of geopolitical thinking I was talking about before and
it is not good for the Georgian people and uh sure they are trying Maan right
now there is no question about it uh hopefully it can it can be calmed down
and I don’t think uh I don’t think Putin would allow Georgia to go in the direction what was attempted in Ukraine
because it’s it’s a vital security interest of Russia uh not to have
offensive weapon systems at the border which can reach deep into the territory
of Russia that’s a red line and I think you know would the United States uh
accept um mexic um Cuban or Chinese or
Russian offensive systems at the border of Canada us or Mexico us obviously not
so there should be an equal principle for all and therefore I can only hope
that this uh effort to repeat the maidan can be
diffused and the Georgia border with Russia is almost 600 miles uh on this
question of Mexico the the other saying about Mexico is uh Mexico is too far
from God too close to the United States now hel I have a couple more questions
for you one is from Germany there are reports of growing tension within the
the governing Coalition of the free Democrats the greens and the the social
Democrats as their votes have been collapsing in in the last three state elections so the question uh that comes
in is what would you propose to replace the failed and unpopular Schultz coalition
government well you know the Coalition is uh really not functioning they they
are obviously they have managed to ruin Germany to a degree you know Schultz
yesterday uh there were two economic Summits one was called by Schultz with
the CEOs of the Auto industry and then another one called by finance minister
lintner with the middle level Industries and startups and the two had nothing to
do with each other so it was like two two you know the chancellor and the
Finance Minister basically trying to you know pose themselves against each other
for future election results but obviously you know they have
two completely different concepts none of them Works uh we have a huge crisis
in Germany right now where VW is uh has announced that they want to to close
down three uh factories uh basically laying off tens of thousands of workers
and the region of walsburg you know which has a lot of these plants um and
suppliers uh is basically about to be completely shut down and ruined this is
a major national crisis and you know there are now several
spokesmen from the fdp but also lintner himself who basically say you know it
could very well be that the Coalition does not outlift this fall and Lindner
said this is a fall of decision so it could very well be if they do not manage
to get an agreement among the three Coalition Partners on the budget for 25
um I think the government will fall and it could fall Before Christmas now on the
replacement uh that’s not so easy because unfortunately the present
Chancellor candidate of the CDU CSU fedish matz is uh has profiled himself
as being one of the most hawkish uh poor War um persons he’s demanding that the
tawus missile should be delivered to Ukraine which I don’t understand how you
can in your right mind say this when even a top level Ukrainian uh
Commander um just came out yesterday and said you
know that the whole front is collapsing that it’s a lack of ammunition it’s a
lack of soldiers they don’t have resupplies the soldiers are on the front
are super tired because they have been fighting for years and basically he said he admitted that
the thing is not functioning and coming to an end so in this situation to call
for an escalation means you know anybody who is willing to do that is just saying
let’s butcher some more ukrainians in in a war which has a
geostrategic uh aim for NATO but which obviously is is fought on the back of
the Ukrainian population and is uh you know killing more people so you know
therefore you know the opposition in Germany right now uh at least the
traditional opposition uh is not creating any any change um you know not
at all uh now concerning the uh other new parties the RFD and the BSW the
venes party uh they could gain a lot more votes in in the new election I’m
pretty sure they would um and I think there is right now an extremely
interesting um Battleground in turingan uh in
Brandenburg uh where the bsv negotiated with the SPD some you know Preparatory
uh paper for entering negotiations for a coalition um they could find an
agreement on the key demand of the vagen uh party uh which you know says on
foreign policy no more weapons to Ukraine and no to the installation of us
medium range missiles from 26 on uh and they found some agreement which is still
watered down but it’s agreeable to both sides in turingan the local uh chairwoman of the
bsv uh capitulated much more to the CDU but by you know just having a very
wishy-washy statement which caused vages to attack this very
sharly uh and there is now a huge poll within the bsv where most people say we
did not uh go into this fight to just become a party like all the others where
it doesn’t make a difference what you say because the policy Remains the Same so I think that is very interesting but
all of that will mean that the polarization in Germany will increase
and uh if there’s early elections I’m pretty sure uh that these uh opposition
parties will gain a lot more votes because you know people are really scared about the world it’s not just
Ukraine and Southwest Asia people really think that we are in a a terrible crisis
and uh they they are looking for people whom they can trust and uh I think that
the previously governing parties have lost the confidence of the population to
a very large degree already so it it it will be difficult because you know
the the government formation when you have so many parties trying to do that
is very difficult so I can only say what we will try to do we will try to tell
people you know no matter what party you belong to you should you know basically
organize that Europe Germany but also other European nations are relating in a
positive way to the bricks and that we should convince even the United States
to do likewise because that is the only way how I can see that we get out of this
crisis and the final question also is about elections by the time we speak
again next week the US election will presumably be over uh we have two
comments one is from Fred who says the corruption of the present political
parties uh shows that without free elections the will of the people will never be heard uh having been in the
United States the last couple of weeks and watching the ads on on television
it’s all negative uh attack ads and so on so the question comes from a New York
supporter given the choices we have what do you recommend we should do
uh I mean I don’t know I mean the impression uh one gets from the level of
the discussion um you know where the candidates um just attack each other and
and you know as you say negative to the to The Hil makes it very difficult um I
think the only thing I could full-heartedly suggest is that you absolutely help in the remaining days
especially if you are from New York uh to get as many votes for Diane sah and
Jose Vega and U you know the rest I don’t
want to to make any suggestions whatsoever because you know maybe maybe
with Trump the Ukraine war would end early but I’m not so um optimistic what
his mid East policy would be so I don’t want to I I don’t want to really suggest
any anything in that respect I think we are in a in a aoca change you know I
have said many times the period of 500 years of World Order where the so-called
West dominated the colonial countries is coming to an end you know I think there
is no way how we will return to you know the kind of system which was you know
based on on colonialism and imperialism and now the big question is
you know can we in the west get some kind of a Renaissance going back to our best values and you
know I think the only people who represent that were the people collected at the concert on
Saturday um you know which I think was a formidable combination of people and I I
could not tell who else would have been able to pull that kind of a combination
together you know from uh the Eisenhower media people to the VIPs
Veterans for in in for City in intelligence to Diane and and Jose Vega
and and the musicians and so forth and I think you know no matter what happens in terms of the presidential
election um I think that you know I would vote for somebody who is
anti-war um and who whoever is not for anti-war should not be voted for but I
think that will not resolve the problem because I think we will go into more
transformation uh I think we will not get the world safe until we get to the new security and development
architecture I’ve been talking about now for almost two and a half years or
almost three years um and since there are many countries including what comes
from shiing ping what comes from Putin from the bricks I mean I mean Putin’s
offer for a Eurasian security order uh security architecture and recent
proposals by China proposing a Global Security architecture which in formulations comes very close to what we
have been discussing uh so I think we have to think in that terms and not be
hung up on the election as such the only thing I can endorse wholeheartedly is Diane and Jose
well this is certainly an exciting period and a fascinating period of time and I I think one of the things Jose has
said uh is pretty much parallel to what you’re saying Jose said vote for yourself make yourself a significant
factor in shaping of the election and I I think that’s what one of the best
pieces of advice I’ve heard so Helga thanks for joining us again today and uh I assume we’ll have an International
Peace Coalition call on Friday again yes and obviously it will be
important uh because a lot is happening in changes in Ukraine in Southwest Asia
so make sure you are on that call okay so I’ll see you on Saturday
then or Friday excuse me Friday Friday till then
Englisch (automatisch erzeugt)


Über admin

Hausarzt, i.R., seit 1976 im der Umweltorganisation BUND, schon lange in der Umweltwerkstatt, seit 1983 in der ärztlichen Friedensorganisation IPPNW (www.ippnw.de und ippnw.org), seit 1995 im Friedenszentrum, seit 2000 in der Dachorganisation Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, und ich bin seit etwa 15 Jahren in der Linkspartei// Family doctor, retired, since 1976 in the environmental organization BUND, for a long time in the environmental workshop, since 1983 in the medical peace organization IPPNW (www.ippnw.de and ippnw.org), since 1995 in the peace center, since 2000 in the umbrella organization Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, and I am since about 15 years in the Left Party//
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