Jeffrey Sachs – Path to War With China.

a written text:  Jeffrey Sachs – Path to War With China.

Hier die verschriftliche Version auf Deutsch: Jeffrey Sachs – Der Weg zum Krieg mit China

Jeffrey Sachs – Path to War With China.

Good afternoon to everybody,

and the noise may be coming from my area.

It’s six a.m and I am in Athens. So I’m in a cafeteria which is very nicely allowing me to have the video now and I hope that I can be heard.

 I want to thank you for inviting me and thank Shape (?) for its leadership and I just had the privilege to listen to Allison Bronowsky and Chung in moon and these are brilliant statements that we’ve all been treated with, absolutely insightful.  I absolutely agree with all that has been said.

The world has gone mad, but especially the Anglo-Saxon world.  I’m afraid. I don’t know whether there is The Deep Madness  any sense at all in our little English-speaking corner of the world.  I’m of course speaking of the United States, UK, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.

There’s something profoundly disheartening about the politics of our countries right now. The Deep Madness I’m afraid is a British Imperial thinking. Taking over by the United States. My country, the U.S, is unrecognizable now compared even to 20 or 30 years ago.

I’m not sure to tell you the truth who runs the country. I do not believe it is the president of the United States right Now. We are run by generals by our security establishment the public is privy to nothing. The lies that are told about foreign policy are daily and pervasive by a mainstream media that I can barely -What is this about- listen to or read anymore.

The New York Times, Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and the main television Outlets are 100 repeating government propaganda by the day and it’s almost impossible to break through what is this about. Well, it’s as you’ve heard, it’s about a Madness of the United States, to keep U.S hegemony militarized, dominated by the thinking  of generals who are mediocre intellects, personally greedy and without any sense, because their only modus operandi is to make war and then cheerlead by Britain, which is unfortunately in my adult life increasingly pathetic in being a cheerleader for the United States  for this hegemony and for war.

Whatever the U.S says Britain will say it ten times more enthusiastically and it could not love more the war in Ukraine which is the great second Crimean War for the British media and for the British political leadership now.

How Australia and New Zealand fall for this idiocy is really a deep question for you because people should know better, but I’m afraid. How Australia and New Zealand fall that it is the five eyes and the security establishment that held the politicians to the extent that the politicians are involved in this.  Well this is how we have to do it this is our Security State. And I don’t think our politicians necessarily have much role in this.

By the way the public has no role at all in U.S foreign policy.  We have no debate no discussion no deliberation no debates over voting the 100 now 100 13 billion but in fact much more money spent on the Ukraine war so far. There’s not been an hour of organized debate even in the Congress on this much less in the public. But my guess is that your security establishment is really the driver of this  and then they explain to the Prime Minister and to the others you know this is National Security, the utmost National Security. And this is what America has told us  and let me explain what we’re seeing and of course you cannot divulge this to the broader public, but this is at the essence of the struggle for survival in the world.

 Everything I see myself, I’m 43 years in this activity as a as aneconomic advisor all over the world is nonsense,  and one thing that would be interesting for people to look at to understand these developments is a very telling article by a former colleague of mine at Harvard, Robert Blackwell and Ashley Kellis,  written for the Council on Foreign Relations, about eight years ago, now I just want to read a couple excerpts from it, because it laid out the whole plan of what’s happening right now, pretty directly which is how things work in the U.S, which is the through the establishment media. You’re  basically told in not necessarily completely explicit terms The Black Will, what’s going to happen.

Because what is unfolding right now is really part of a longer term planned agenda.  It’s not ad hoc.  So here’s what the black will and tell us, wrote in 2015 first quote:  since its founding the United States has consistently pursued a grand strategy focused on acquiring and maintaining preeminent power over various Rivals first on the North American continent,           then in the Western Hemisphere and finally globally.

And then argues that this goal of Primacy ought to remain the central objective  of U.S Grand strategy in the 21st century, so what’s the goal:

The goal is very straightforward, it is Primacy of the United States globally,  then Black Will and tell us layout the game plan for China so they tell us what to do here’s the list it’s I’m only excerpting

quote:  create new preferential trading Arrangements among U.S friends  and allies to increase their Mutual gains through instruments that consciously exclude China okay this is the game that already Obama Started with TPP he couldn’t get it through but I’ll go on and then I’ll comment

second create a technology control regime to block China’s strategic capabilities to build up

quote:  power political capacities of U.S friends and allies on China’s periphery  and strengthen U.S military forces along the Asian rimlands despite any Chinese opposition what I find remarkable about this  was a list made in 2015.

it’s exactly the step-by-step plan of action NATO enlargement  this is repeated in recent history in 1997’s big Brzezinski in an article in foreign affairs laid out exactly the timeline for NATO enlargement and the intention to include Ukraine in NATO enlargement because this was already the security establishment plan.

Of course it’s led us directly to the Ukraine War, which is a war over NATO enlargement now the friends that have and the Geniuses that have brought the world the Ukraine war want to bring the war to your neighborhood with the, as Professor Moon said,  the North Atlantic Treaty Organization starting to open its offices in Asia, which is not exactly the North Atlantic so this is where we are. It’s not absolutely simple to see through  for one main reason,  at least in the U.S I don’t know what it’s like in Australia, but I expect that it’s the same we have no honesty or discussion at all about this  the policies are owned entirely by the security establishment, the military industrial complex the network of quote think tanks which are non-think tanks in Washington, every one of which is funded by the military-industrial complex,  they’ve taken over the East Coast universities entirely where I teach, top 20 years at Harvard I teach at Columbia University, this is our mileu right now and the silent coup happened in essence, no debate no public politics no honesty no documents revealed, everything secret everything confidential and mysterious moves and since I happened to be an economist that engages with the heads of state around the world I hear a lot of things  and so I’ve seen and heard a lot of things directly which helped me to understand the lies every day. But you will not find any of this in our public discourse.

Just a word about the Ukraine war completely predictable and part of a plan of action that goes back to the early 1990s  to essentially bring Ukraine war into the U.S military orbit and Brzezinski again in1997 in the global chess board  his geopolitical book laid it out completely Russia without Ukraine is nothing.

Ukraine is the geographical pivot for Eurasia and basically go get it. Interestingly  Brzezinski said in 1997 in the book:   but the one thing absolutely American policy makers need to ensure is that they don’t push Russia and China into an alliance together. But then he says that’s pretty much Unthinkable you know, don’t worry about that, but that would be the craziest thing in the world and it’s exactly what these crazy people have done.

I happen to have been an advisor to Gorbachev to Yeltsin and to Kuchma in the early days of the both the late days of perestroika in the early days after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. I watched very closely what was happening I saw that the United States was absolutely uninterested in any way in helping to Ukraine helping Russia to stabilize.  The  idea from the start was unipolarity.

Keep Russia down and take steps already decided in 1992.  Basically in direct contradiction to what had been told to Gorbachev and Yeltsin, to start expanding NATO so this is a game plan with a long Horizon when it comes to China and, by the way, the the U.S was deeply implicated in the overthrow of Ukraine’s president in 2014.

 It was a coup it was to an important extent to regime change operation of the United States. Not entirely but to a very significant extent I happen to see part of it a very weird way up close  and I know how U.S money poured into supporting the Maidan and it was incredibly disgusting and very unnerving and Putin noticed that the U.S contributed NATO expansion to the overthrow of a friendly government next door with in the context of the explicit intention to push NATO by the way not only to Ukraine but also to Georgia and when one looks at the map  it’s Brzynski’s idea surround Russia in the Black Sea region, Ukraine Romania Bulgaria turkey and Georgia would all be members of NATO.

That would be the end of Russian power projection in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East. So go these geniuses and Putin gave many opportunities for negotiation out of this the Minsk agreements endorsed by the U.N security Council in 2021 December 17.  He  put on the table perfectly reasonable document for negotiation the draft U.S Russia security Arrangements, which called for an end to Nato expansion.

The U.S blew it off I called the White House after that was put on the table spoke to one of our top security officials  and said negotiate, stop the NATO enlargement,  you have a US response chance to avoid war.

 The United States formal response to Putin was: NATO is non-negotiable. This is a something only between the U.S and Ukraine and Russia has no say  in NATO enlargement to Ukraine.  It s a mind-boggling way to pursue Foreign Affairs, because it is a direct road to War as you know.  I hope everybody understands this war in Ukraine was close to ending in March 2022 with a negotiated agreement a month after Russia invaded on February 24th.

With an agreement between Ukraine and Russia. That the United States stopped because the U.S said fight on, fight on. Don’t negotiate, don’t accept neutrality.

 And so here we are in a war that continues to escalate towards possible Nuclear war which is what would happen if Russia were to suffer deep defeats on the battlefield. It’s not doing that right now, it’s not experiencing that but if it did it just escalates to nuclear war.

 Russia is not going to be defeated, pushed out ofCrimea and go home meekly and saying we’re sorry we did that. It’s going to escalate if it needs to escalate so we are right now in a spiral that is extremely dangerous. Japan plays utterly into this and Australia.

 It’s so sad uh to to watch Australia accepting to be used in this Reckless way to pay a fortune and U.S actions by and large till now with very few exceptions, U.S actions are putting us on a path to war with China in the same way that U.S actions did in Ukraine, only this war well, but either War could end everything but the whole idea  of the U.S and its allies  fighting China is mind-boggling in its implications,  in its stupidity in its profound dangers and in its utter divorce from real security interests and from reality  because China is not a threat to Australia it is not a threat to the world and last time I looked, correct me because there’s some experts in the room,  many more than I, but I don’t know of a single overseas Chinese invasion in its history by the way other than on the borders I don’t know in its whole history except when the Mongols briefly ruled China and tried to invade Japan  other than the Mongol invasion foreign defeated by a typhoon, other than that I Worry List don’t know  of another single case in 2200 years of Chinese statecraft so this is not exactly at the top of my Worry List, this is what worries me about the world,  is a deeply neurotic United States,  that aims to be number one,  that can’t be number one in the way, that itself believes to be number one, that has a pathetic and I’m sorry to use the term, but it is pathetic cheerleader in London, every day saying how wonderful it is, Empire is great you should go try it we love it.

I’m gonna stop here sorry to go on and on  but let me just if I could,  one minute to say what should be done the war in Ukraine could end the day after Biden steps up and says NATO will not enlarge to Ukraine  believe it the basis for negotiation has been there for 20 years and rejected by the U.S.,

second the idea of opening NATO offices in Asia,  is mind-boggling in its risk and its stupidity and please tell the Japanese stop this, it’s Reckless.

Third the U.S approach to Taiwan except in a glimmer of reality of the blinken last month is profoundly dangerous provocative and deliberately so.

Fourth what is needed is regional dialogue in Asia in Asia among Asians and among the Asia Pacific.

 And  fifth use our sep because our sep is actually the correct concept for the region to bring together China Korea Japan asean Australia and New Zealand in a coherent framework.

Especially around the climate challenge energy policy, trade policy investment policy would do a world of good not only for the 15 in the Asia Pacific but for the entire world. Sorry to have run on so long and to ramble but it’s so important what shape is doing you’re completely on the right track and all best wishes to your efforts.

Englisch (automatisch erzeugt)

Über admin

Hausarzt, i.R., seit 1976 im der Umweltorganisation BUND, schon lange in der Umweltwerkstatt, seit 1983 in der ärztlichen Friedensorganisation IPPNW ( und, seit 1995 im Friedenszentrum, seit 2000 in der Dachorganisation Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, und ich bin seit etwa 15 Jahren in der Linkspartei// Family doctor, retired, since 1976 in the environmental organization BUND, for a long time in the environmental workshop, since 1983 in the medical peace organization IPPNW ( and, since 1995 in the peace center, since 2000 in the umbrella organization Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, and I am since about 15 years in the Left Party//
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