Appeal for de-escalation before the NATO meeting in Ramstein on 21.01.23!

Appeal for de-escalation

In Deutsch
In French:    Appel à la désescalade

Appeal for de-escalation before the NATO meeting in Ramstein on 21.01.23!
An important appeal to the IPPNW, which should also be an appeal to all,
especially the Germans!

Here is the translation of the French interview with DeGaulle in the interview with  Interview with De Gaulle, Ukraine!!!

Best regards, Helmut

Tulpenweg 11, 38108 Braunschweig, Tel: 0049 531 350513 Mobile: 0049 176 577 47 881,,

Sent: Wednesday, 18 January 2023 23:50
From: “Christoph
To: “ippnw-deutschland – Mailinglist” <>
Subject: [Ippnw-germany] For an IPPNW call for de-escalation before the NATO meeting in Ramstein on 21.01.23!
Dear IPPNW colleagues and board members,As is well known, the NATO leading power USA has summoned the remaining members to Ramstein for the coming weekend in order to plan further escalation steps in the Ukraine war.
Specifically, it will now be about the delivery of heavy modern NATO battle tanks of the caliber of the Leopard II.
This time, too, Chancellor Scholz is likely to buckle there – as he did last year, when he originally did not want to either – with his cautious balking against it.
Perhaps he hopes that also from the population nevertheless still a few more and more weighty Eskalations-Skeptiker:innen to word? With all joy over the second anniversary of the atomic weapon prohibition treaty, which dominated today our Website:
Under the given fire-hazardous circumstances, I think that if we are committed to the long-term goal of banning nuclear weapons, we should also fight for a short-term goal:
For the prevention of nuclear war!
What do we know then, where exactly is the red line for the Russian side, which, if crossed, it sees as a vital threat to Russia’s existence?
What is currently happening – and will reach a new climax on Saturday – is the systematic testing of how far the West can go.
Only that this is not a game, but is now acutely at stake, which is why the IPPNW was founded in 1980.*Ramstein will send an essential signal for this:
For an unlimited further turning of the escalation spiral – – let’s see how far we can go until it pops – –
or will some of the previous hasardeurs come to their senses in time?
Or are at least beset by doubts (like Vietnam-Kissinger at the moment)? I therefore urgently plead for a strong sign on the part of the IPPNW on this important day – at least for a press release!
at least for a press release!
The tenor should be:
Real negotiations must finally be started!  Real negotiations means that BOTH sides are ready to give in, also their own! In order to sensitize for the fact that not everywhere in the world people, who admonish, are immediately denigrated as Putin friends, I would like to refer finally to the “interjection” for a turn of the German Ukraine war policy, which the former SPD chancellor candidate Oskar Lafontaine has published on 06.01.23:

Warum schweigt Merkel?

In it he refers to an interview with Pierre de Gaulle (grandson of General Charles de Gaulle) published in France on 27.12.22:
as well as to an interview with Angela Merkel, which appeared on ZEIT-online on 07.12. and in the print edition on 08.12.22
(I can send you the text if you are interested, unfortunately I do not have a free link).I would be glad if this appeal would not lead to denigration, but to serious considerations among ourselves.Already before 24.02.22 the Doomsday Clock of the >Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists< stood at 3 minutes to midnight…Deeply concerned greetings to allChristoph

* When the world lurched into WW1 a good 100 years ago, hardly anyone could have imagined it as late as 1914 (much like now).   Let alone the extent of what came next.

Über admin

Hausarzt, i.R., seit 1976 im der Umweltorganisation BUND, schon lange in der Umweltwerkstatt, seit 1983 in der ärztlichen Friedensorganisation IPPNW ( und, seit 1995 im Friedenszentrum, seit 2000 in der Dachorganisation Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, und ich bin seit etwa 15 Jahren in der Linkspartei// Family doctor, retired, since 1976 in the environmental organization BUND, for a long time in the environmental workshop, since 1983 in the medical peace organization IPPNW ( and, since 1995 in the peace center, since 2000 in the umbrella organization Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, and I am since about 15 years in the Left Party//
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