an alternative perspective on the current crises

A New Perspective on Current Crises, Dec. 2024

Dear Fellow Human Beings,

I would like to invite you to consider an alternative perspective on the current crises. In a 35-minute YouTube video by Stefan Homburg (Watch here), he illustrates how we were deliberately misinformed during the COVID-19 crisis. This raises an important question: Could something similar be happening with the wars in Gaza and Ukraine?

Let’s begin with the Gaza war. Here, the disregard for international law is particularly evident. Two reports offer valuable insights into the situation:

  • British surgeon Dr. Nizam Mamode describes the conditions on the ground (Watch here).
  • American volunteer doctor Dr. Mark Perlmutter shares his experiences from Gaza (Watch here).

The war in Ukraine also has complex roots. Analyses by Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer provide thought-provoking insights:

  • Jeffrey Sachs explains how NATO and the USA provoked the conflict (Read here).
  • John Mearsheimer elaborates on why the war is closely linked to NATO expansion (Read here).

We face enormous challenges—not least the threat of nuclear war. It might be helpful to engage with these perspectives to better understand the events unfolding before us.

Additionally, the analyses of Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (10 Astonishing Facts You May Not Know About 9/11) suggest that disinformation has been a recurring issue—from 9/11 to COVID-19 to the current crises.

I hope these approaches encourage reflection and critical thinking.

Warm regards,
Helmut Käss

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Über admin

Hausarzt, i.R., seit 1976 im der Umweltorganisation BUND, schon lange in der Umweltwerkstatt, seit 1983 in der ärztlichen Friedensorganisation IPPNW ( und, seit 1995 im Friedenszentrum, seit 2000 in der Dachorganisation Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, und ich bin seit etwa 15 Jahren in der Linkspartei// Family doctor, retired, since 1976 in the environmental organization BUND, for a long time in the environmental workshop, since 1983 in the medical peace organization IPPNW ( and, since 1995 in the peace center, since 2000 in the umbrella organization Friedensbündnis Braunschweig, and I am since about 15 years in the Left Party//
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