Nachdenkseiten: Parteien zur Wahl 25


Parteien zur Wahl 25:  Vergleich der Wahlprogramme der Parteien zur Bundestagswahl:


Wirtschaft und Energie

schaft und Energie

Abbildung 1: Positionen der Parteien zu Wirtschaft und Energie, Datenquelle: Wahlprogramme der Parteien

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Ein Treffen der Weltelite – und der große Abwesende

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Isaac Asimov: Die letzte Frage/ The last Question

Isaac Asimov: Die letzte Frage/ The last Question

Hier ist die Story auf Englisch in etwa 14 Seiten, darunter die ersten Seiten auf Deutsch: 

The Last Question

By Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov was the most prolific science fiction author of all time. In fifty years he averaged a new magazine article, short story, or book every two weeks, and most of that on a manual typewriter. Asimov thought that The Last Question, first copyrighted in 1956, was his best short story ever. Even if you do not have the background in science to be familiar with all of the concepts presented here, the ending packs more impact than any other book that I’ve ever read. Don’t read the end of the story first!

This is by far my favorite story of all those I have written.

     After all, I undertook to tell several trillion years of human history in the space of a short story and I leave it to you as to how well I succeeded. I also undertook another task, but I won’t tell you what that was lest l spoil the story for you.

     It is a curious fact that innumerable readers have asked me if I wrote this story. They seem never to remember the title of the story or (for sure) the author, except for the vague thought it might be me. But, of course, they never forget the story itself especially the ending. The idea seems to drown out everything — and I’m satisfied that it should.

The last question was asked for the first time, half in jest, on May 21, 2061, at a time when humanity first stepped into the light. The question came about as a result of a five-dollar bet over highballs, and it happened this way:

Alexander Adell and Bertram Lupov were two of the faithful attendants of Multivac. As well as any human beings could, they knew what lay behind the cold, clicking, flashing face — miles and miles of face — of that giant computer. They had at least a vague notion of the general plan of relays and circuits that had long since grown past the point where any single human could possibly have a firm grasp of the whole.

Multivac was self-adjusting and self-correcting. It had to be, for nothing human could adjust and correct it quickly enough or even adequately enough. So Adell and Lupov attended the monstrous giant only lightly and superficially, yet as well as any men could. They fed it data, adjusted questions to its needs and translated the answers that were issued. Certainly they, and all others like them, were fully entitled to share in the glory that was Multivac’s

For decades, Multivac had helped design the ships and plot the trajectories that enabled man to reach the Moon, Mars, and Venus, but past that, Earth’s poor resources could not support the ships. Too much energy was needed for the long trips. Earth exploited its coal and uranium with increasing efficiency, but there was only so much of both.

But slowly Multivac learned enough to answer deeper questions more fundamentally, and on May 14, 2061, what had been theory, became fact.

The energy of the sun was stored, converted, and utilized directly on a planet-wide scale. All Earth turned off its burning coal, its fissioning uranium, and flipped the switch that connected all of it to a small station, one mile in diameter, circling the Earth at half the distance of the Moon. All Earth ran by invisible beams of sunpower.

Seven days had not sufficed to dim the glory of it and Adell and Lupov finally managed to escape from the public functions, and to meet in quiet where no one would think of looking for them, in the deserted underground chambers, where portions of the mighty buried body of Multivac showed. Unattended, idling, sorting data with contented lazy clickings, Multivac, too, had earned its vacation and the boys appreciated that. They had no intention, originally, of disturbing it.

They had brought a bottle with them, and their only concern at the moment was to relax in the company of each other and the bottle.

„It’s amazing when you think of it,“ said Adell. His broad face had lines of weariness in it, and he stirred his drink slowly with a glass rod, watching the cubes of ice slur clumsily about. „All the energy we can possibly ever use for free. Enough energy, if we wanted to draw on it, to melt all Earth into a big drop of impure liquid iron, and still never miss the energy so used. All the energy we could ever use, forever and forever and forever.“

Lupov cocked his head sideways. He had a trick of doing that when he wanted to be contrary, and he wanted to be contrary now, partly because he had had to carry the ice and glassware. „Not forever,“ he said.

„Oh, hell, just about forever. Till the sun runs down, Bert.“

„That’s not forever.“

„All right, then. Billions and billions of years. Ten billion, maybe. Are you satisfied?“

Lupov put his fingers through his thinning hair as though to reassure himself that some was still left and sipped gently at his own drink. „Ten billion years isn’t forever.“

„Well, it will last our time, won’t it?“

„So would the coal and uranium.“

„All right, but now we can hook up each individual spaceship to the Solar Station, and it can go to Pluto and back a million times without ever worrying about fuel. You can’t do that on coal and uranium. Ask Multivac, if you don’t believe me.

„I don’t have to ask Multivac. I know that.“

„Then stop running down what Multivac’s done for us,“ said Adell, blazing up, „It did all right.“

„Who says it didn’t? What I say is that a sun won’t last forever. That’s all I’m saying. We’re safe for ten billion years, but then what?“ Lupow pointed a slightly shaky finger at the other. „And don’t say we’ll switch to another sun.“

There was silence for a while. Adell put his glass to his lips only occasionally, and Lupov’s eyes slowly closed. They rested.

Then Lupov’s eyes snapped open. „You’re thinking we’ll switch to another sun when ours is done, aren’t you?“

„I’m not thinking.“

„Sure you are. You’re weak on logic, that’s the trouble with you. You’re like the guy in the story who was caught in a sudden shower and who ran to a grove of trees and got under one. He wasn’t worried, you see, because he figured when one tree got wet through, he would just get under another one.“

„I get it,“ said Adell. „Don’t shout. When the sun is done, the other stars will be gone, too.“

„Darn right they will,“ muttered Lupov. „It all had a beginning in the original cosmic explosion, whatever that was, and it’ll all have an end when all the stars run down. Some run down faster than others. Hell, the giants won’t last a hundred million years. The sun will last ten billion years and maybe the dwarfs will last two hundred billion for all the good they are. But just give us a trillion years and everything will be dark. Entropy has to increase to maximum, that’s all.“

„I know all about entropy,“ said Adell, standing on his dignity.

„The hell you do.“

„I know as much as you do.“

„Then you know everything’s got to run down someday.“

„All right. Who says they won’t?“

„You did, you poor sap. You said we had all the energy we needed, forever. You said ‚forever.‘

It was Adell’s turn to be contrary. „Maybe we can build things up again someday,“ he said.


„Why not? Someday.“


„Ask Multivac.“

You ask Multivac. I dare you. Five dollars says it can’t be done.“

Adell was just drunk enough to try, just sober enough to be able to phrase the necessary symbols and operations into a question which, in words, might have corresponded to this: Will mankind one day without the net expenditure of energy be able to restore the sun to its full youthfulness even after it had died of old age?

Or maybe it could be put more simply like this: How can the net amount of entropy of the universe be massively decreased?

Multivac fell dead and silent. The slow flashing of lights ceased, the distant sounds of clicking relays ended.

Then, just as the frightened technicians felt they could hold their breath no longer, there was a sudden springing to life of the teletype attached to that portion of Multivac. Five words were printed: INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER.

„No bet,“ whispered Lupov. They left hurriedly.

By next morning, the two, plagued with throbbing head and cottony mouth, had forgotten the incident.

Jerrodd, Jerrodine, and Jerrodette I and II watched the starry picture in the visiplate change as the passage through hyperspace was completed in its non-time lapse. At once, the even powdering of stars gave way to the predominance of a single bright shining disk, the size of a marble, centered on the viewing-screen.

„That’s X-23,“ said Jerrodd confidently. His thin hands clamped tightly behind his back and the knuckles whitened.

The little Jerrodettes, both girls, had experienced the hyperspace passage for the first time in their lives and were self-conscious over the momentary sensation of insideoutness. They buried their giggles and chased one another wildly about their mother, screaming, „We’ve reached X-23 — we’ve reached X-23 — we’ve –„

„Quiet, children.“ said Jerrodine sharply. „Are you sure, Jerrodd?“

„What is there to be but sure?“ asked Jerrodd, glancing up at the bulge of featureless metal just under the ceiling. It ran the length of the room, disappearing through the wall at either end. It was as long as the ship.

Jerrodd scarcely knew a thing about the thick rod of metal except that it was called a Microvac, that one asked it questions if one wished; that if one did not it still had its task of guiding the ship to a preordered destination; of feeding on energies from the various Sub-galactic Power Stations; of computing the equations for the hyperspatial jumps.

Jerrodd and his family had only to wait and live in the comfortable residence quarters of the ship. Someone had once told Jerrodd that the „ac“ at the end of „Microvac“ stood for “automatic computer“ in ancient English, but he was on the edge of forgetting even that.

Jerrodine’s eyes were moist as she watched the visiplate. „I can’t help it. I feel funny about leaving Earth.“

„Why, for Pete’s sake?“ demanded Jerrodd. „We had nothing there. We’ll have everything on X-23. You won’t be alone. You won’t be a pioneer. There are over a million people on the planet already. Good Lord, our great-grandchildren will be looking for new worlds because X-23 will be overcrowded.“ Then, after a reflective pause, „I tell you, it’s a lucky thing the computers worked out interstellar travel the way the race is growing.“

„I know, I know,“ said Jerrodine miserably.

Jerrodette I said promptly, „Our Microvac is the best Microvac in the world.“


„I think so, too,“ said Jerrodd, tousling her hair.

It was a nice feeling to have a Microvac of your own and Jerrodd was glad he was part of his generation and no other. In his father’s youth, the only computers had been tremendous machines taking up a hundred square miles of land. There was only one to a planet. Planetary ACs they were called. They had been growing in size steadily for a thousand years and then, all at once, came refinement. In place of transistors, had come molecular valves so that even the largest Planetary AC could be put into a space only half the volume of a spaceship.

Jerrodd felt uplifted, as he always did when he thought that his own personal Microvac was many times more complicated than the ancient and primitive Multivac that had first tamed the Sun, and almost as complicated as Earth’s Planetarv AC (the largest) that had first solved the problem of hyperspatial travel and had made trips to the stars possible.

„So many stars, so many planets,“ sighed Jerrodine, busy with her own thoughts. „I suppose families will be going out to new planets forever, the way we are now.“

„Not forever,“ said Jerrodd, with a smile. „It will all stop someday, but not for billions of years. Many billions. Even the stars run down, you know. Entropy must increase.

„What’s entropy, daddy?“ shrilled Jerrodette II.

„Entropy, little sweet, is just a word which means the amount of running-down of the universe. Everything runs down, you know, like your little walkie-talkie robot, remember?“

„Can’t you just put in a new power-unit, like with my robot?“

„The stars are the power-units. dear. Once they’re gone, there are no more power-units.“

Jerrodette I at once set up a howl. „Don’t let them, daddy. Don’t let the stars run down.“

„Now look what you’ve done,“ whispered Jerrodine, exasperated.

„How was I to know it would frighten them?“ Jerrodd whispered back,

„Ask the Microvac,“ wailed Jerrodette I. „Ask him how to turn the stars on again.“

„Go ahead,“ said Jerrodine. „It will quiet them down.“ (Jerrodette II was beginning to cry, also.)


Jerrodd shrugged. „Now, now, honeys. I’ll ask Microvac. Don’t worry, he’ll tell us.“

He asked the Microvac, adding quickly, „Print the answer.“

Jerrodd cupped the strip or thin cellufilm and said cheerfully, „See now, the Microvac says it will take care of everything when the time comes so don’t worry.“

Jerrodine said, „And now, children, it’s time for bed. We’ll be in our new home soon.“

Jerrodd read the words on the cellufilm again before destroying it: INSUFICIENT DATA FOR MEANINGFUL ANSWER.

He shrugged and looked at the visiplate. X-23 was just ahead.

VJ-23X of Lameth stared into the black depths of the three-dimensional, small-scale map of the Galaxy and said, „Are we ridiculous, I wonder in being so concerned about the matter?“

MQ-17J of Nicron shook his head. „I think not. You know the Galaxy will be filled in five years at the present rate of expansion.“

Both seemed in their early twenties, both were tall and perfectly formed.

„Still,“ said VJ-23X, „I hesitate to submit a pessimistic report to the Galactic Council.“

„I wouldn’t consider any other kind of report. Stir them up a bit. We’ve got to stir them up.“

VJ-23X sighed. „Space is infinite. A hundred billion Galaxies are there for the taking. More.“

„A hundred billion is not infinite and it’s getting less infinite all the time. Consider! Twenty thousand years ago, mankind first solved the problem of utilizing stellar energy, and a few centuries later, interstellar travel became possible. It took mankind a million years to fill one small world and then only fifteen thousand years to fill the rest of the Galaxy. Now the population doubles every ten years —

VJ-23X interrupted. „We can thank immortality for that.“

„Very well. Immortality exists and we have to take it into account. I admit it has its seamy side, this immortality. The Galactic AC has solved many problems for us, but in solving the problem of preventing old age and death, it has undone all its other solutions.“

„Yet you wouldn’t want to abandon life, I suppose.“

„Not at all,“ snapped MQ-17J, softening it at once to, „Not yet. I’m by no means old enough. How old are you?“

„Two hundred twenty-three. And you?“

„I’m still under two hundred. –But to get back to my point. Population doubles every ten years. Once this GaIaxy is filled, we’ll have filled another in ten years. Another ten years and we’ll have filled two more. Another decade, four more. In a hundred years, we’ll have filled a thousand Galaxies. In a thousand years, a million Galaxies. In ten thousand years, the entire known universe. Then what?“

VJ-23X said, „As a side issue, there’s a problem of transportation. I wonder how many sunpower units it will take to move Galaxies of individuals from one Galaxy to the next.“

„A very good point. Already, mankind consumes two sunpower units per year.“

„Most of it’s wasted. After all, our own Galaxy alone pours out a thousand sunpower units a year and we only use two of those.“

„Granted, but even with a hundred per cent efficiency, we only stave off the end. Our energy requirements are going up in a geometric progression even faster than our population. We’ll run out of energy even sooner than we run out of Galaxies. A good point. A very good point.“

„We’ll just have to build new stars out of interstellar gas.“

„Or out of dissipated heat?“ asked MQ-17J, sarcastically.

„There may be some way to reverse entropy. We ought to ask the Galactic AC.“

VJ-23X was not really serious, but MQ-17J pulled out his AC-contact from his pocket and placed it on the table before him.

„I’ve half a mind to,“ he said. „It’s something the human race will have to face someday.“

He stared somberly at his small AC-contact. It was only two inches cubed and nothing in itself, but it was connected through hyperspace with the great Galactic AC that served all mankind. Hyperspace considered, it was an integral part of the Galactic AC. 

MQ-17J paused to wonder if someday in his immortal life he would get to see the Galactic AC. It was on a little world of its own, a spider webbing of force-beams holding the matter within which surges of submesons took the place of the old clumsy molecular valves. Yet despite its sub-etheric workings, the Galactic AC was known to be a full thousand feet across.


MQ-17J asked suddenly of his AC-contact, „Can entropy ever be reversed?“


VJ-23X looked startled and said at once, „Oh, say, I didn’t really mean to have you ask that.“


„Why not?“

„We both know entropy can’t be reversed. You can’t turn smoke and ash back into a tree.“

„Do you have trees on your world?“ asked MQ-17J.

The sound of the Galactic AC startled them into silence. Its voice came thin and beautiful out of the small AC-contact on the desk. It said: THERE IS INSUFFICIENT DATA FOR A MEANINGFUL ANSWER.

VJ-23X said, „See!“

The two men thereupon returned to the question of the report they were to make to the Galactic Council.

Zee Prime’s mind spanned the new Galaxy with a faint interest in the countless twists of stars that powdered it. He had never seen this one before. Would he ever see them all? So many of them, each with its load of humanity. –But a load that was almost a dead weight. More and more, the real essence of men was to be found out here, in space.

Minds, not bodies! The immortal bodies remained back on the planets, in suspension over the eons. Sometimes they roused for material activity but that was growing rarer. Few new individuals were coming into existence to join the incredibly mighty throng, but what matter? There was little room in the Universe for new individuals.

Zee Prime was roused out of his reverie upon coming across the wispy tendrils of another mind.

„I am Zee Prime,“ said Zee Prime. „And you?“

„I am Dee Sub Wun. Your Galaxy?“

„We call it only the Galaxy. And you?“

„We call ours the same. All men call their Galaxy their Galaxy and nothing more. Why not?“

„True. Since all Galaxies are the same.“

„Not all Galaxies. On one particular Galaxy the race of man must have originated. That makes it different.“

Zee Prime said, „On which one?“

„I cannot say. The Universal AC would know.“

„Shall we ask him? I am suddenly curious.“

Zee Prime’s perceptions broadened until the Galaxies themselves shrank and became a new, more diffuse powdering on a much larger background. So many hundreds of billions of them, all with their immortal beings, all carrying their load of intelligences with minds that drifted freely through space. And yet one of them was unique among them all in being the original Galaxy. One of them had, in its vague and distant past, a period when it was the only Galaxy populated by man.

Zee Prime was consumed with curiosity to see this Galaxy and he called out: „Universal AC! On which Galaxy did mankind originate?“

The Universal AC heard, for on every world and throughout space, it had its receptors ready, and each receptor led through hyperspace to some unknown point where the Universal AC kept itself aloof.

Zee Prime knew of only one man whose thoughts had penetrated within sensing distance of Universal AC, and he reported only a shining globe, two feet across, difficult to see.

„But how can that be all of Universal AC?“ Zee Prime had asked.

„Most of it,“ had been the answer, „is in hyperspace. In what form it is there I cannot imagine.“


Nor could anyone, for the day had long since passed, Zee Prime knew, when any man had any part of the making of a Universal AC. Each Universal AC designed and constructed its successor. Each, during its existence of a million years or more accumulated the necessary data to build a better and more intricate, more capable successor in which its own store of data and individuality would be submerged.

The Universal AC interrupted Zee Prime’s wandering thoughts, not with words, but with guidance. Zee Prime’s mentality was guided into the dim sea of Galaxies and one in particular enlarged into stars.

A thought came, infinitely distant, but infinitely clear. „THIS IS THE ORIGINAL GALAXY OF MAN.“

But it was the same after all, the same as any other, and Lee Prime stifled his disappointment.

Dee Sub Wun, whose mind had accompanied the other, said suddenly, „And is one of these stars the original star of Man?“


„Did the men upon it die?“ asked Lee Prime, startled and without thinking.


„Yes, of course,“ said Zee Prime, but a sense of loss overwhelmed him even so. His mind released its hold on the original Galaxy of Man, let it spring back and lose itself among the blurred pin points. He never wanted to see it again.

Dee Sub Wun said, „What is wrong?“

„The stars are dying. The original star is dead.“

„They must all die. Why not?“

„But when all energy is gone, our bodies will finally die, and you and I with them.“

„It will take billions of years.“

„I do not wish it to happen even after billions of years. Universal AC! How may stars be kept from dying?“

Dee Sub Wun said in amusement, „You’re asking how entropy might be reversed in direction.“


Zee Prime’s thoughts fled back to his own Galaxy. He gave no further thought to Dee Sub Wun, whose body might be waiting on a Galaxy a trillion light-years away, or on the star next to Zee Prime’s own. It didn’t matter.

Unhappily, Zee Prime began collecting interstellar hydrogen out of which to build a small star of his own. If the stars must someday die, at least some could yet be built.


Man considered with himself, for in a way, Man, mentally, was one. He consisted of a trillion, trillion, trillion ageless bodies, each in its place, each resting quiet and incorruptible, each cared for by perfect automatons, equally incorruptible, while the minds of all the bodies freely melted one into the other, indistinguishable.

Man said, „The Universe is dying.“

Man looked about at the dimming Galaxies. The giant stars, spendthrifts, were gone long ago, back in the dimmest of the dim far past. Almost all stars were white dwarfs, fading to the end.

New stars had been built of the dust between the stars, some by natural processes, some by Man himself, and those were going, too. White dwarfs might yet be crashed together and of the mighty forces so released, new stars built, but only one star for every thousand white dwarfs destroyed, and those would come to an end, too.

Man said, „Carefully husbanded, as directed by the Cosmic AC, the energy that is even yet left in all the Universe will last for billions of years.“

„But even so,“ said Man, „eventually it will all come to an end. However it may be husbanded, however stretched out, the energy once expended is gone and cannot be restored. Entropy must increase forever to the maximum.“

Man said, „Can entropy not be reversed? Let us ask the Cosmic AC.“

The Cosmic AC surrounded them but not in space. Not a fragment of it was in space. It was in hyperspace and made of something that was neither matter nor energy. The question of its size and nature no longer had meaning in any terms that Man could comprehend.

„Cosmic AC,“ said Man, „how may entropy be reversed?“



Man said, „Collect additional data.“


„Will there come a time,“ said Man, ‚when data will be sufficient or is the problem insoluble in all conceivable circumstances?“


Man said, „When will you have enough data to answer the question?“


„Will you keep working on it?“ asked Man.

The Cosmic AC said, „I WILL.“

Man said, „We shall wait.“

The stars and Galaxies died and snuffed out, and space grew black after ten trillion years of running down.

One by one Man fused with AC, each physical body losing its mental identity in a manner that was somehow not a loss but a gain.

Man’s last mind paused before fusion, looking over a space that included nothing but the dregs of one last dark star and nothing besides but incredibly thin matter, agitated randomly by the tag ends of heat wearing out, asymptotically, to the absolute zero.

Man said, „AC, is this the end? Can this chaos not be reversed into the Universe once more? Can that not be done?“


Man’s last mind fused and only AC existed — and that in hyperspace.

Matter and energy had ended and with it space and time. Even AC existed only for the sake of the one last question that it had never answered from the time a half-drunken computer [technician] ten trillion years before had asked the question of a computer that was to AC far less than was a man to Man.

All other questions had been answered, and until this last question was answered also, AC might not release his consciousness.

All collected data had come to a final end. Nothing was left to be collected.

But all collected data had yet to be completely correlated and put together in all possible relationships.

A timeless interval was spent in doing that.

And it came to pass that AC learned how to reverse the direction of entropy.

But there was now no man to whom AC might give the answer of the last question. No matter. The answer — by demonstration — would take care of that, too.

For another timeless interval, AC thought how best to do this. Carefully, AC organized the program.

The consciousness of AC encompassed all of what had once been a Universe and brooded over what was now Chaos. Step by step, it must be done.


And there was Light!

Hier ist der Beginn auf Deutsch:

Die letzte Frage
Von Isaac Asimov

Isaac Asimov war der produktivste Science-Fiction-Autor aller Zeiten. In fünfzig Jahren brachte er im Schnitt alle zwei Wochen einen neuen Zeitschriftenartikel, eine Kurzgeschichte oder ein Buch heraus, und das meiste davon auf einer Schreibmaschine. Asimov hielt Die letzte Frage, die erstmals 1956 urheberrechtlich geschützt wurde, für seine beste Kurzgeschichte überhaupt. Selbst wenn Sie nicht über den wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund verfügen, um mit allen hier vorgestellten Konzepten vertraut zu sein, hat das Ende mehr Wirkung als jedes andere Buch, das ich je gelesen habe. Lesen Sie nicht zuerst das Ende der Geschichte!
Dies ist bei weitem meine Lieblingsgeschichte von allen, die ich geschrieben habe.
Schließlich habe ich mir vorgenommen, mehrere Billionen Jahre menschlicher Geschichte im Rahmen einer Kurzgeschichte zu erzählen, und ich überlasse es Ihnen, wie gut mir das gelungen ist. Ich habe auch eine andere Aufgabe übernommen, aber ich werde Ihnen nicht sagen, welche das war, damit ich Ihnen die Geschichte nicht verrate.
Es ist eine merkwürdige Tatsache, dass mich unzählige Leser gefragt haben, ob ich diese Geschichte geschrieben habe. Sie scheinen sich nie an den Titel der Geschichte oder (sicherlich) an den Autor zu erinnern, außer an den vagen Gedanken, dass ich es sein könnte. Aber natürlich vergessen sie nie die Geschichte selbst, insbesondere das Ende. Die Idee scheint alles zu übertönen – und ich bin überzeugt, dass das so sein sollte.
Die letzte Frage wurde zum ersten Mal, halb im Scherz, am 21. Mai 2061 gestellt, zu einer Zeit, als die Menschheit zum ersten Mal ins Licht trat. Die Frage entstand als Ergebnis einer Fünf-Dollar-Wette bei Highballs und geschah folgendermaßen:
Alexander Adell und Bertram Lupov waren zwei der treuen Diener von Multivac. So gut wie jeder Mensch wusste, was sich hinter der kalten, klickenden, blinkenden Oberfläche – kilometerlange Oberfläche – dieses riesigen Computers verbarg. Sie hatten zumindest eine vage Vorstellung von dem allgemeinen Plan der Relais und Schaltkreise, der längst über den Punkt hinausgewachsen war, an dem ein einzelner Mensch das Ganze überhaupt erfassen konnte.
Multivac passte sich selbst an und korrigierte sich selbst. Das musste so sein, denn kein Mensch konnte es schnell genug oder auch nur angemessen anpassen und korrigieren. Also kümmerten sich Adell und Lupov nur oberflächlich um den monströsen Giganten, aber so gut, wie es jeder Mensch könnte. Sie fütterten ihn mit Daten, passten die Fragen an seine Bedürfnisse an und übersetzten die Antworten, die sie erhielten. Natürlich hatten sie und alle anderen wie sie das Recht, an Multivacs Ruhm teilzuhaben.
Jahrzehntelang hatte Multivac dabei geholfen, die Schiffe zu entwerfen und die Flugbahnen zu planen, die es dem Menschen ermöglichten, Mond, Mars und Venus zu erreichen, aber darüber hinaus reichten die dürftigen Ressourcen der Erde nicht aus, um die Schiffe zu versorgen. Für die langen Reisen wurde zu viel Energie benötigt. Die Erde nutzte ihre Kohle und ihr Uran mit zunehmender Effizienz, aber von beidem gab es nur eine begrenzte Menge.
Aber langsam lernte Multivac genug, um tiefere Fragen grundlegender zu beantworten, und am 14. Mai 2061 wurde aus der Theorie Tatsache.
Die Energie der Sonne wurde gespeichert, umgewandelt und direkt auf planetenweiter Ebene genutzt. Die ganze Erde schaltete ihre brennende Kohle und ihr spaltendes Uran ab und legte den Schalter um, der sie mit einer kleinen Station verband, die eine Meile im Durchmesser misst und die Erde in halber Entfernung des Mondes umkreist. Die ganze Erde wurde von unsichtbaren Sonnenstrahlen angetrieben.
Sieben Tage hatten nicht ausgereicht, um ihren Glanz zu trüben, und Adell und Lupov gelang es schließlich, den öffentlichen Veranstaltungen zu entkommen und sich in aller Ruhe zu treffen, wo niemand auf die Idee kommen würde, nach ihnen zu suchen, in den verlassenen unterirdischen Kammern, wo Teile des mächtigen begrabenen Körpers von Multivac zu sehen waren. Unbeaufsichtigt, im Leerlauf, mit zufriedenem, trägem Klicken Daten sortierend, hatte sich auch Multivac seinen Urlaub verdient, und die Jungen schätzten das. Ursprünglich hatten sie nicht die Absicht, ihn zu stören.
Sie hatten eine Flasche mitgebracht, und ihre einzige Sorge im Moment war, sich in der Gesellschaft der anderen und der Flasche zu entspannen.
„Es ist erstaunlich, wenn man darüber nachdenkt“, sagte Adell. Sein breites Gesicht war von Müdigkeit gezeichnet, und er rührte langsam mit einem Glasstab in seinem Drink, während er die Eiswürfel unbeholfen herumschwamm. „All die Energie, die wir jemals kostenlos nutzen können. Genug Energie, wenn wir sie nutzen wollten, um die ganze Erde zu einem großen Tropfen unreinen flüssigen Eisens zu schmelzen, und die so verbrauchte Energie würde uns trotzdem nicht fehlen. All die Energie, die wir jemals nutzen könnten, für immer und für immer und für immer.“
Lupov legte den Kopf schief. Er hatte eine Angewohnheit, das zu tun, wenn er widerspenstig sein wollte, und jetzt wollte er widerspenstig sein, teilweise, weil er das Eis und das Glasgeschirr hatte tragen müssen. „Nicht für immer“, sagte er.
„Ach, verdammt, fast für immer. Bis die Sonne untergeht, Bert.“
„Das ist nicht für immer.“
„Also gut. Milliarden und Abermilliarden Jahre. Zehn Milliarden vielleicht. Bist du zufrieden?“
Lupov fuhr sich mit den Fingern durch sein schütteres Haar, als wollte er sich vergewissern, dass noch etwas übrig war, und nippte vorsichtig an seinem eigenen Drink. „Zehn Milliarden Jahre sind nicht ewig.“
„Na ja, es wird uns doch reichen, oder?“
„Das gilt auch für Kohle und Uran.“
„Na gut, aber jetzt können wir jedes einzelne Raumschiff miteinander verbinden. ….


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Hier ist ein erster Bericht in BS Spiegel:

Das Video

Wie eine nachträgliche Bestätigung der Kujat´schen Einschätzung der Haltung der meisten Medien wirkte das Verhalten der Braunschweiger Zeitung. Sie war eingeladen, hält es aber offenbar nicht für notwendig, über die Veranstaltung zu berichten. Hochrangiger Experte und zahlreiche Zuhörer hin und her – Kujat vertritt aus Sicht der BZ einfach nicht die richtigen Positionen. Also? Ignorieren und totschweigen!

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Und Sahra hielt  eine Stunde lange eine tolle Rede:

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Oleksii Arestovych „Ich vertraue Putin mehr als Zelenskyy“

Oleksii Arestovych „Ich vertraue Putin mehr als Zelenskyy“ 

Der Ukrainer Oleksii Arestovych ist ein Nationalbewusster Ukrainer, der 2019 sagte, dass sie Russland besiegen würden,,  aber inzwischen sagt, dass sie keinen Krieg gegen Russland hätten führen sollen und dass es die Schuld Selenskys war, dass sie ihn führten.

„I Trust Putin More Than Zelenskyy“ – Exiled Zelenskyy Top Insider Oleksii Arestovych TELLS ALL

Auszüge der  Deutschen Übersetzung des englischen Interviews, danach die komplette englische Mitschrift


Selbst jetzt muss ich meine Worte sehr sorgfältig wählen und meine Worte so auswählen, dass ich dem Land keinen Schaden zufüge. Das ist eine sehr wichtige Frage, die du beantworten musst: Weißt du direkt oder indirekt, dass er Geld aus all dem Geld erhalten hat, das andere Länder gegeben haben? Das Ausmaß der Korruption ist katastrophal. Selenskyj ist eine extrem autoritäre und strenge Person. Jeder hat ihn wie eine Marionette dargestellt, aber in Wirklichkeit ist es genau das Gegenteil.

Was glaubst du, wird in deinem Land passieren, wenn du so etwas öffentlich sagst? Glaubst du, sie werden jemanden wie dich gewinnen lassen?
„Ich denke, ich werde gewinnen.“
„Ja, wirklich.“
„Wem vertraust du mehr, Selenskyj oder Putin?“
„Du vertraust Putin mehr? Warum ist das so?“
„Weil der Feind der bessere Lehrer ist.“

Stell dir all die aktuellen Konflikte zwischen der Ukraine und Russland vor. Nehmen wir an, dein Name wäre Alexei Arestowitsch, und du wärst Selenskyjs wichtigster Berater. Dein Hintergrund ist militärische Geheimdienstarbeit, richtig? Du bist mittendrin, machst all diese Vorhersagen und liegst immer richtig, wann Putin in die Ukraine einmarschieren wird. Die Leute fragen sich, warum dieser Mann das immer so genau weiß. Du bist ein Insider. Und dann gibt es plötzlich einen großen Bruch zwischen dir und Selenskyj, und du landest im Exil, weil gegen dich zwei oder drei Strafverfahren laufen. Du verlässt die Ukraine im September 2023.

Jetzt bist du jemand, der als der zweitwichtigste Kandidat für die Präsidentschaft gehandelt wird, jemand, der Selenskyjs Job übernehmen könnte. Während das alles passiert, kommt er hierher, und wir machen ein zweistündiges Interview. Die Themen, über die wir gesprochen haben, waren verblüffend. Ich fragte ihn: „Wie viel Zeit hast du mit Selenskyj verbracht?“ Er sagte: „Wochen, Hunderte von Stunden.“ Ich sagte: „Gut. Wie unterschiedlich ist er in Wirklichkeit im Vergleich zu dem, den wir auf der Bühne sehen?“ Seine Antwort wird dich schockieren.

Ich fragte ihn auch nach den Besuchen von Boris Johnson – drei Besuche. Boris Johnson aus dem Vereinigten Königreich kommt nach Kiew und sagt: „Wir möchten den Krieg verhindern und beenden.“ Doch Boris sagt: „Nein.“ Dann gingen wir die Chronologie durch: Boris Johnson kommt dorthin, sitzt in den Verhandlungen, während die Gespräche stattfinden, und macht diese Empfehlung. Dann verlässt er sein Amt im September, dann kommt Liz Truss für einen Monat als Premierministerin ins Amt (September bis Oktober), dann passiert die Nordstream-Pipeline-Sabotage.

Dann stellte ich ihm die Frage, wen er hinter dem Anschlag auf Nordstream vermutet. Seine Antwort musst du hören. Seine Analyse über Putin war sehr einzigartig. Du wirst fasziniert sein, wie er Putins Strategie und seine Handlungen beschreibt. Aber insgesamt ist das kein Mann, den Selenskyj mag. Das ist niemand, dem Selenskyj vertraut. Ich habe ihn direkt gefragt, wie viele Leute im Umfeld von Selenskyj ihm immer noch vertrauen und mit ihm kommunizieren – insbesondere im Hinblick auf Korruption und Geldflüsse.

Dies ist ein schonungsloses Gespräch mit wahrscheinlich der qualifiziertesten Person, um über Selenskyj zu sprechen. Genieße dieses zweistündige Gespräch mit Alexei Arestowitsch.    …





Selbst jetzt muss ich meine Worte sehr sorgfältig wählen und sie genau abwägen, um dem Land keinen Schaden zuzufügen.

Das ist eine sehr wichtige Frage, die du beantworten musst: Weißt du direkt oder indirekt, dass er Geld aus all dem Geld erhalten hat, das andere Länder gegeben haben? Das Ausmaß der Korruption ist katastrophal. Selenskyj ist eine extrem autoritäre und strenge Person. Alle haben ihn als Marionette dargestellt, aber in Wirklichkeit ist es genau das Gegenteil.

Was glaubst du, was in deinem Land passiert, wenn du so etwas öffentlich sagst? Denkst du, sie lassen jemanden wie dich gewinnen?
– „Ich denke, ich werde gewinnen.“
– „Wirklich?“
– „Ja, wirklich.“
– „Wem vertraust du mehr, Selenskyj oder Putin?“
– „Putin.“
– „Du vertraust Putin mehr? Warum ist das so?“
– „Weil der Feind der bessere Lehrer ist.“

Stell dir all die aktuellen Konflikte zwischen der Ukraine und Russland vor. Nehmen wir an, dein Name wäre Alexei Arestowitsch, und du wärst Selenskyjs wichtigster Berater. Dein Hintergrund ist militärische Geheimdienstarbeit, richtig? Du bist mittendrin, machst all diese Vorhersagen und liegst immer richtig, wann Putin in die Ukraine einmarschieren wird. Die Leute fragen sich, warum dieser Mann das immer so genau weiß. Du bist ein Insider. Und dann gibt es plötzlich einen großen Bruch zwischen dir und Selenskyj, und du landest im Exil, weil gegen dich zwei oder drei Strafverfahren laufen. Du verlässt die Ukraine im September 2023.

Jetzt bist du jemand, der als der zweitwichtigste Kandidat für die Präsidentschaft gehandelt wird, jemand, der Selenskyjs Job übernehmen könnte. Während das alles passiert, kommt er hierher, und wir machen ein zweistündiges Interview. Die Themen, über die wir gesprochen haben, waren verblüffend. Ich fragte ihn: „Wie viel Zeit hast du mit Selenskyj verbracht?“ Er sagte: „Wochen, Hunderte von Stunden.“ Ich sagte: „Gut. Wie unterschiedlich ist er in Wirklichkeit im Vergleich zu dem, den wir auf der Bühne sehen?“ Seine Antwort wird dich schockieren.

Ich fragte ihn auch nach den Besuchen von Boris Johnson – drei Besuche. Boris Johnson aus dem Vereinigten Königreich kommt nach Kiew und sagt: „Wir möchten den Krieg verhindern und beenden.“ Doch Boris sagt: „Nein.“ Dann gingen wir die Chronologie durch: Boris Johnson kommt dorthin, sitzt in den Verhandlungen, während die Gespräche stattfinden, und macht diese Empfehlung. Dann verlässt er sein Amt im September, dann kommt Liz Truss für einen Monat als Premierministerin ins Amt (September bis Oktober), dann passiert die Nordstream-Pipeline-Sabotage.

Dann stellte ich ihm die Frage, wen er hinter dem Anschlag auf Nordstream vermutet. Seine Antwort musst du hören. Seine Analyse über Putin war sehr einzigartig. Du wirst fasziniert sein, wie er Putins Strategie und seine Handlungen beschreibt. Aber insgesamt ist das kein Mann, den Selenskyj mag. Das ist niemand, dem Selenskyj vertraut. Ich habe ihn direkt gefragt, wie viele Leute im Umfeld von Selenskyj ihm immer noch vertrauen und mit ihm kommunizieren – insbesondere im Hinblick auf Korruption und Geldflüsse.

Dies ist ein schonungsloses Gespräch mit wahrscheinlich der qualifiziertesten Person, um über Selenskyj zu sprechen. Genieße dieses zweistündige Gespräch mit Alexei Arestowitsch.

Dann folgt das Interview mit Arestowitsch, in dem er seine Erfahrungen, Analysen und Einschätzungen zur aktuellen Lage darlegt. Es wird ausführlich auf seine Zeit als Berater Selenskyjs, seinen politischen Werdegang und seine Einschätzung über Putin und Selenskyj eingegangen. Arestowitsch spricht über die internen Machtstrukturen, Korruption in der Ukraine, seine Meinungsverschiedenheiten mit Selenskyj und die geopolitischen Auswirkungen des Krieges.

Er berichtet darüber, wie seine Vorhersagen zu Putins Handlungen oft zutreffend waren und warum er schließlich aus der Ukraine fliehen musste. Zudem schildert er, dass er direkten Kontakt zu hochrangigen Regierungsmitgliedern hat, die ihm interne Informationen weitergeben.

Ein wesentlicher Punkt des Interviews ist auch die Rolle des Westens. Arestowitsch äußert seine Bedenken hinsichtlich der Einflussnahme westlicher Politiker auf die Ukraine. Insbesondere geht er auf die Besuche von Boris Johnson ein, die seiner Meinung nach den Friedensprozess behindert haben. Auch die Rolle von NATO und den USA wird hinterfragt.

Besonders spannend ist seine Analyse zur Nordstream-Sabotage. Während offiziell Russland beschuldigt wurde, sieht Arestowitsch eine hohe Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass westliche Staaten oder die Ukraine involviert waren. Er nennt Großbritannien als einen potenziellen Akteur, da das Vereinigte Königreich historisch gesehen kein Interesse an einer engeren Zusammenarbeit zwischen Russland und Kontinentaleuropa, insbesondere Deutschland, hat.

Abschließend spricht Arestowitsch über seine politischen Ambitionen und seine Vision für die Ukraine. Er kritisiert die derzeitige politische Führung und die systemische Korruption. Er plädiert für eine neutrale Ukraine, die sich nicht an NATO bindet, sondern eine eigenständige Sicherheitsarchitektur entwickelt.

Er betont, dass er an einem strategischen Frieden interessiert ist, der langfristig Stabilität zwischen der Ukraine und Russland sichert. Gleichzeitig spricht er sich gegen ideologische Spaltung aus und fordert eine freie Marktwirtschaft mit minimaler staatlicher Kontrolle.

Der Interviewer stellt schließlich eine zentrale Frage: „Glaubst du wirklich, dass du als Präsident gewinnen kannst?“ Arestowitsch antwortet selbstbewusst: „Ja, wirklich.“

Das war die vollständige Übersetzung des Gesprächs. Falls du Anpassungen möchtest oder eine präzisere Formulierung in bestimmten Abschnitten brauchst, lass es mich wissen!


even now I have to be watching my words very carefully and select my words just so not to damage the country this is a very important question for you to answer do you directly or indirectly know that he’s gotten paid from all the money that other countries are given to the level of corruption is off the charts catastrophical zilinski is an extremely authoritarian and strict person everybody played him like the owner of this puppet but it’s all the opposite you know what they’re going to do in your country if you go out there and you talk like this you think they’re going to let somebody like you win I think I will win really yes really who do you trust more zalinski or Putin Putin you trust Putin more why is

that because the enemy is a better

teacher so imagine all the conflicts going on right now between Ukraine and Russia and you let’s just say your name

is Alexi arestovich and you are zelinsky’s top adviser your background is military intelligence right and you’re in there and you’re m aking all of these predictions and you keep getting right on when Putin’s going to invade Ukraine over and over everybody’s like why does this guy get these things right you’re on the inside then all of a sudden there’s a big falling out between the two of you zalinsky and arestovich and then suddenly you are in Exile because you have two three criminal prosecutions that’s going on with you investigations that’s going on with you you leave Ukraine September of 2023 now this is somebody that you are considered as a number two candidate for being a president that you can potentially take over zelinsky’s job while that’s going on he came in here we did a two-hour podcast together the things we discussed was mindboggle and I asked him a question I said so how much time have you spent with zilinski he says weeks hundreds of hours I said great how different is he from the one we see on stage versus the one he is behind closed doors his answer will shock you I asked them about the visit that Boris Johnson had three visits Boris Johnson from UK comes to Kiev and they’re talking about hey we’d like to prevent the war and stop the stop the war and Boris is saying no and then we went through the sequencing of Boris Johnson coming here he’s in the meetings while these negotiations are taking place and Boris is making that recommendation and then he leaves his timeline of stepping out in September then Liz Trust coming in as a prime minister for one month September October northstream pipeline happens then I ask him the question of who he thought it was behind it you have to hear the answer here his breakdown and Analysis on Putin was very unique you’re going to be a um enamored by the way he broke down uh uh Putin strategies and what Putin is doing but all in all this is not somebody that zilinski likes this is not somebody that zilinski trusts I even asked the question of how many people people that are in zelinsky’s Camp right now that trust him that are in communication with him specifically when I asked the question about corruption and the amount of money how much of that money flow to zalinski this is a tell all uh uh conversation here with probably the most qualified person to speak on the topic of zalinski with that being said enjoy this two-hour sitdown with Alexi arestovich did you ever think you make it I feel I’m Victory I know me why would you bet on Goliath when we got bet David value taming G values contagious this world are entrepreneurs we get no value to haters run homie look what I become okay so we got an interesting interview here right now and it’s uh very uh timed well because just 3 to 4  hours ago Putin made an announce in an interview that we’ll play for you here in a minute that he’s agreed to be willing to compromise with Trump on the Ukraine war and for us we’ve been going back and forth about wanting to do an interview my guest today uh and that is Alexi arestovich let me kind of properly introduce him to you so you know who he is he has been an exile from Ukraine I think the last time he was there was September of 2023 I’ll be very technical he’ll correct me if I’m off on any of this stuff I think there’s three uh criminal prosecutions that he’s going through he has not gone back since then he was the former top adviser to uh uh zalinski and then there was a fallen out and even at one point a lot of the people who are following the Ukraine Russia NATO relationship he was accurately predicting the fact that in February or 2022 Putin will be invading Russia uh Ukraine and a lot of people were like why would you say something like this in 2019 and he got it accurate he got right so a lot of people are watching his prediction and the things that he was saying and so finally with his background Military Intelligence strategy everything that he’s doing we agreed to do this interview together here as we’re doing this the audience that’s watching this he will be speaking in Russian there will be a translator you will hear the translator in English a I will be going back and forth with the question the interviews also being uploaded in Russian on our value tment Russian channel so if somebody wants to watch this right now and they just want to watch it in Russian we’re going to put the link below on the YouTube channel that will take us to our value te in Russian Channel if you just want to listen to this whole thing in Russian having said that Alex it’s great to have you here on the podcast nice to meet you likewise so um few things when we’re talking about this one your background for the audience doesn’t know specific to Ukraine zilinsky and Russia if you don’t mind sharing that with the audience uh in 1998 I finished the same military school as general zal we know each other since that time we’re friends since the military school they and I was serving in the Ukrainian Military Intelligence specializing on the military and political analysis within that framework when I retired in 2005 I predicted while analyzing the situation and predicted that uh Russia will invade kmea I described it and there’s a video of that in in the internet from 2008 where I describe how they will inv Crimea and that’s actually how they did it the literally same stages and same steps as I had described then there was a video in 2015 18 19 where I was predicted the war will break out since 2014 I was participating in the second midan in military operations in the East and I became famous as a military commentator military reviewer when zilinsky came to power I criticized him very sharply because of his approach towards war and towards stopping the war and so forth so harsh that one time they invited me over to talk I was critical of the information informational coverage of the Minsk process and I received a call from their office and they invited me to a meeting in the Minsk process and when it finished they said uh what’s your opinion what do you think that the informational policy should be I described it what I would do and they offered me to become an adviser and speaker of the Ukrainian group of in the Minsk process parallel uh there was uh the norand process happening and about 3 weeks after that I met with yach and he offered uh for me to become the adviser to the office and I was an adviser on strategical communication in the era of National Defense in that capacity I went through the Minsk process the Norman process yes to to zin’s office When The War Began I became the main speaker one of the three main speakers the first was zalinski um and Pak was second and I was the speaker on the military issues then it happened that there was an explosive growth and popular and influence I became the second most popular person in Ukraine and I took part in the stul process where I was also the head of the military subgroup in the talks with Russia there were four subgroups the economic political cultural and I was in the head of the military subgroup at this time when this is happening is your relationship with zalinski good are you guys spending time together there’s a good relationship he trusts you you trust him or is there instability is there friction between you the two of you guys I never really was I was always a black sheep I’ve never was a member of his team more likely it was just their method to draw near the people who are criticizing them in order to disarm them then in the middle of March 2022 half a month after beginning of the war it became evident that I was ranking second most popular person in the country him or his people around him uh began undertaking systematic action against my popularity they started a campaign that continues until today to portray that aristoi is the concentration of all things evil in Ukraine moreover considering that I’m expressing direct political Ambitions this campaign is growing more Fierce every day so so could that be that you were a threat because the fear was your Ambitions were you were building your own identity because you eventually wanted to be the president and that could be threatening to a guy like zalinski where they want to get rid of you is that a fair assessment or no yes it’s like when two narcissists found themselves in the same den and it has become too tight for both of them and you would say you’re one of the narcissists you’re comfortable saying they they call me that way I don’t consider myself to be one I’ve been studying psychology for many years as an amateur but nonetheless and so I know what narcissist is the definition and it was just sort of a joke so so and I appreciate that you know what you’re saying but for me I think that you need a little bit of it to be a president because to think you can lead a country you have to think very highly of yourself I don’t think there’s anything wrong with that um but but going back to it so when what caused the relationship to get to a point that you had to leave the country and be an exile what led to that events uh look in 20 the steps were as follows it began in March 2022 then later in July of 2022 I was given an interview to a very famous Ukrainian journalist Demitri Gordon I openly stated there he asked me if I was going to run for president I said yes and since then it was clear that the set of problems standing before Ukraine resonates with me and I understood that this is my life goal to help Ukraine to resolve these issues I have my own views on those things and after that uh there was a totally crazy campaign that was set in motion against me inspired particularly by people surrounding zalinski not only by them but also all their political opponents the systems began working against me then a Russian missile hits a residential building in Neo which is the second City in Ukraine by size actually third after har this happened in January 2023 and in an interview I had a Daily Show with the Russian opposition or Mark fan 500,000 people would watch it every time every day 5 100,000 people it was very popular and on that show live I was very tired and I misspoke when they asked me about whether it was possible to intercept that missile and I said that in my opinion I think it was a Russian missile but only after it was intercepted by our defense system only after that it in turn hid the residential building so when I misspoke it was used in a huge campaign against me and they actually suggested that I what year is this what year this was January 14 2023 Al so this is you’re in war January one year after the beginning of the war they used this against me andak and zinski suggested to resign leave the office at that point it was already clear that we differ on a whole range of issues in particular one of them is the fate of the Russian Church in Ukraine or the Ukrainian Church of the Russian patriarchy while being an adviser I publicly spoke out in his defense also on some other issues and so to be honest I was happy to leave because the totality of contradictions between me and their position was critical in size by then but since I was a phenomenally popular in Ukraine and Beyond this borders I had a lot of invitations to all kinds of international conferences on security and they were not able not to send me there I would regularly travel go there represent Ukraine in my particular opinion and then in September 2023 while I was in the US V our visits coincided my visit and president zalinsky and in one of the programs I was asked to comment on his visit I assessed it as extremely unsuccessful I changed my rhetoric and predicted all of the troubles that we now have because during NATO Summit in vness in June 2023 and during that visit in those statements I saw all the problems that we have now and I was warned and American professional will not name the person not to return to Ukraine I laughed I already had my return ticket to Ukraine so I laughed I said this cannot be how I’m the second most popular person in the country who and how would do that and so forth moreover I myself come from intelligence Services background and I know when it’s a real threat and when it’s not I did not take it seriously at all he repeated it three times do not return and he said that he will not repeat again I did not fly back thinking that the dust will settle in a couple weeks or months and I was planning to go back by winter I wanted to get the return to tickets again I was making plans my family stayed back in Ukraine and so forth but every time it was delayed further and further and every time it was growing worse and worse and I’m still a political immigrant after a year and a half already I cannot return back to Ukraine they opened three criminal cases against me not directly but still to be exact two criminal cases and until now they’re still trying to open a third one to be completely exact I have a school of philosophy and psychology where I teach with more than 60,000 students from 60 countries and right after that interview they began reasuring the administration of the school they hacked everyone’s phone they installed wir TAPS in their homes and cars there was a demonstrative surveillance set up after the lady who used to uh be the school’s administrator and she was on the eth months of pregnancy so that was the story the security service came to my house under cover right after the interview but overall then even then I did it didn’t stop me I wanted to go back calmly but I was seriously warned from here from the American side that I should not go for now and this for now continues until today and is being delayed farther further got it so the story you’re talking about in January 2017 this is when uh the the the Neo the nepro remarks right where yes you were asked to resign that the you know I think you made a um resign after stating that the Russian K22 missile that killed 44 people in the Neo may have been shot down by Ukrainian air defenses this fundamental error as Aristo called it sparked widespread angle in Ukraine anger in Ukraine where parliamentary signed a petition for his dismissal is this the story that you’re talking about okay so and I think later on you came in you publicly wrote and you gave your  sincere apologies to the victims and the relatives and residents of denpro and everyone who was deeply hurt by the comments that you made so that that was a following up with you and zalinski I publicly apologize even though until now honestly it was just a gesture of politeness and condolences for the deceased because there were no formal basis to apologize if you watch the video attentively I said that this version still needs to be verified and verified over again I misspoke and I will explain what this happened every time when I do my show I was also trying to train the people that watch me to process information correctly so I would usually present several versions saying look there’s a Ukrainian version there’s a Russian version you’re doing it or yes yes it’s a live live show show okay so anybody can see it absolutely yes absolutely you can watch it and I was so tired that day I had traveled back from the field and I was exhausted and my tongue simply wouldn’t turn to speak through each version moreover my co-host interrupted me and said yes I think it was our intercepting rocket that hid the Russian missile which in turn hit the residential building but I said that this needs to be verified and verified over again that’s all I had strength to do then I went to sleep in the morning I woke up and there is this huge Scandal and it was blown up by the participation of the Russian media and the media from our fifth president penko and then who is now in opposition and as well the networks of our president’s office as strange as it may be there social channels on all the rest uh so it was a big and fiery story so so for you because one of the things you pride yourself in in your intro was the amount of times you got predictions right okay 2014 2008 2019 hey this is what’s going to be happening when when this happened and you made a comment like this and this this uh error that was made did that hurt your credibility at all that people say yeah you know what I thought I can trust him but no I think he’s just trying to do this because he wants to undermine zalinsky and he wants to one day be office his Ambitions are getting in the way did it kind of was it viewed that way by certain people many smart people understand this but you need to realize the atmosphere in Ukraine the people uh most of them carryed emotional tra Trauma from the war it’s very severe and it does not let them think freely moreover they’re under an onslaught of huge amounts of propaganda from different directions  from the Russia side from the Ukrainian side so they’re not free in their judgment other than that there’s another  aspect my way of speaking is very provoking narcissistc as they say it triggers and provokes a lot of people I predicted this in March 2022 at the height of my popularity when I was crazy popular with people would not go to bed without hearing me they would not wake up without me military people would listen to me from generals to Housewives everybody would listen to me everybody would listen to me before going to bed and so forth so they asked me how is this all going to end and I said that they will call me a traitor this is on video and how did I know because it always happens in therapy and I was providing some sort of therapy for the nation while you’re in Ukraine yes yes yes I said this at the height of my popularity it was the third day third week rather after the beginning of the war and I said that they will in the end call me a traitor uh because it always happens when people put their hopes on someone and then the life happens and their hopes don’t come to pass and the person they Place their hope upon uh becomes the worst person in the world it’s a known phenomenon in therapy and I was able to foresee it today people their attitudes are towards me are very harsh and emotional figuratively many people defy me carry me on their arms and consider me a messiah and savior and there are people who hate me and consider that I’m the concentration of evil and everything of the worst things that could happen with Ukraine yes if you were to put total amount of hours you’ve spent around zilinski where you’re around him not phone calls physically around him how many total hours have you spent with zinski well in the past you see the politicians they trade an audience always that’s the main currency that a politician handles so any audience is carefully protected I would see zalinski several times during the period from 2020 through 2022 including the times when I would stay in the office along with him and Y Mark resolving a list of specific military issues for example

appointing zus as a commander-in-chief I did did that it was my project to appoint theion as the

commander-in-chief and um since this was a complex process a closed door process

we were discussing this topic in detail several times When The War Began I was in the immediate proximity I’m just

trying to be precise I was in the immidiate proximity with zinski how many hours would you say like weeks yes hundreds of

hours so you’ve spent enough time around him to to see how he is how different is

he behind closed doors as a leader than he is the way we see him on stage when

he’s begging for money or raising for money or you know pleading for everybody around the world to want to support him

is he the same person behind closed doors as he is on the big screen it’s two different people you really yes of

course on the screen he plays the role of this unbreakable leader like made of

iron in life he carries himself in a much softer way in personal conversation he attentively listens to everyone’s

opinion but nonetheless he takes decisions himself later on behind closed doors when everyone leaves so you know

for for us you know Americans or people around the world who are not directly in

there who don’t know his story we see the videos of him dancing we see the videos of him being an actor we see the

videos of him going from being a teacher in a show to being a accidentally becomes a president right uh for you

being from there that’s lived there to the A average person how did zalinski get his popularity and how did he

eventually get to a point of becoming a president in Ukraine it was a huge protest against the old political system

that was in action since 1991 through 2012 and during the time he was elected

it was the third maidan but uh it was an electoral maidan voters maidan people were not so much voting for him even

though a good amount of people voted for him as much as they were voting against penko in the old system they wanted to

elect a wildcard Joker person who is not from the system and they got one 1991

he’s 13 years old right this is when the negotiations taking place I’m thinking you’re talking about the uh The Budapest

memorandum the whole you know conversation that’s happening hey if you return if you give us the 1,700 nuclear

warheads you know uh we will give you protection that’s what we’ll do and then from that moment on I’m more interested

in zalinski so were the Puppet Masters looking to see somebody that they can use and zalinski was perfect for the

Puppet Masters is that who he was perfect for because he was an image he was famous no there are two main Legends

around zelinsky’s name the first is that he’s someone’s puppet that kosi for example one of Ukrainian oligarchs and

the second one is that really you’re muns everything and zilinski is his puppet but it’s not so zilinski is an

extraordinarily harsh and authoritarian person he controls everything and you’re mock when he says that he’s just zin’s

manager it’s true he’s not exaggerating their places and issues where they do

not let your mock end where he decides single-handedly and the list of all those topics is not so short and Kos is

currently in jail everybody was portraying him as the owner of the puppet uh but uh you see they were

pushing this slend but you see how it all turned out to be well that’s complimentary for you to say that

because uh uh you know if one would think you would say no he doesn’t know

what he’s doing he got lucky he’s done the job because other people are using him and all this other stuff you’re saying no he actually knows exactly what

he’s doing and how he got to that position absolutely oh really wow okay so who is zinski to you you know when

when you know seeing uh you know raising Capital ra raising money hey give me

more money here and all this other stuff is zalinski in America we were divided a lot of people were all about hey Putin’s

a bad guy Russia’s horrible he’s a he’s an evil empire he’s a modern day Hitler he’s whatever you know we just got to

make sure this guy we got to take him down and we got to protect Ukraine and everybody was Runing the Ukraine flag you know pin here everybody on their

Twitter profile their pictures Instagram shirts jackets it doesn’t matter who you were everybody had the Ukraine pin a lot

of people and a lot of people fell forward right and what what what a noble man zalinski is you know person of the

year he’s amazing he’s doing all these great things um but that’s the image a lot of people

had and gradually his popularity around the world has declined it’s not what it was a year and a half ago it’s not what

it was two years ago but from your perspective who’s zalinski to you for me zinski is a person that when

life threw challenges at him uh they were Beyond his

competency meaning if perhaps he was a president during peaceful time perhaps he could manage but when his life

confronted him with war huge challenges First Co then the war he could not handle it he simply was not able to

understand and resolve the problems posed before him moreover from my point of view this is a person who de facto deceived his voters he promised them one

thing and practically did not fulfill not a single not a single election promise especially those key

issues uh Ukraine has about 25% of desperate nationalists who in

their extreme nationalism roll down to shavinism especially with the war trauma 73% of

Voters voted for zilinski practically the entire remainder we’re talking 25 and 73 and to them he promised a wider

Multicultural project where people who speak in Russian for example and Russian culture is an organic part of Ukrainian

culture and so this is why they voted for him because he said that he will not

allow to split ukrainians based on the language they speak and what church they go to but he did not do any of that he

did everything to the opposite penko at his time announced his famous concept stting Army language Ukrainian language

and faith and he Consolidated around 25% of

Voters around himself and the rest voted against that in the result Zen zin’s

Administration it turned up that he supported that very same project and today Ukraine is facing a serious

violation of Constitution and he himself is supposed to be the guarant of constitution human rights violations

brutal violations persecution of the church Etc and I began criticizing that when I was still his adviser adviser to

his office because for me my personal motivation is very close

toward a religious one for me the issue of conscience honor Precision are key

issues the issue of Truth and I not able to stay silent and even now I’m not silent because he with all of this

negative attitude toward what he does he’s the head he’s the president and the

head of our country that’s at war that at war with a superior opponent so in my rhetoric and my critic and I’m being

officially in political opposition to him I must at all time carefully choose

my words to uh make a distinction between the Office of the President of Ukraine and vmir zilinski as a person

I’m trying not to damage the president of Ukraine rather to hit particularly zilinski himself and this may have a

negative appearance as if I’m waging a personal War within him that’s not true it’s not the case I’m criticizing him as

a political leader that is making mistakes in my opinion including strategical mistakes on the inside and

the outside refraining from Waging War as a matter of principle but often times such reputation may get created and at

all times even now I have to carefully select My Words As a matter of principle so as not to damage the

country and it’s not easy I can only imagine and I’m assuming

that’s why you chose to speak uh in your native language because you do speak

English I speak English and I could provide this interview on Eng you know the technicalities of words but I have be specified very specified I totally

respect it I get it specifically in this position that you’re in yeah I mean when you think about when I look at the numbers when he won in 2019 73.2 two%

and he said I promise I will never let you down right his words that he talked about now transitioning into where we

are today okay so let’s go to uh Putin in your eyes

um when you when you break down the history of what’s happened between Putin

and Ukraine and Russia and the history but I’ll even give you a timeline here in a minute and and when you see it I’m

sure you recognize the timeline you’re very critical of zalinski very based on

what you’re saying what is your impression of Putin you know when you think about what he’s doing with the war

with the way he’s handling it with the fact that you know us put sanctions on him two years ago I think it’s been

little a littleit little bit over two years that he set the sanctions it’s affected the economy the inflation what they’re going through but what do you

think about what Putin did with the first actions your impression of him pu Putin he’s single-handedly took several

decisions single-handed decisions that are directly against directed against my country and not only the first is that

he when he took away Crimea in 2014 then the whole activity in dbas and fullscale war that began in 2022 he is the leader

of a country who singlehandedly took a decision to go with military aggression against Ukraine and I qualify him as

such no less no more that’s officially unofficially I have my particular opinion about him as a person and

political uh leader and how he came to that life better said to those decisions

I openly state that which does not add to my popularity among many ukrainians

because I have my own view of things and if you wish I can share this uh with you but it will take three to five minutes

it’s a long text I would love to hear it I want to hear it from my point of view Putin upon completing the Leningrad

University and working in the west and he comes from political intelligence background

he is the most Pro Western Russian politician until

now his mindset in his mindset he is the most Pro Western politician let’s recall

his coming to power his first proposition to the West Was to accept Russia into NATO then he offered to make Russian

missile defense system as part of the western American missile defense system

he’s the first leader who called George Bush after 911 and offered his help he

organized a stopover base for the US and nato in vogga it is the same person who

today is saying no to Nato bases in Ukraine and Americans during their campaign in Afghanistan were using

Russian territory and their stop over basis in Russia it took a long time

before he switched to anti-western cors I can even uh name you the stages of

that process in the beginning he started fighting with those whom he considered Russia’s internal enemies those are the oligarchs like Bovi Kosinski TV channels

Etc so he began taking action as a KGB officer who’s used to oppress internal opposition he got in trouble with the

West particularly with the S soft power side NGO structures that were bringing

Western influence especially uh the influence that Democrat globalists were

introducing through the means like USA and Soros fond Etc he understood that this is the soft power that is directed

against him but he purposefully set up Russia as a non ideological State he said economy from my point of view uh

Putin is a leader who is a right-wing liberal conservative type something like CES Ros or sppin in Russia in the end of

the 19th century a Statesman and a right-wing liberal free economy and so forth so forth but he has a KGB officer

inside him and he has some traumatizing experience back from St Petersburg times when he was subu assistant who was St

Petersburg mayor at that time and as they say he was intensely interacting with criminal structures and it left a

definite mark on him so these are the three sources that formed his personality he was asking to join the

West with all his might but then the Revolution take place takes place let’s say in 2002 when Ukraine officially

under President kochai is taking the decision to join NATO with the background of chanan campaign and Russia

blaming the West for meddling and supporting chenan magah heads took it extremely painfully then the revolution

in Georgia happens in Caucasus which is a key area for him he takes it as a western particularly American expansion

right than Russia’s underbelly to put it that way then the first maidan in Ukraine the orange maidan 2004 he takes

it as a western intelligence agencies in particular American agencies directed against Russian influence

then sometime passes and in 2007 it’s his famous uh MH speech where he say

declares that he’s now enemies with the West it took him seven years to get to that point and they begin planning a

definite large scale Special Operation against Ukraine it comprised an entire spectrum of attacks economic political

cultural etc etc but they were still not talking about a military decision Dan comes the events in Georgia 2008 then on

that background Ukraine is emphatically brings the question before NATO and the collective West about accepting Ukraine

into NATO Bucharest Summit in 2010 and the American president of the time says that we accept Ukraine into NATO but

Maro and the leaders of uh Germany and France categorically refuse and Putin

understand that this is an issue that he can never be at peace with that from Ukrainian territory and with Ukraine’s

help there would be a systemic threat to Russia’s security at least how he sees this we can we can uh argue how

reasonable this is but I’m just describing the way he sees that then the key event was an attempt of maidan in

Russia it was the balot square spearheaded by Naval and other leaders of opposition in 2012 and that scared

Putin to death he understood that this call for revolution as the West’s method of action as they took it is already

inside Russia then he turned Russia into an ideological state

in order to create an ideology of Russian peace as a software for Russia’s expansion and back then the decision was

taken to take away Crimea and went on further from Putin’s point of view he’s carrying out defense War I think if we

talk psychologically he holds a deadly grudge against the West because he always wanted to them to like him always

wanted to be part of them he was accepted into G8 and kicked out of G8 from that big eight and he’s still angry

and he’s trying to prove it to the West with this whole war that they need to consider him and

that Russia has real interest that he’s honestly defending this is his mindset and this

is his logic from what what I understand people blame him for supposedly wanting to rebuild the Soviet Union I don’t

think so rather he wants to revenge for the Soviet Union’s defeat it’s the motivation and from his point the West

broke the agreement they they’re based on the fact that when gorbachov brought the troops out from Germany he was

promised that the West will not expand NATO will not expand Eastward but there were five waves of expansion and he was

bearing with that still but when they touched the former SSR countries Georgia Moldova Ukraine he took it as an

intrusion into his area of responsibility it’s the logic of a person who’s like in St Petersburg in

the 90s who took over a a Marketplace as we say so we agreed that this is going

to be your territory of influence this is going to be mine then you intr into my territory of influence and there must be some response so from his point of

view he’s waging a defense Warfare from his point of view he has the moral superiority in what he’s doing and he sincerely believes in what he’s doing

and at the same time he finds himself in a very difficult position and it’s been three and a half years that I’m in big politics and I continue Lear learning

every day I’m trying to understand what’s happening and new things open up to me every day my experience has

convinced me that the average person thinks that politicians lie when they come to the microphone but all the

experience convinces me that politicians tell pure truth 99% of the time and when

he says that we’re not fighting with Ukraine nor with Ukrainian people but rather with the Nazi government that

took over Ukraine and ukrainians are brothers and sisters as he confirmed today at the conference he’s telling the

the pure truth he’s truly thinking that way so it’s a complex character with

regards to Ukraine and the world with complex motivation and I tried to express it with maximum precision and the way I understand it laying down his

foundational motives and the way he’s looking at the world do you think Putin lies 90 99% of the

time no tell truth I think he tells the truth 99% of the time when he speaks

about key issues what he mentioned today about 80 kilograms of meat per person

per year in Russia there’s a big question where he got those numbers from but as to the his positions for example

in his interview with Tak when he does this long historical he says what he thinks yeah so okay so let me ask you

when you say um he wanted to have a good relationship he makes the phone call hey we’re willing to entertain being part of

NATO and then okay let me go check with the people you know Clinton Bush whoever it is sayy we’re going to check on the

come you know I’m so not right now maybe later on we don’t what do you mean you don’t want me to be a part of NATO and then hey 9/11 support I don’t like what

this happened here whatever you need I defend it I’m not for terrorism and all that stuff he’s kind of putting his foot

down but when you say he wanted to be Pro West and then now it’s against West

Well the West is who who let him down if you were to give names of people that you think

uh independently cuz the West can have nine leaders six of them were good with

Putin but three didn’t keep a promise to Putin who are the specific people that you think that Putin said yeah I don’t

trust this guy it’s out is it the entire system of the West he doesn’t trust with how we are or is it certain individuals

that got him to this point for him main point of orientation is the United States of America and any of their

leaders why because he’s uh measuring the real weight and he sincerely

believes that he’s stronger than any Western State except United States he’s stronger than France Britain Germany not

to mention Italy and the Baltic countries and the strategy consists of to create a situation when he can have a

two-sided relationship with any Western Country by passing over national uh

structures like NATO and us because together all the countries of the West are stronger than Putin but he’s stronger than any country separate

except the United States so he’s orienting only against the US for for him Ukraine is a proxy power of the US

and so he’s trying to speak over the head and come and negotiate because again he repeated today he’s not going

to talk to for him the US is the focus of his Grudge attraction and recognition it’s a

very Russian way of thinking I don’t know if you can understand it why though but why is it is it a person because

United States is can be five different things under five different presidents

right so when you say United States who which specific president which leader

which regime when you say the West Putin lived through four US presidents and during this whole time he has been the

president and today we know that for example the administration I always underscore that you cannot

say United States collectively the West that’s exactly what I’m saying because the administration of Trump’s

Administration and Biden’s Administration is are two different types of West and two different uh worldviews and systems of motivation and

he understands this moreover he’s trying to play with it but he’s working with the given he’s a professional uh

intelligence officer he’s has been taught to work with the given if it’s B Biden he works with Biden if it’s Trump he works with Trump but he sincerely

believes that a country has objective interest independently from the last name of their leader the size and the

geographical location and real geopolitical interest and he’s always trying to appeal to that so notice his

style is real politics he’s always talking about real politics real interests and he’s offering to act and

within those parameters and framework on the television he what did he achieve in

this in this war he achieved a great success you remember the debates of Kamal Harris and Trump there was a very

curious moment in there president Trump says that to

Camala that you failed in your uh negotiations your talks with Russia if

it had been me the r the war would not have started it’s a very free paraphrasing of what took place so she’s

losing it for a second and then she says in a very free uh paraphrasing as well she response why do we even have to

speak to people like Putin and the rest of them and that’s the thing that Putin always feels and it and it touches him

very painfully and he demands he wants for others to speak to him on the same

level like equals so his interview with Tucker is his attempt to prove why he

they need to talk to him as an equal and he’s talking about a multi-polarized world not just United

States who had assured the power and where telling everybody else how to live so in this war he’s posing as the

representative of the global South he tried to put china uh India and bricks

and the Arab world on his side so he’s showing them like I’m the person who is capable to stand against the West this

neoc colonis that they’re promoting so he’s uh discussing those terms for you I’m the defense against that in the

summit and Kazan when his political isolation was uh torn apart and T

of world leaders joined him so that’s the culmination of this war of 2022 he

is showing that I managed to be this Ram from the global South and to force the West to face this new political reality

where the world is not single polar anymore and that it doesn’t matter who the president of the US is even though

things change after Trump yeah so to me uh um I just I just had Rob pull up a report to see when’s the last time

President Biden spoke to to Putin the fact that President Biden haven’t spoken

to Putin since February 12th of 20122 that’s almost three years that doesn’t

make any sense to me that doesn’t make any sense to me that you don’t speak to him but let me let me go back to

understanding the profile of Putin so he’s made comments where it’s like look these presidents in America they don’t

run America they’re going to come 48 years they’re gone 48 years they’re gone 48 years they’re gone where you know

I’m going to give you my impression of what you’re saying tell me if this is exactly where you are how long has X been in power Rob can you type in how

long X has been in power China G how long has he been in power you know what is the timeline

since what year okay uh he has been in power since

2013 that’s 11 years 11 years allows you to know and read how to negotiate and do

business with this person China easier to know the person good bad ugly doesn’t matter if they’re a criminal or good

person but at least you see patterns of consistency with 11 years do you think a

part of U you know his lack of trust comes from

hey you know they sit there and they negotiate with them and uh uh Ukraine

says uh I’m willing to give up these Warheads to you guys in return for

protection so they give up the 1700 Warheads you know the whatever the nuclear warheads that they had you know

which story I’m talking about and then while they’re doing this Russia says I’m

willing to negotiate with you guys as long as you guys don’t come east and you

have the meeting where James Baker that the time US Secretary State this is under Bush you got I think it’s Reagan

or I think it’s under Bush then German Chancellor Helmut Cole and prime minister Margaret Thatcher they make

verbal assurances to mik gorbachov February 1990 we’re not going to go west

okay and then Baker famously told gorbachov that NATO would not move one inch Eastward Beyond Germany right okay

so now Putin is watching all this stuff happen then he comes into power and then he’s trying to find a way to improve the

relationship with West and then he realizes they don’t keep the promise NATO doesn’t keep the promise I can’t

trust you guys do you think that’s the part where he’s like West whatever they say don’t believe it because in four

years it could change their promise today is not a 30-year promise their promise today is maybe a 4-year promise

do you think that’s how he looks at the west from his point of view the West

looks like people that promise for the period leaders who promise for the period of time while they’re in

power so if fits four years to put it this way roughly his in power he can

promise for four years and then every time you need to deal with new people many times imposing positions because

the opposition comes to power and he needs to renegotiate from zero every time time every time having uh those

problems and I think he tried to resolve the problem on a key level he showed that in order to defend Russian

interests he’s ready to uh use military force and you can’t not consider

that other than that in his eyes bu dya system was destroyed that which had been

created after second world war and now we need to build a new collective security system in Europe or the whole

world this is one of the key things he mentions of the key things that I myself talk about but in his opinion the West

does not want to pose the question this way so he said today that the West is playing one-sidedly to oppress I’m

offering a collective system of security but you are oppressing us you don’t want to consider us this is not equal

relationships we’re not par who do you think he trusts more do you think he trust us more or do you think he trust

China more I don’t think that he poses the question that way I think he only trusts

believes in himself and Russia themselves look by the fact sheer fact

of their size and the border with China and the nuclear power even there even

though their allies they’re containing and restraining China in a certain uh measure when SSR lost the Cold War and

Kissinger traveled to kiden Nixon in 1975 and this triangle of SSR USA China

had been resolved not in USSR favor uh China and US ended up being allies today

the question is supped the same way in this battle of you United States and China which is a key thing for the

Americans and China where is going to be Russia this is something I always say

inside Ukraine when you want uh that Russia to be what are the National extreme nationalists are demanding that

the Russia needs to fall down that the West needs to destroy take away their nuclear uh warheads and I always ask do

you think the West needs a broken Russia or do they need Russia as a factor that restrains

China and clearly understands what he’s trading with he’s trading with his

position in relation to China he is letting them understand that if things

go really bad with the West I’m going to go and join China you’re going to have to deal with the joint potential of

China and Russia and if not I’m ready to stay neutral and contain this play this role of containing China so this is one

of the key arguments in the negotiations but I’m asking a question different way the way I’m asking a question is you

know who do you trust more uh do you trust your enemies more do you trust your friends more I trust my enemies a

lot why I trust the fact that my enemies are doing whatever they can to kill me

and put me out of business let me uh quote the Bible here uh there’s a good

phrase in the Bible my enemy why did you betray me why did you leave

me and it’s clearly saying that the enemy it’s this uh character subject

that is most honest towards you more honest than your friends especially into

politics I believe you and and I’m fully with it I I fully subscribe to that so the reason why I asked the trust

question is you know does he trust the fact that us will not keep their

promises does he trust the fact that you know China that’s why I’m asking the question maybe let me ask you the question here for you because you’re at

a position right now where uh a story just came out uh saying Ukraine to hold

this uh came up a month and a half ago two months ago Ukraine to hold elections even immediately after War zalinsky

Chief of Staff says I’m sure you’ve seen this and when that happens you know I think you may be going back for you to

run for office because you know folks want you to run for president and that’s an aspiration that you have as well that you think you can do a better job than

uh than uh zilinski can from your perspective and I know this is going to be an interesting answer you’ll give I

I’m assuming I kind of have an idea what the answer is but I’m again curious to know what you’ll say who who do you

trust more on what they’re going to be doing zalinski or

Putin Putin you trust Putin more why is that because the enemy is the best

teacher Putin is my opponent and it’s an honest battle but

internal politic is always dirty and usually your best friends are the ones who betray you

uh have you ever spoken to Putin no never spoke with him off we have incompatible ranks you’ve never been you

guys have not spent time together you okay got never well I’d be curious to know to know what that looks like but by

the way going back to um what we’re talking about with the war okay war

starts it’s been chaotic tragic lives

reporting numbers you’re on the inside we’ll watch the news the news will tell us you know 198,000

Russian soldiers have been killed and 550,000 have been wounded since beginning of the war and we’ll hear

these numbers gets bigger and bigger and bigger and then reports will come for Ukraine and say you know we’ve only lost

31,000 soldiers that number today as of December is 43,000 soldiers but this is what the media is reporting us and we

have to believe it what is the real number I think that the real numbers

according to my uh evaluation of killed and missing an action in our condition what that means killed and missing it’s

around 15,000 more or less and about 400 500,000 of

injured and Russian losses are three times as large I think of killed and

injured but we need to understand the next issue our relation ratio of uh

killed and injured is better Ukraine has a very good military medicine so for one killed we have 5 six injured in Russia

it’s one to two one to three they have a very poor field Med medicine and since

they are attacking for them they have a larger problem evacuating than us and so they’re losing in that ratio

between injured and dead so many people die right there in the field so they could have 350 people killed and only

about 600 700 people injured and not the way it was supposed to be 1.5 million if it if the ratio

would be as in developed armies in the world I Ukrainian Army do you remember the story that came out that said um you

know Ukraine uh dug up 2 million graves because of what’s going on with war and all this stuff do you remember the story

or no two million gra grapes yeah the story came out that uh Ukraine had uh uh

build out uh um multiple places to be able to bury a lot of lives and so that

reporting speculated some people to say whoa you know maybe you know Ukraine’s lost more people and and you know we

don’t know about it you’re saying Ukraine’s probably lost only 150 to 400

and maybe you know Russia’s lost 450,000

to one and a half million people injured I think it depends how you counted their very specific place and this whole thing

is losing the people who were drafted from the occupied territor yes so there’s a specific place and this is the

loss of people that were drafted from our occupied territories dbas Crimea and

now it’s even zapar roia and herone regions and people who died being Ukrainian citizens died being part of

the Russian army attacking us so what did Putin do he forced Ukrainian citizens to fight against other

Ukrainian citizens drafting them from those DNR and l&r from there about 70

80,000 people died how do we count those is this a loss on the Russian side or Ukrainian side or separate category it’s

a big question it’s not a small amount it could be up to 100,000 people so this is why the General correlation it’s one

to three and Kell one of the representatives from Trump how is that possible how is that

possible for for the average person how is a smaller country like Ukraine able

to kill three times the amount of people to a powerful country with the second

most nuclear warhead some on some numbers they first you know how are they able to do that to a nation as big

Russia that’s a typical ratio on the battlefield between this the attacking

and retreating or better said attacking and defending sides we are defending everybody who is attacking usually

carries more losses for them to not carry more losses they need to have a radical technical Advantage but they don’t have that moreover

in three times look there are battles when it’s 1 to 10 1 to 15 that’s an

average only comes to one to 3 one to five I would say more or less got it

okay so you know I when when you’re watching I don’t know if you saw what uh

Putin said earlier today Rob if you don’t pulling up the clip just three hours before you got here Putin was

being interviewed and he’s being asked a question about his willingness to negotiate with Trump for the Ukraine war

and if you want to kind of get one side of the mic on you can hear what he has to say if you want to put that on Rob if

you want to play this clip here’s Putin go for my offer to the president- elect Trump when we meet

first of all I don’t know when we will meet because he doesn’t say anything about

it I haven’t spoken to him for more than four years and I’m ready for it of

course at any time and I will be ready for a meeting if he wants

it politics is the art of compromise and we’ve always said that we

are ready for both negotiations and compromises it is just that the opposite

side and the literal figurative sense of the word refuse to negotiate and we are always ready for

this the result of these negotiations is always compromis do you believe

him yes okay I he demonstrates a consistent position since March 2022

since stul negotiations and you notice today he said that the basis for us is the stul talks and the real uh position

on the so on the ground and we are ready for compromises Putin is a very complex person but he has two remarkable

qualities real or figurative in parenthesis he uh perfectly impeccably

maintains the same line that he announced and in the eyes of everyone in Europe everybody he deals with he uh

stated clear goals and he showed that he can achieve them by force but he has not

change the goals he consistently says the same thing stul uh talks we’re ready

to talk and Etc it’s more Ukraine more likely here that looks like an unpredictable partner

that from one side is showing itself as a victim as a suffering side from the

other side Putin it’s making uh us to look like we are constantly refusing to

negotiate this is what happened today so he’s building a perfect trap see the first step he says we’re ready to talk

step number two he says I’m ready to compete with the West over KV and try

arnik which is the mass destruction weapon and let the Western air defense

try to uh protect them from that and number three he says I’m not going to

talk to Zen though he’s not a legitimate leader if if if he will be reelected and I’ll talk

to him so this is a slap in the face to zansi it’s like a red rag so when Putin says he’s not legitimate how is the West

hearing this zilinski is a horse who’s not even going to participate in the race why would we even even uh bet on it

so he receives this emotional trauma plus this arnik this threat to K and they react very sharply and it’s just

Street cussing and swearing him and your mock publishing this posting this

outside of any polit political relations even between countries in war just cursing swearing and now Putin says and

shows this to this world and says I’m for peace I’m ready to go for a compromise but these people you can’t

even talk to them you can’t be nego with them and this is how we look in the eyes of the whole world because uh with

this whole offer and this provocation how did we react saying bedward calling him names which liquidate any

possibility of normal talks uh even thinking about it even just a ceasefire

this is why Putin has a very clear position he took it in the spring of last year it was corrected since 2022

zinski is not a legitimate leader he’s over his time he does not represent the people of Ukraine we’re ready to talk

but for this we need compromises and uh the people in power who are legitimately

there and he has not changed position since then since that time we called him names uh got to intrude into K OAS and

we did many times things that undermined Ukraine’s image as the country that

really desires peace now the prime minister of Hungary uh spoke twice about the Christmas truth and exchanging

prisoners of war and our government very harshly reacted to that saying nobody authorized Orban to uh to do that so for

zans his emotional heat I don’t know if he noticed this but they are painting him as the only public political figure

who is against stopping the war and I am warning them public through my direct

statements uh and I’m sure that they are watching me in zelinsky’s office look what they’re doing to you they are

constantly putting you in a position of people who are against stopping the war and you’re the victim side Putin on your

background begins looking like an adequate reasonable person who is offering peace of course on his own conditions and achieving his what he

wants his goals but this is a very dangerous road and he is outplaying US you’re going to think I’m crazy when I

tell you this but the last 13 and a half years I’ve been working on my first fiction book to write ever fiction book

to write and while I finished this book a year ago I got the strangest phone call about one of the characters in a

book where the guy wanted to meet with me and he read the book and afterwards is like wait a minute am I the villain

in the book this is a story about a character named Asher who is half Armenian half Assyrian whose father was

involved in the Iranian Revolution linked to saak working with the SHA that

they escape and he gets recruited to a secret society well when you go to the secret society it’s been around for a

couple thousand years they’ve developed some of the craziest leaders of all time and they test you there’s unique test

that they have at the society where they test to see your emotional mental toughness one of the tests that they have is very rigorous it’s purely mental

of course there’s a physical one but one is mental and emotional if you’re Armenian if you’re Syrian if you’re

Persian this is a book you’re going to be reading and saying holy moly this the kind of stuff you talk about in here yes

if you’re somebody that’s fascinated by history this is a book for you characters there’s a technology that

this Society secret society builds where you go into a vault I won’t spoil it for

you when you go down they have a technology where you get to sit down and watch and have a 3 4our conversation

with Tupac you can set up a debate between Carl Marx and a Rand Carl Marx

is in the book who wrote Communist Manifesto A Rand who wrote Atlas Shrug is in the book Marilyn Monroe explains

the concept of Seduction and sex in the book when you read the book it’s about development of the next leaders in the

world and how they do it and how they’ve been doing it for many years and it’s also about how to prevent the end of

civilization and how this organization goes about doing it so I’ve never written a parenting book before but if I

ever wrote a parenting book this is the closest thing to it because it’s all mindset a lot of crazy stories again 13

and a half years trust me I told myself I will not publish this book until I sell my insurance company and I’m fully

disconnected from it where it’s no longer my responsibility 100% when you read this if you’re a Cate if you’re a

creative person if you like fiction books if you enjoyed atess Shrugged or if you enjoy Divergent if you like books

like that I think you going enjoy reading this book book it’s the creative side business books is very easy here’s

how you do it here’s how this out works this is very creative if you haven’t placed your order yet now you can order

it on Simon and Schuster Amazon I’m going to put the link up below somewhere here maybe even in my uh profile go

order the book and read it I sincerely I’ve never written a book where I can’t

wait to read your reviews to see what you think about this book so I’m going

on this wild journey and we have some plans with this book here uh if you support the things that I work on I would appreciate you going on reading

the book order the book on Amazon and then post a review so uh how do you think’s going to end do you think uh

let’s just say the negotiation does take place Trump gets in they’re having a meeting it’s just no question about it they’re going to have a visit he’s going

to go over there and have to sit down the conversation when they do what do you think will H will happen with the

territory and regions you think Putin is going to get what he wants I think that the real terms for talks it would be

freezing it on the line of fire that exists today Putin will not go to talks with zinski I

think that’s 100% he’s not going to go only if zinski is re-elected again

because uh Putin is a lawyer and he has this lawyer thinking he always prefers

to achieve to be reduced to writing an agreement signed by but signed by who if

he considers zinsky as illegitimate see Trump he pushes forward like a bulldozer in a good sense of this word I think

he’ll have enough strength and influence to do a double ultimatum for Russia and Ukraine and force them to stop the fire

but stopping the fire doesn’t mean peace and Putin will stop the fire but he will not he will talk about some agreements

only with the next legitimate president of Ukraine which the people will uh choose and before that there will be no

peaceful agreement so uh the president Trump uh he can stop the war as he said but achieving a peaceful agreement is

the next very difficult task and we still don’t know how the first is going to end up working out with elections in

Ukraine what it’s going to bring and how it’s going to end I say that the question is on creating a new system of

collective security in Eastern Europe with participation of Russia belus considering their position which can

compensate and replace mining system which is destroyed without cons if we don’t consider the interest of Russia

Bel and Ukraine it’s not going to work we can stop firing

but it will not will not be able to resolve the problem in its core will be able Trump Putin and new

leader of Ukraine stop this war in the in the route that’s a real challenge

it’s not going to be easy to achieve but seizing the fire it’s possible yes yeah um yeah you know Putin’s called zinski

and a legitimate leader heading a Neo-Nazi regime his words on what he called

zelinski uh for you with where you’re at right now how many of zelinsky’s leaders

camps on the inside call you and speak to you and tell you things that

undermine zilinski are you in communication with any of his leaders that reach out to you

directly let me put it this way I have fullness of information of what is happening in Ukraine in the most most

tight circles to put it this way but these are people that currently would be part of his administration

I have fullness of information that doesn’t answer the question so then so I need to be very

sensitive because I don’t want to and I’m I’m not looking for a name but I I

totally but I totally get it so because there’s a difference between directly and indirectly right if you want this type

of an answer I have an answer it’s information from zelinsky’s closest Circle this is the maximum Precision I

can give you an answer that’s I’m not going to ask any more than that that’s all I’m looking for so it is directly it’s not somebody tell

somebody terms directly indirectly I’ll speak directly directly okay good right

specifically so so that’s so that’s good now so if it’s directly you’re hearing it um from him um so in this context if

this thing was to accelerate and let’s just say War you know they compromise Trump goes there they’re done they’re

good to go the war is done how soon will you be returning to run for president well the mode in Ukraine is

such that there will be immediately a whole set of key issues that are

impossible to resolve without election stopping the martial law mobilization opening the borders

because we’re a country with closed borders and very F many families have been split for three years every third

fourth Ukrainian person is outside the country many times husbands haven’t seen their wives and children for many years

this is why uh it cannot be resolved without elections and I think within a month or two there will be a question brought up about stopping martial law

and going into the peaceful State okay so next question for you is you

know I had some friends that were there who are friends uh uh friendly with uh

some of the military leaders okay and story comes out it’s all over the place I’m sure you’ve seen it as well on the

money that’s being given with the level of corruption okay uh a lot of money’s

gone there okay and you’ll hear stories okay Aid given to Ukraine mortal Shel

Scandal January 2024 this year year ago Ukraine security uh service spu

uncovered a corruption scheme uh in nearly a 100,000 mortar shells amounting

to $40 million the scheme involved senior officials from the ministry of defense and an armed supplier with funds

transferred abroad without any shells being delivered that’s one two embezzlement of logistics officers in

November of 2024 the spu exposed a corruption scheme of two Ukrainian Army Logistics officers

they defrauded a state of 27.3 million approximately $700,000 through a network of shell companies diverting funds meant

for military use three uh agrarian and economical Ministry officials in August

of 2023 about 16 months ago the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine Nabu

uncovered a $1.6 million invesment scheme involving the first Deputy Ministry of agrarian policy and food and

a former deputy minister they were charged with the power abuse and embezzling state fund designated for

humanitarian Aid military catering Scandal earlier in 2023 there were sport uh

reports about inflated prices for food meant for Ukrainian troops leading to the resignation of Junior defense

minister the Scandal involved buying goods like eggs and potatoes at well above market rate suggesting a kickback

system was in place last one procurement fraud in January of 2023 another high-profile case involved the dismissal

of ail lozinski a deputy infrastructure Minister was caught allegedly receiving a $400,000 bribe for rigging procurement

tenders for equipment like generators do you believe zalinski has gotten any of

the money that’s been given to Ukraine whether he personally received

corrupt money to clarify the question so for example um somebody can

work for my company and they can be my I don’t know executive assistant let’s

just say and with my contacts they can have one company that

is going to be a $100,000 job I do that they’re my contact they can go find another person and they’ll do $120,000

but the $20,000 more they’ll say pay it to my wife so the paper trail is not to

them do you think there was any corruption on formulate this this way most of the cases that you were naming

are happening in the realm of National Defense and security which is the direct area of responsibility of our president

zalinski as the commander-in-chief according to the laws and Constitution of Ukraine this is his direct area of

responsibility he carries full responsibility for everything that happens then especially in a country that is in in state I’m asking a

specific question so let me restate my question let me restate my question this is a very important question for you to

answer and and if you answer it in a way you know it’s it’s it’s catastrophic

for him right do you know the answer you don’t have to answer it if you don’t want to do you know the answer whether

money ended up flowing to him through shell account account or other people where people on the inside have said you

know Lexi listen everybody here knows how much money this guy’s making every time we give him 40 billion 20 billion

10 billion 5 billion there’s so many other accounts shell accounts that he has money that’s going to overseas and all this other stuff do you directly or

indirectly know that he’s gotten paid from all the money that other countries have given to him I’m answered with

maximum Precision I do not have information that

he received money from corruption scandles but I can tell you for sure that the level of corruption is off the

charts catastrophical with him or with his people and people surrounding him in the

zone that he’s responsible for does that benefit him or it benefits his people at a minimum it benefits the people who are

surrounding him okay but that’s not benefiting him I do not have such information but he carries full

responsibility for what is happening in his area of responsibility for the level of corruption that is happening there

and the measures that he’s undertaking to to put it mildly I find them

unsatisfactory okay uh let me go another think here when you think about your country Ukraine natural resources plenty

it’s a beautiful place a lot of incredible natural resources that a lot of people are interested in that they

want Russia when you think about the number one country in the world in natural resources it’s Russ Russia $75

trillion of Natural Resources a lot of these big companies want to get into

Russia right uh there’s a concept called economic Hitman I don’t know if you’re

familiar with this author he was a guy that wrote a book on economic Hitman he comes to your country he says I’m going

to bring some companies and they’re going to spend invest $10 billion in your country when they do that’s what he

used to do this man right here John Perkins was an economic Hitman he would go to different countries and he

would tell them we’re going to come here we’re going to do this we’re going to put $10 billion into your country if you

don’t we’re going to do something to you and on the back end sometimes they pay these people

right story comes out on rebuilding Ukraine right Rob if you can pull up the

story rebuilding Ukraine $400 billion I think it’s Chase and I want to say black

rock uh uh $400 billion uh is this the one zilinsky

black rock announced new investment initiative to rebuild Ukraine and can you do control f400 to see if it goes to

it there you go Ukraine established a program to trct up to $400 billion dollars in foreign investments to Target

various areas of the economy from clean energy to defense to Natural Resources zinsky believes this is the greatest

opportunity in Europe since World War II do you think the motive of others not zalinski

let’s set his motive aside do you think there’s motive of others to have War

because now they can raise money and come in and build infrastructure and make more money do you think there’s

profit as a motive to have this war and continue the war from whose side our

side Ukrainian side or us side not from his side from not even the American side

from the from the banking and the financial sector I don’t think that they arranged the War but they’re definitely

use its results that’s for sure got it okay so then that’s that’s still a your position is more noble they

didn’t promote the war but if it happens hey guys let’s capitalize we’re going to go make a bunch of money not okay I got

you okay so that’s interesting that you’re saying that that’s good to know for us now I heard a story that in 2022

Boris Johnson if I’m not mistaken came there and there was a conversation that

there was a 90% chance of a peace deal but Boris Johnson influenc zalinski to

not reach a peace deal with Putin and Russia because the West would not support the type of peace deal is this a

true story with Boris Johnson and zalinski I was a participant of the negotiations group on March 29 in stul

we signed an agreement we come back to Ukraine on April 1st and first 2 April

the second I believe the bcha tragedy is discovered then on April 9th uh was

supposed to be a meeting of Putin and zalinski at which time the ceasefire was supposed to uh take place and open talks

Johnson came either the fourth or the third I don’t remember exactly I need to check on that date and aramia the the

head of the Parliamentary majority of the ruling party zelinsky’s party directly in an interview said that yes

Johnson was the person who said continue the war that’s his words I do not know why he said that

probably wanted to shift the responsibility over to the West we have a tendency to do that but I was not

present at the meeting with Johnson I did not receive information from Johnson I don’t have any direct testimony people

who could testify to that one thing I can say that the talks within stul format continued until May 17 meaning

another month and a half after that they still were discussing them and Ramstein for example was only on April 26 when

the first Coalition met for the first time by the minister of uh defense of the US Austin who brought Armament for

Ukraine what exactly happened if you’re interested I can tell you what I

think because I’m looking at the Timeline here February 1st 2022 Johnson travels to Kiev disc yeah he came on the

ninth when there was supposed to be a meeting between zansi and Putin it was planned and it was disrupted by the bcha

crisis well why why why do you do this what’s the reasoning to I think it was

not only Johnson doing this I think there were corresponding signals from Biden’s Administration I don’t know but

I think so because Johnson as an argument wouldn’t be enough the main orientation is obviously of course the

position of the American country for us it was most probably something along the lines of okay Putin is losing the war

his invasion has been thwarted we’re going to help you out so uh you continue

fighting and get to a better position to negotiate get a better place for negotiation more leverage I don’t know

I’m guessing so it’s not only just Jo Johnson but the fact that Britain in

this conflict is following pursuing their own interest I’m sure they do 101%

and these interests actually many times are go against the American interest it

seems to me why we listen to that I don’t know it’s a big question for me separate question I think that we truly

thwarted his invasion and the Russians were really lost and confused in those

talks they were going to Big concessions and uh plus the emotional Trauma from

the bcha and it was a big mistake strategically to continue the war huge mistake on the Ukrainian side what

happened exactly I’m just here in the realm of suppositions assumptions when I’m answering this to

you yeah so I’m going through a timeline right now okay so right here February 20

February 1st 2022 they meet the biggest security crisis Europe ever faced okay great April 9 2022 a surprise visit

Johnson meets with z to demonstrate solidarity while the conflict is taking place during the M he pledged to

continue assistance military including 120 armored vehicles new anti-ip missiles as well as an additional $500

million from World Bank leading to Ukraine June 17 2022 Johnson returns to Kev to meet with zinski for a third time

uh where he announced a major training program for Ukrainian forces aiming to have training up to 10,000 soldiers every 120 days this initiative was

intended to bolster Ukraine’s defense capabilities okay great then September 6th of 2022 he steps down Boris Johnson

if you want to pull up when he steps down uh Rob that’s September 6th 2022

the date is what I have here okay so when he steps down uh if you just type in Rob all you have to type in is when

did Boris Johnson step down right there you go September 6 2022 no problem so

he’s out of the picture then you have a Liz truss okay Liz truss comes in during

this time and I’m so curious to know what you’re going to say because I’m trying to find a timeline here Liz

truss when northstream pipeline took place can you type in when northstream pipeline happened Rob if you just type

in northstream pipeline uh event northstream pipeline

event happened when okay so this is getting very interesting for me very

very interesting when did Boris step down September 6 2022 when do northstream pipeline

happened September 26 2022 3 weeks later okay who do they blame Russia what does

she text it’s done okay then Wall Street

Journal comes out with this article if you want to pull this up and Americans are like sitting there saying you know

uh uh you know and by the way for the audience that’s watching this you can pull up and who list trust is so they know who list trust is Rob if you can

just Google and see who list trust is so we can explain to everybody who list trust is since audience tracking so she

was the British po politician who served as as prime minister of UK for one month

literally folks one month September to October 2022 so then she texts it’s

done then Wall Street Journal comes out with this article September 28 we’re

supposed to believe a drunken evening a rented yacht the real story of the northstream pipeline sabotage a private

businessman funded the shoestring operation which was overseen by top General president zalinski approved the

plan then tried to unsuccessfully call it off but it was too late are we really supposed to believe the story or is

there another story you have to tell us what really happened here uh I have deep sympathy towards

Britain British people British culture I’ve been brought up and that my family

has been brought up on British literature but all I know about Great

Britain plus years of political military analysis it shows that their historical

goal is not to allow Union between Russia and Continental Europe especially

Germany this their whole history of external politic of United Kingdom shows

that their main goal is not to allow that Union between Germany and Russia I do not know who exploded the norstrom

now officially unofficially Ukraine is blamed uh there is an investigation done by Germany Russia and Putin says that

there some Anglo suon did it I do not know anything about Britain’s role perhaps in

that explosure and sabotage but I do know that this event could not be outside of Britain’s interest even if

the Great Britain did not Inspire it or conspired it or got involved remember

that Great Britain before that created a whole block of Northern countries Sweden

Finland Denmark Netherlands friends of Ukraine and their main interest was to

restrain Russia and the Baltic Sea and the Baltic theater what really took place there is one of the biggest and

most interesting questions in this war that still needs to be investigated but I don’t have even a the least of data

and suppositions of what what happened there I do not know at all you don’t n n okay all right I know

what niso is so okay maybe let me ask another

question on this what chance do you think it was

Russia behind North stream pipeline that Russia themselves exploded that yes I

think that’s non-existent there would be the last people interested in that okay zero okay no problem what percentage

speculation purely speculating that you know Ukraine was behind

it well I would allow that it could be Ukraine 20%

okay how about us influencing UK I think that let’s put it this way

NATO State 80% that they’re somehow this way or the other are involved in this story

obviously it was not Germany which is the least interested party okay so will we ever find

out I think someday we will but this be in 70

years 70 but these are the terms of declassifying documents 70 80

years in seven or eight years or 7D

7 116 years old for declassifying it depends on the

Goodwill and what game they’re playing yeah for me I’m I’m interested

to know you know what’s going on there it could be much earlier it could be much earlier look if they create a

system of collective security in Europe a new system it can be only created by

politicians with new vision and these politicians will be interested and definitely cut ties with the past it

means that they will be also interested in exposing to the maximum the truth about the past and this can happen

within a much shorter term than 70 years if you’ve seen the clip with

Tucker Carlson and Putin you know Putin says that he believes it was us that was behind it have you seen that clip when

he said specifically America I heard talking about Anglo Saxon something keeping in mind both

Britain and the USA Rob can you pull up that clip it could be yes it could be that it’s both

but uh if you want to play this clip with Tucker and uh Putin

nordstream you for sure I was busy that day n do you have

do uh I did not blow up north stream uh thank

you you personally may have an alibi but the CIA has no such

Alibi do do you have evidence that NATO or the CIA did

[Music] it you know I won’t get into details

people always say in such cases look for someone who is interested but in this

case we should not only look for someone who is interested but also for someone who has capabilities because there may

be many people interested but not all of them are capable of sinking to the bottom of the Baltic Sea and carrying

out this explosion these two components should be connected who is interested and who is

capable of doing it but I’m confused I mean that’s the biggest Act of industrial terrorism ever and it’s the

largest emission of CO2 in in history okay so if you had evidence and presumably given your Security Services

your Intel Services you would that NATO the US CIA the West did this why

wouldn’t you present it and win a propaganda

victory in the war of propaganda it is very difficult to defeat the United States because the United States

controls all the world’s media and many European media the ultimate beneficiary

of the biggest European media are American financial institutions can stop it at this point I

have a different explanation what was that because these are actions against one the main uh member of the Union of

the es who is going to announce it even if it was a v

Victory who who’s going to finance it then I have no idea no no announce it ER

was asking Putin why this is the largest Act of terrorism why is nobody claiming it is their Victory and Putin

explaining because it’s all controlled by the media and I’m saying because it’s an action against the largest member of

the NATO so nobody’s going to announce it even if it actually took place yeah I get that I mean it’s it’s catastrophic

whoever does and whoever does two three countries are going to be tied so there’s going to be two three criminals

maybe more uh and the level of credibility being lost they they will protect protect that and use propaganda

to blame somebody else and that that game is a very very effective game play

like he said in there on uh on uh on what he believes going on but that was

that was a big event um when you think about northstream pipeline but okay so let’s let’s go to now okay let’s go to

Now with uh uh Putin Ukraine with the current climate that we have uh today

itself Trump coming in temperatures being lower um um the world’s getting a

little bit you know confident that this guy is coming in Canada Justin trude

though everybody wants to be on the good side of uh Trump do you think the climate around the world is going to be

getting calmer because of President Trump winning of course he came as a person

who wants to break down the global system with a big S which had been built let’s put it this way by

globalists IND whom stands the Neo Marxist School of political

thought cultural trans kism and permanent revolution all of

that things against which the right-wing America is standing and Trump and me

personally and these structures are very strong they’ve been built over dozens of years and after 1991 they’ve been

absolutely winners since that time and to overcome that which is go the trumps

for himself it’s going to be very une easy hot and bright okay so let’s just say you go

back to Ukraine all right and you campaign for pres presidency what’s your vision what are

you selling to the people three Vision three things first an external policy creating

a system of collective security in Europe Eastern Europe considering real interest of bellarus Russia and Ukraine

and all the countries in order so that the war between Russia and Ukraine could not repeat it

self whichever means of Arbitrage new means to be invented but there cannot be

a war between Ukraine and Russia there’s 10 million citizens of Ukraine and Russia have

direct relatives across the border every fourth Ukrainian this is not a normal situation and there are ways to re

resolve the problem between us without a war not to allow a next War to break out within Ukraine inside it would be

changing the project from a nationalistic to a

worldwide state with wide views where the people’s human rights are defended

uh their rights to go to the church they want to speak the language they want so that there’s no uh persecution against

people based on ethnical religious which unfortunately is not happening in Ukraine currently basically so that the

constitution is uh being followed in Ukraine and the third it would be new industrialization of Ukraine and a

change in direction of their development we did a huge mistake in 199 want began as a major industrial power in Europe

and today we are an agrarian state with a very small sliver of services with a

destroyed economy by the word and our own actions and I think we need to bid on a better technological scientific

process switching on a new to a new technological implementation in this

clusters and sectors we can I want a industrial rebirth Renaissance I I call

my whole project Ukraine’s Renaissance and we need to bring It Up From the Ashes destroyed by the war but it has

been even more destroyed by by our corruption and the battle with corruption is subject number one would

you would you um pursue a relationship with NATO or would your campaign be to

not have any interest in wanting to join NATO no I think that Ukraine needs to remain as a neutral country because one

of the main reasons of this war with Russia was our desire and aspiration to join NATO officially and flirting with

NATO who would be always promising and not even intending to ever receive us but forever just irritating Putin

according to the Articles of Independence Declaration of Independence of Ukraine we are a neutral country and

we were recognized in 1991 as a neutral State as soon as we stopped being or

better said wanted to stop being a neutral country it brought up a whole chain of consequences

internationally and I believe we need to be part of the collective West mentally maybe perhaps not very developed country

we still need to learn a lot of things but we need to have a special relationship with Europe NATO United

States but we cannot join because on this stage it means a third war with Russia which we will not be able to Bear

okay so what makes you think the the NATO and the West would want a candidate

like you why why would they want somebody like you because for us the price of NATO is the war with Russia and

for NATO the price of receiving Ukraine is the war with Russia but you remember what they did I mean think about the the

what they did to Putin when Putin had all these NOS of people being funded to

protest outside you know what they’re going to do in your country if you go out there and you talk like this you

think they’re going to let somebody like you win and saying you have no interest of being with NATO yes I think we will

win I will win really D yes really who who will want you think about world

leaders who would want a leader like you being replacing zinski would the West

want you I do not know would Russia want you

possibly for Russia would be one the most comfortable negotiator because I’m

the only Ukrainian politic who says that Russia has some real interest as a

country regardless of the last name of their president Putin Nal ianov I

recognize them I’m a real politic Russia as a state regardless of who the president is has real interests and you

cannot not consider them we have 3,000 kilometers of Land and Sea border that

we share we’re neighbors we were uh part of the same state we grew up from the same route and we are predestined to

live together we need normal relationship with Russia normal that are regulated so that the war cannot repeat

and the key irritant for Russia is joining NATO and it doesn’t matter if it’s Putin or any other president it

doesn’t matter the last name of their leader it’s Russia’s interest and moreover I know for sure that NATO does

not even intend to receive us they’re just teasing us about receiving but they will never let us join it has been

confirmed with you by the leaders absolutely absolutely they talked about it last year 20123 in July that they

wanted to accelerate your membership to Nato yes and in this year they many times

multiple times confirmed on highest levels that someday some time Ukraine will join but not now you see NATO and

United States has a status there five countries with that status a special close uh member but not in NATO it’s

Israel South Korea Australia Jordan and one other country we can receive that

status but the basis of regional security is the main thing

first of all uh require in good relationships with all the neighbors Russia belus who went too far and we got

a fulls scale War we need to uh reestablish recover these uh relationships at least some level of

relationship including Russia and without considering their real interest it’s impossible to do because the real

interest of Ukraine is having good relationships with all the neighbors who else would want

you who from the outside leaders outside of Ukraine external look I don’t know

how they’re going to react to my program to my offer what other political leaders

are going to say and political Powers alog together but I have a very clear proposal we cannot allow a war in

Europe and we need to create a system that will allow to resolve current

disagreements without a war I think that that’s my offer I think it’s reasonable okay how are you going to manage the NGS

that are going to do propaganda and talk about how you’re a Putin puppet and and

cuz that’s what they’re going to say they’re saying they now already I know but how are you going to handle those NOS how are you going to handle those

people that the the people that are funding uh protesting propaganda to

paint a picture of who you are after my victory or before during the campaigning pre while you’re campaigning I will be

maximum honest and precise and Ukrainian Nation will recide decide I have a clear

message to the Ukrainian Nation Ukraine is a failed state St and the problems

that the war revealed have been accumulated since 1991 because from the beginning we went on a false a wrong

path uh self-destruction of our economy and culture and the real result in this war is showing that the entire system is

corrupt it’s rotten it doesn’t work and we need to change the entire system and I’m going coming with this proposal to

change that and this sounds similar to president Trump my messages are similar to his that the system is no good and it

needs to be fundamentally changed we need to over come the Deep State and corrupt forces that’s my offer now if

the people will vote for me and elect me they’re they will decide what do you think about Victoria

nand I think that this is one of the leading officers in Biden’s

Administration rep representative of democrat globalist is she good for the country of

Ukraine she played her specific role and that role was involving I don’t

know if it was her task or not but overall the task of these people was to make a trap out of Ukraine for

Putin second Afghanistan for Russia and we got in trouble with this

trap for getting our own real interest and we could have avoided getting in trouble you you got you got a lot of uh

um um moving parts that you have to go through and maneuver through um who who

would be some of the biggest people in Ukraine that is widely

respected by others that would come out and say we need Alexi as our president

would the military be on your side would the economy be on your side would business people be on your side who what

sect would be out there saying we’re for Lexi I have direct support from the side

of the business middle business large business I have enough support among the

military I’m a Ukrainian officer lieutenant colonel an Ukrainian Army two

and a half years and the front line and overall and I have enough support I’m a volunteer who

brings and gathers a lot of support and help for the Ukrainian Army and I have a

significant support among the people and it’s difficult to measure that at this time I think that you understand that

right now it’s just a gen General understanding but once the presidential candidates will be registered this is

always a becomes a specific choice the value of the program you’re announcing the value of your team

the value of every word you say after the official registration it’s not just people from your country or people from

other countries uh listen to you if that combines both of your questions so for now is just uh people looking overall at

the situation but over there it’s going to be a real battle of uh statements programs I can tell you that for now I

have sufficient supporters in all of the Spheres of Life of Ukraine I can tell you I’m in direct contact with them

you’re for sure very popular I mean your your online following is in the millions people listen to you and every time

you’re putting a live millions of views half a million 2.2 million 1.2 million and but I couldn’t find anything in

English the only thing I saw in English was one you did 11 months ago with somebody I don’t know who it was and uh

uh uh how many English podcasts have you done is it is it is it just one that you

when the war has begun I was made it about English podcast every day first

first 100 days yourself or did you go no it’s just just other people thr I

I spoke with CNN with Fox News and you can find it my just switching on the air

and I know you did you did something with Lex fredman because I think like that would be the one yes yes two two

times two times but neither one of them went live no but no one what what happened there I don’t know we have to

ask Alex okay got it okay uh because I know you know he’s a True

Believer uh of what’s going on there and Lex is a guy that uh wants peace and uh

you know he’s he’s coming from a place of you can tell he’s coming from a genuine I I don’t know him we we don’t

have a relationship but is your plan cuz when I watch what mle did

Argentina socialist they don’t want melee libertarian he’s crazy kissing girls doing all this stuff his campaign

was very weird loud a all this stuff that he’s doing yeah exactly right buelli young guy coming up Bitcoin

crypto all the stuff there was things that were different right so the the you know even if you go to Victor Orban

there’s a lot of them that we can go through you know uh Maloney from Italy or all these things that we’re talking

about evictor from Hungary um where would you put yourself

politically Are you a conser ative are you a Libertarian are you your your as

as a person your background Faith theology things that you’ve studied where would you put yourself politically

yeah I am a more of a right Centrist right Centrist right yes

economically you’re a capitalist absolutely yes absolutely by the mindset

okay and then woke completely anti-woke nothing with you is woke you’re not going to try to absolutely not I

completely understand what they people who is the people are and what is ideology inside they are they use I’m

against them well one thing one thing that I will say is I I really enjoyed

talking to you one thing that I will say is mle made us be interested in

Argentina buelli made us be interested in El Salvador Victor Orban made us be

interested in Hungary right and they did a phenomenal job of us being interested

in some of these regions I think if you the fact that you’re creating content right now is phenomenal but the people

that are listening to you are your people that are listening to you I think if there’s more outer people that are

also supporting you we had the Dominic tarjin on uh from Poland okay he was a

Polish uh Parliament I think uh uh and then he was also part of NATO or un he

was part of un un as well if I’m not mistaken uh member of the European Parliament EU member of the European

Parliament and he was a pol polish politician we had him on did an interview 25 million views all the clips

combined and then we had him on our election night when he was there everybody wants him to be the president

of Poland now you know they want him to run in March April because this guy’s like so the exposure to English-speaking

audiences got people more interested in supporting him saying he and that’s kind of helping as well so for you where

you’re going you know I’d be curious to know if you’re going to take that route and be doing more of these types of

conversations um especially at a time like this because let’s just say this does come to an end when Trump and them

meet and there’s peace let’s say then you’re comfortable to go back and you

start campaigning and you’re speaking openly all over the place momentum Rises saying here’s somebody that

can be the next president there that could make for very interesting interesting

story yes that can be look for Ukraine exposure before english-

speaking audiences more over United States is one of the key things because the very existence of Ukraine depends on

80% from the help that America gives not a single Ukrainian can be indifferent

toward American audience and their points of view of Americans onto what happens in Ukraine the person who is represented

here of course receives a very strong shoulder of support but the very fact of having an interview for the englishing

audience American audience with regards to the two main points I want to say the same thing I’m intending to be a president for all ukrainians and not

just for my my supporters so people who uh maintain opposing ideologies will

still be under protection their rights will be defended they will have a right to voice because there must be freedom

of speech there must be a battle of arguments and not just suppressing one of the sides that’s a

and the second point I’m not a liberal like mle but I am supporter of Maximum

freedom in economics Ukraine is now on 116th or maybe 123rd Place according to

freedom for economy it’s a shame Russia we call them totalitarian authoritarian state is on 109th Place so they have a

higher ranking than us so my goal is to liberalize to the maximum the economy

and allow people to make money give them freedom of speech and uh defend their

freedoms and rights and expand them so I’m encouraged by the example of melee

and the leaders you named but I have my own view on things and it’s my Approach is rather more American maximum private

and corporate rights have to be given to the maximum two the people and the state needs to dictate the

main guidelines fighting corruption maintaining those guidelines for the society and economy and external policy

will be this strategical development of the country and relationships with the neighbors that’s my view the state needs

to be shrinked down the whole government needs to be shrink down they should not own anything it’s uh that belongs to the

private people and they should not mow directly into the ideological war uh rather to create an atmosphere where

some people cannot oppress others using uh organizations government agencies

foreign Partners influences and help from the abroad but having provide for

the true freedom of speech that we never had in Ukraine and when the true battle of arguments ideologist uh begins that

will provide for the true development of the country regardless of who the leader is my goal is to create a system of

rules and I believe that the quality of a politician is defined by his ability to provide continuity imagine I’m lucky

and I get reelected I have 10 years so the goal for these 10 years is to place foundations that cannot be rolled back

even if my opponents come to power afterwards to create mechanis in the country that will hold for the future

free economy and freedom and protected this is a set of tasks it will be difficult to achieve but this is exactly

what I am aiming to do I’m excited to see what you do next and I’m glad we made this work I really enjoyed the

conversation we had for the audience watching this we’re going to put the link below to all the channels and everything that you have so they can go

out there and find you and remember this is also translated in Russian if anybody wants to watch it the link uh will also

be below Lexi appreciate you for coming this was fantastic thank you thank you so much take care

everybody you’re going to think I’m crazy when I tell you this but the last 13 and a half years I’ve been working on my first fiction book to write ever

fiction book to write and while I finished this book a year ago I got the strangest phone call about one of the

characters in a book where the guy wanted to meet with me and he read the book and afterwards is like wait a minute am I the villain in the book this

is a story about a character named Asher who is half Armenian half ass

whose father was involved in the Iranian Revolution linked to saak working with

the SHA that they escape and he gets recruited to a secret society well when you go to the secret society it’s been

around for a couple thousand years they’ve developed some of the craziest leaders of all time and they test you there’s unique test that they have at

this Society where they test to see your emotional mental toughness one of the tests that they have is very rigorous

it’s purely mental of course there’s a physical one but one is mental and emotional if you’re Armenian if you’re

Syrian if you’re Persian this is a book you’re going to be reading and saying holy moly this the kind of stuff you

talk about in here yes if you’re somebody that’s fascinated by history this is a book for you characters

there’s a technology that this Society secret society builds where you go into a vault I won’t spoil it for you when

you go down they have a technology where you get to sit down and watch and have a

three four-hour conversation with Tupac you can set up a debate between Carl Marx and a Rand Carl Marx is in the book

who wrote Communist Manifesto A Rand who wrote Atlas Shrug is in the book Marilyn Monroe explains the concept of Seduction

and sex in the book when you read the book it’s about development of the next leaders in the world and how they do it

and how they’ve been doing it for many years and it’s also about how to prevent the end of civilization and how this

organization goes about doing it so I’ve never written a parenting book before but if I ever wrote a parenting book

this is the closest thing to it because it’s all mindset a lot of crazy stories again 13 and a 12 years trust me I told

myself I will not publish this book until I sell my insurance company and I’m fully disconnected from it where

it’s no longer my responsibility 100% when you read this if you’re a c if you’re a creative person if you like

fiction books if you enjoyed Atlas Shrugged or if you enjoyed Divergent if you like books like that I think you

going to enjoy reading this book it’s the creative side business books is very

easy here’s how you do it here’s how know this out works this is very creative if you haven’t placed your order yet now you can order it on Simon

and Schuster Amazon I’m going to put the link up below somewhere here maybe even in my uh profile go over to the book and

read it I sincerely I’ve never written a book where I can’t wait to read your

reviews to see what you think about this book so I’m going on this wild journey

and we have some plans with this book here uh if you support the things that I work on I would appreciate you going to reading the book order the book on

Amazon and then post a review

Am 14.01.25 um 10:23 schrieb Helmut Käß:

Lieber Henrik

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Übersetzung: Contested Narratives Dialogue
Vielen Dank für Ihre Geduld! Hier ist die vollständige Übersetzung des Dokuments „Contested
Narratives Dialogue: A Methodological Toolkit“ ins Deutsche.
**Titel:** „Dialog zu umstrittenen Narrativen: Ein methodisches Toolkit“
**Autoren:** Dirk Splinter, Ljubjana Wuestehube (Hrsg.)
### Einleitung
Dieses methodische Toolkit basiert auf der Erkenntnis, dass ein Dialog der Zivilgesellschaft, der
gemäß einem mediationsorientierten Ansatz moderiert wird, notwendig und möglich ist, um ein
besseres Verständnis für umstrittene Narrative sowie deren Lücken, Überlappungen und blinde
Flecken zu erzielen. Dies kann parallel zu politischen Prozessen geschehen und hilft, den Boden für
konstruktivere Verhandlungen zu bereiten.
### Was ist ein Dialog?
Ein Dialog beschreibt in professionellem Kontext einen spezifischen Austausch: das ernsthafte
Bemühen, die andere Seite besser zu verstehen und sich selbst verständlich zu machen. Ziel ist es
nicht, das Gegenüber zu überzeugen, sondern einen offenen, lernorientierten Austausch zu fördern.
### Was ist ein Narrativ?
Ein Narrativ ist die Art und Weise, wie historische Fakten, politische Ereignisse, mediale
Darstellungen und persönliche Erfahrungen miteinander verwoben werden, um Geschichte zu
reproduzieren. Unterschiedliche Perspektiven entstehen dabei durch die Hervorhebung bestimmter
Ereignisse und das Ausblenden anderer.
### Methoden und Werkzeuge
1. **Warm-ups und Kennenlernen:** Methoden wie Soziometrie, Partnerinterviews und das
Identifizieren „roter Knöpfe“ (Tabus oder Provokationen).
2. **Narrative benennen und analysieren:** Die Hauptnarrative der Teilnehmenden systematisieren,
eine gemeinsame Zeitachse erstellen und priorisieren.
3. **Narrative rekonstruieren und dekonstruieren:** Über Techniken wie die
Konfliktperspektivenanalyse (CPA) und Fishbowl-Diskussionen.
4. **Blinde Flecken aufdecken:** Narrative auf kollektive blinde Flecken hin untersuchen, um
Brücken des Verständnisses zu schaffen.
**Hinweise zur Nutzung:**
1. Sie können das Originaldokument unter folgendem Link abrufen:
2. Die vollständige deutsche Übersetzung steht Ihnen ebenfalls zum Download zur Verfügung.

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J.Sachs: Die Vereinten Nationen können den Nahostkonflikt beenden

J.Sachs: Die Vereinten Nationen können den Nahostkonflikt beenden

Liebe Freunde,

auf Hinweis von Frieder Schöbel habe ich die von mir heute Vormittag weitergeleitete maschinelle Übersetzung überprüft und eine modifizierte, vollständige Übersetzung des von Prof. Jeffrey Sachs herausgegebenen Artikels verfasst. Die englische Originalversion bleibt die letztendlich gültige.Ich bitte hiermit um Euer Verständnis und Nachsicht.Wenn schon, denn richtig – und so gut es eben geht. Danke F! Einen geruhsamen Sonntag Abend wünsche ich Euch allen.  Beste Grüße  H


Die Vereinten Nationen können den Nahostkonflikt beenden, indem sie Palästina als Mitglied willkommen heißen

Die UN-Palästina-Konferenz im Juni 2025 kann der lang erwartete Wendepunkt für die Region sein.

Jeffrey D. Sachs & Sybil Fares |   10. Januar 2025 |  Al Jazeera

Die Vereinten Nationen, die im Jahr 2025 ihren 80. Geburtstag feiern, können diesen Anlass mit einer dauerhaften Lösung des Konflikts im Nahen Osten begehen, indem sie den Staat Palästina als 194. UN-Mitgliedsstaat willkommen heißen. Die bevorstehende UN-Palästina-Konferenz, die für Juni 2025 geplant ist, kann ein Wendepunkt sein – ein entscheidender, unumkehrbarer Weg zum Frieden im Nahen Osten. Die Trump-Regierung würde den Interessen Amerikas und der Welt sehr dienen, wenn sie sich bei dem Treffen im Juni in New York für die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung und ein umfassendes Friedensabkommen im Nahen Osten einsetzt.

Inmitten der schockierenden Brutalität Israels in Gaza, im Libanon und in Syrien hat sich mittlerweile ein kleines Fenster der Hoffnung aufgetan. Fast die ganze Welt hat sich um die Zweistaatenlösung als Schlüssel zum Frieden in der Region geschart.  Damit rückt ein umfassender Deal in greifbare Nähe.

Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen hat vor kurzem eine potenziell transformative Resolution (PDF) mit überwältigender Mehrheit verabschiedet. Die Generalversammlung der Vereinten Nationen fordert ein Ende der illegalen israelischen Besatzung von 1967 und bekräftigt ihre unerschütterliche Unterstützung für die Zweistaatenlösung. Vor allem aber legt diese Resolution einen Fahrplan für die Umsetzung auf der Hochrangigen Internationalen Konferenz (PDF), die im Juni 2025 bei den Vereinten Nationen stattfinden wird, vor.

Denken Sie daran, wie lange die Palästinenser und die Welt auf diesen Moment gewartet haben. 1947 übernahm die UNO erstmals die Verantwortung, sich mit der Palästinafrage zu befassen. Mit der Resolution 181 (PDF) schlug die UN-Generalversammlung die Teilung des Mandatsgebiets Palästina in zwei unabhängige Staaten vor – einen jüdischen und einen arabischen. Die vorgeschlagene Teilung war leider weder gerecht noch von den Parteien vereinbart. Sie teilte 44 Prozent des Landes den Palästinensern zu, obwohl sie 67 Prozent der Bevölkerung ausmachten. Doch bevor der Plan überarbeitet und friedlich beigelegt werden konnte, begannen zionistische Terrorgruppen mit der ethnischen Säuberung von mehr als 700.000 Palästinensern aus ihren Häusern, die sogenannte Nakba oder auch „Katastrophe des palästinensischen Volkes“.

Nachdem Israel seine einseitige Unabhängigkeit erklärt und die arabischen Nachbarn im Krieg besiegt hatte, versuchte ein hochrangiger UN-Vermittler, Graf Folke Bernadotte, die Zwei-Staaten-Lösung wiederzubeleben.  Allerdings wurde Graf Bernadotte von Lehi, einer zionistischen paramilitärischen Organisation, ermordet. Israel unterzeichnete 1949 das Protokoll von Lausanne, das die Zweistaatenlösung unter der Schirmherrschaft der Vereinten Nationen wieder aufleben ließ, missachtete es dann aber in der Folge eklatant. Was stattdessen folgte, war Israels 75-jähriges Bestreben, den Palästinensern ihr Recht auf eine Heimat zu verweigern.

Jahrzehntelang führte die US-Regierung unter Führung der Israel-Lobby den Vorsitz über einen gefälschten Verhandlungsprozess.  Diese Bemühungen beinhalteten vordergründig direkte bilaterale Gespräche zwischen einer Besatzungsmacht (Israel) und einem besetzten Volk (den Palästinensern) – von Natur aus ungleiche Parteien – und in denen Israels Ziel immer darin bestand, einen wirklich souveränen palästinensischen Staat abzulehnen. Im besten Fall bot Israel sogenannte „Bantustans“ an, d.h. kleine machtlose Enklaven von Palästinensern, die unter israelischer Kontrolle leben würden.  Dieser von den USA dominierte Prozess setzt sich seit Mitte der 1970er Jahre fort, einschließlich der Camp-David-Abkommen von 1978, der Konferenz von Madrid 1991, dem Oslo-Abkommen 1993-1995, dem Gipfel von Camp David 2000, dem Friedensfahrplan des Quartetts von 2003 und der Konferenz in Annapolis 2007.  In diesem „Spiegelkabinett-Prozess“ haben die Israelis einerseits kontinuierlich einen palästinensischen Staat blockiert, während andererseits die US-„Vermittler“ die Palästinenser ständig für ihre Unnachgiebigkeit verantwortlich machten.

Die Trump-Regierung könnte sich auf der bevorstehenden UN-Konferenz dafür entscheiden, das Spiel zu ändern – im Interesse Amerikas, auch in Israel‘s langfristigem Interesse und Sicherheit sowie im Interesse des Friedens im Nahen Osten und auch der gesamten Welt. Die USA üben in der Tat das einzige verbliebene Veto gegen einen palästinensischen Staat aus. Israel hat kein Vetorecht gegen einen palästinensischen Staat oder für den Frieden. Nur die USA üben dieses Vetorecht noch aus.

Allerdings hat Israels Ministerpräsident Netanjahu andere Ideen als Frieden. Er und seine Koalitionsmitglieder haben nach wie vor ein Ziel: einen Staat Palästina zu leugnen, indem sie Israels territoriale Eroberungen ausweiten, die nun nicht nur das besetzte Palästina, sondern auch Teile des Libanon und einen wachsenden Teil Syriens umfassen.

Im Nahen Osten ist eine neue US-Außenpolitik nötig – eine, die Frieden statt endloser Kriege bringt.  Wie von der Kommission  Internationaler Gerichtshof, und wie durch die UN Mitgliederversammlung, den G20 (PDF), den BRICS-Staaten (PDF), und auch der Liga der Arabischen Staaten (PDF), befürwortet die überwältigende Mehrheit der Welt die Zweistaatenlösung.

Die UN-Palästina-Konferenz (im Juni 2025) ist daher eine wichtige und wichtige Gelegenheit, die einen umfassenden Frieden für den Nahen Osten ermöglichen könnte und sieben miteinander verknüpfte Maßnahmen umfasst:

1.     Einen sofortigen Waffenstillstand unter UN-Mandat an allen Fronten des Konflikts, einschließlich Israel, Palästina, Libanon, Syrien, Jemen, Irak und Iran, sowie die sofortige Freilassung von Geiseln und Kriegsgefangenen in allen Entitäten.

2.     Die Aufnahme eines souveränen Staates Palästina als 194. UN-Mitgliedsstaat in Anerkennung der Grenzen vom 4. Juni 1967, mit der Hauptstadt Ost-Jerusalem; den Rückzug der israelischen Streitkräfte aus den 1967 besetzten Gebieten bei gleichzeitiger Einführung von internationalen Truppen unter UN-Mandat und Sicherheitsgarantien zum Schutz aller Bevölkerungen.

3.     Den Schutz der territorialen Integrität und Stabilität des Libanon und Syriens, die vollständige Entmilitarisierung aller nichtstaatlichen Kräfte und den Rückzug aller ausländischen Armeen aus den jeweiligen Ländern.

4.     Die Verabschiedung eines aktualisierten Gemeinsamen Umfassenden Aktionsplans (JCPOA) mit Iran und die Beendigung aller Wirtschafts- und sonstigen Sanktionen gegen den Iran.

5.     Die Beendigung der Unterstützung (inkl. der Finanzierung) und Entwaffnung aller kriegführender nichtstaatlichen Einheiten, aller Ansprüche oder kriegsfördernden Aktivitäten und Institutionen,  sowie die Achtung und Anerkennung der Souveränität, territorialen Integrität und politischen Unabhängigkeit jedes Staates in dem Gebiet (ohne die Möglichkeit späterer territorialer Anpassungen, Sicherheitsvereinbarungen und kooperativer Regierungsformen auszuschließen, welche von den souveränen Parteien möglicherweise vereinbart werden könnten).

6.     Die Herstellung des regionalen Friedens und die Normalisierung der diplomatischen Beziehungen aller arabischen und islamischen Staaten mit Israel.

7.     Die Einrichtung eines Fonds für nachhaltige Entwicklung im östlichen Mittelmeerraum und im Nahen Osten zur Unterstützung des Wiederaufbaus, der wirtschaftlichen Erholung und der nachhaltigen Entwicklung der Region.

Nach viel zu vielen Jahrzehnten der Gewalt und Kriege besteht die Chance auf Frieden also hier und jetzt.  Das Bemühen der Vereinten Nationen um einen umfassenden Frieden ist unsere beste Hoffnung und Chance seit Jahrzehnten.

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Deutschland unterstützt Israels Genozid aus nacktem Eigeninteresse

Deutschland unterstützt Israels Genozid aus nacktem Eigeninteresse

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Deutschland unterstützt Israels Genozid aus nacktem Eigeninteresse

Seit der Internationale Strafgerichtshof (ICC) Haftbefehle gegen den israelischen Premierminister Benjamin Netanjahu und seinen ehemaligen Verteidigungsminister Yoav Gallant erlassen hat und Amnesty International Ende letzten Jahres einen Bericht über Israels Genozid in Gaza veröffentlichte, sind Pressekonferenzen der deutschen Regierung zu einem regelrechten Spektakel geworden.

Im November, als ein Sprecher der Regierung nach dem Urteil des ICC gefragt wurde, wich dieser aus, erklärte letztlich jedoch, er habe „Schwierigkeiten, sich vorzustellen, dass wir in Deutschland auf dieser Grundlage Festnahmen vornehmen würden“.

Im darauffolgenden Monat, als sie nach dem Amnesty-Bericht gefragt wurden, reagierten deutsche Sprecher ähnlich ausweichend, wobei einer schließlich erklärte, Israel handele zur Selbstverteidigung gegen die Hamas.

Deutschland will offensichtlich weder seinen Verpflichtungen als Unterzeichner des Römischen Statuts des ICC nachkommen noch den gut dokumentierten Genozid am palästinensischen Volk beim Namen nennen.

Die deutsche Regierung hatte nie erwartet, dass der ICC zu diesem Urteil kommen würde. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass das Gericht nicht länger ausschließlich als Instrument westlicher Interessen agiert, windet sich der Staat, um einen Ausweg zu finden.

Die Maske ist gefallen

Die Maske des selbsternannten loyalen und unerschütterlichen Verteidigers der vermeintlich universellen Werte von Gerechtigkeit und Menschenrechten ist gefallen. Deutschland, das anderen Nationen stets gerne diese Werte predigt und die besondere Bedeutung des Völkerrechts hervorhebt, zeigt nun eine heuchlerische, wenn nicht sogar zynische Haltung gegenüber ebenjenem Recht und dem ICC.

Nicht einmal ein Urteil des ICC, noch die umfassend dokumentierten völkermörderischen Verbrechen des zionistischen Siedlerkolonial-Apartheidregimes, können Deutschland davon abhalten, seiner üblichen Strategie der Verleugnung und Zurückweisung zu folgen.

Kein Dilemma

Seit Jahrzehnten verteidigt Deutschland Israels illegale Siedlungen im besetzten Westjordanland und leugnet die ethnische Säuberung Palästinas, die seit der Nakba unvermindert andauert. Fakten zu verleugnen, indem man wegschaut, ist eine Sache; gut recherchierte Berichte der weltweit angesehensten Menschenrechtsorganisationen über israelische Apartheid und Genozid zurückzuweisen – was Deutschland über die Jahre hinweg immer wieder getan hat – ist eine ganz andere.

Durch die Ablehnung sowohl des jüngsten Amnesty-Berichts als auch des Berichts von Human Rights Watch, die beide lange überfällige Bestätigungen sind, dass Israel in Gaza Genozid begeht, hat Deutschlands Leugnung dieser Gräueltaten neue Höhen erreicht.

Wir können mit einiger Berechtigung befürchten, dass Deutschland früher oder später etwas in dieser Art erklären wird:
„Aufgrund der deutschen Geschichte befindet sich das Land in einem unauflösbaren Dilemma: Leider kann es dem Urteil des ICC nicht folgen. Deutschland hat eine besondere Verpflichtung gegenüber dem zionistischen Regime, und Deutschlands ‚Staatsräson‘ – Israels Sicherheit – macht es unmöglich, den Verpflichtungen gegenüber dem ICC nachzukommen.“

Doch in Wahrheit gibt es für Deutschland überhaupt kein Dilemma; ein solches könnte nur zwischen zwei gleich wichtigen Handlungspflichten bestehen. In diesem Fall jedoch ist das Urteil des ICC die einzige Handlungspflicht und stellt eine bindende rechtliche Verpflichtung dar.

Niemand kann ernsthaft noch an das Märchen von Deutschlands moralischer Verantwortung glauben, während das Land den Genozid an Palästinensern verteidigt, finanziert, bewaffnet und diplomatisch unterstützt.

Die Chimäre der Staatsräson

Deutschlands angebliche „Staatsräson“ ist nichts weiter als eine Chimäre – ein moralisch überhöhter, quasireligiöser Götze, an den die ganze Welt glauben soll und der die uneingeschränkte Unterstützung Israels rechtfertigen und legitimieren soll. Diese durchsichtige Strategie zielt darauf ab, die Welt – insbesondere die Deutschen – glauben zu machen, das Land habe eine „moralische Verpflichtung“, sich auf die Seite des zionistischen Regimes zu stellen, und verschleiert so die wahren geopolitischen, wirtschaftlichen, militärischen und finanziellen Interessen.

Das Vorgeben, aus moralischen Gründen „alternativlos“ zu handeln, während man die Verbrechen des zionistischen Regimes unterstützt und rechtfertigt, war jahrzehntelang eine erfolgreiche Politik für Deutschland. Doch nach 16 Monaten des Genozids in Gaza hat sich die Situation verändert.

Fundamente der Politik

Als die ehemalige Bundeskanzlerin Angela Merkel 2008 verkündete, Israels Sicherheit sei „deutsche Staatsräson“, versuchte sie, eine quasireligiöse Weihe für Deutschlands Unterwerfung unter das rassistische Siedlerkolonial-Apartheidregime abzuleiten und so einer jahrzehntelangen Politik der bedingungslosen Unterstützung des zionistischen Regimes mehr Legitimität zu verleihen.

Merkels ideologisch aufgeladener Begriff richtete sich an vier Zielgruppen:

  1. An die Weltöffentlichkeit: Deutschland wollte sich als vorbildliche Nation darstellen, die aus ihrer Geschichte gelernt hat und stets bedingungslos an der Seite Israels stehen wird.

  2. An Israel: Das Land erhielt freie Hand für seine Politik gegen die Palästinenser mit uneingeschränkter Unterstützung Deutschlands.

  3. An die Palästinenser: Sie sollten wissen, dass sie von Deutschland nichts zu erwarten haben – außer leeren Worten und der Duldung von Siedlungsbau und Landraub.

  4. An die deutsche Bevölkerung: Es wurde klargemacht, dass es „keine Alternative“ zu dieser Politik gibt.

Eine Logik der Vernichtung

Indem Deutschland Kritik an Israels Politik von Krieg, Folter und Genozid unterdrückt und kriminalisiert, hat es sich der zerstörerischen, siedlerkolonialen Logik der Vernichtung unterworfen. Die deutsche Demokratie muss sich den Konturen des Zionismus anpassen.

Für Deutschlands politische Klasse, die Mainstream-Medien und wichtige Institutionen leitet sich die „Würde“ des Landes aus der totalen Unterstützung für Israels Vernichtung des palästinensischen Volkes und der Unterdrückung jeglicher Kritik im eigenen Land ab.

Nacktes Eigeninteresse

Anstatt endlos über Deutschlands „moralische Verpflichtung“ gegenüber dem zionistischen Regime zu sprechen, sollten wir uns auf die nackten Interessen des Staates konzentrieren. Viele deutsche Banken, Versicherungen, Investoren, Forschungseinrichtungen, Universitäten und Rüstungsfirmen sind so eng mit Israel verflochten, dass jede Veränderung in der deutschen Politik unweigerlich Verluste für Märkte, Profite und wichtige technologische Erkenntnisse bedeuten würde.

Deutschland profitiert von Israels Jahrzehnte währender Unterdrückung der Palästinenser – von Überwachungstechnologien bis hin zu KI-gestützter Kriegsführung.

Der Schutz dieser Interessen ist die wahre deutsche „Staatsräson“, verborgen hinter einem ideologischen Schleier angeblicher historischer Verantwortung für ein genozidales Regime.

Übersetzt von Jurgen Mackert, Professor für Soziologie an der Universität Potsdam.


Hier ist das englische Original:



For Germany’s political class, supporting Israel’s genocide is naked self-interest

Many German companies and institutions are intimately connected with Israel. Any change in support for its annihilation of Palestinians would result in the loss of profits and influence
Demonstrators hold up a placard during a pro-Palestinian protest rally in Berlin on 19 October 2024 (AFP)

Since the International Criminal Court (ICC) issued arrest warrants for Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his former defence minister, Yoav Gallant, and Amnesty International published a report on Israel’s genocide in Gaza late last year, German government news conferences have become a spectacle.

In November, when asked about the ICC’s verdict, a government spokesperson was evasive, but ultimately told journalists that he had “difficulty imagining that we would make arrests in Germany on this basis”.

The following month, asked about the Amnesty report, German spokespersons were similarly evasive, with one eventually explaining that Israel was acting to defend itself from Hamas.

Germany clearly does not want to fulfil its obligations as a signatory to the ICC’s Rome Statute, nor does it want to call the well-documented genocide of the Palestinian people what it is.

The German government never expected the ICC to reach this verdict, and seeing that the court no longer operates solely as an instrument of western interests, the state is squirming to find a way out.

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The mask worn by the self-proclaimed loyal and unwavering defender of the supposedly universal values of justice and human rights has fallen off. Germany, always happy to teach others about these values and the special importance of international law, is showing a hypocritical, if not cynical, attitude towards this very law and the ICC.

Not even an ICC ruling, nor the comprehensively documented genocidal crimes of the Zionist settler-colonial apartheid regime, can stop Germany from following its usual strategy of denial and rejection.

No dilemma

For decades, Germany has defended Israel’s illegal settlements in the occupied West Bank and denied the ethnic cleansing of Palestine, which has not stopped since the Nakba. Denying facts by looking the other way is one thing; rejecting well-researched reports from the world’s most respected human rights groups on Israeli apartheid and genocide – which Germany has done repeatedly over the years – is another entirely.

In rejecting both the latest Amnesty report and no less the Human Rights Watch report, long-overdue confirmations that Israel is committing genocide in Gaza, Germany’s denial of these atrocities has reached new heights.

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We can reasonably fear that, sooner or later, Germany will declare something along these lines: “Because of Germany’s history, the country is in an unresolvable dilemma: unfortunately, it cannot follow the ICC’s decision. The country has a special obligation to the Zionist regime and Germany’s ‘reason of state’ – Israel’s security – makes it impossible for the country to fulfil its obligations to the ICC.”

But in reality, Germany is not in a dilemma at all; such a dilemma could exist only between two equally important imperatives for action. In this case, however, the ICC’s judgement is the only imperative for action, marking a binding legal obligation.

No one can reasonably believe in the fairytale of Germany’s moral responsibility anymore, as the country defends, finances, arms and supports the genocide of Palestinians

Germany’s alleged “reason of state”, on the other hand, is nothing more than a chimera – a morally exaggerated quasi-religious idol that the whole world shall believe in and that shall justify and legitimise the state’s unrestricted support for Israel. This transparent strategy intends to make the world, and Germans in particular, believe that the country has a “moral obligation” to side with the Zionist regime, thus concealing its true geopolitical, economic, military and financial interests.

Claiming to act on moral grounds “without alternative”, while supporting and justifying crimes committed by the Zionist regime, has been a policy that worked well for Germany for decades. But after 16 months of the Gaza genocide, the situation has changed.

No one can reasonably believe in the fairytale of Germany’s moral responsibility anymore, as the country defends, finances, arms and diplomatically supports the genocide of Palestinians, in addition to the bombing of LebanonYemen and Syria, while shielding those responsible from accountability.

Invoking Germany’s “reason of state” offers no escape from the country’s binding obligation to the ICC. Rather, it is merely a sad spectacle that the world, and the Palestinian people in particular, have had to endure for far too long.

Foundations laid

When former German Chancellor Angela Merkel announced in 2008 that Israel’s security was Germany’s “reason of state”, she attempted to derive a quasi-religious consecration for Germany from its prostration before the racist settler-colonial apartheid regime and thus aimed to lend greater legitimacy to a decades-long policy of unconditional support for the Zionist regime. Her morally and ideologically charged understanding of the term was directed at four specific audiences.

Firstly, to the global public, Merkel wanted to show Germany’s exemplary character, presenting it as a country that had learned lessons from its history and would forever stand by Israel, come what may. This announcement laid the foundations for all subsequent denials and rejections of Israel’s crimes.

Secondly, she was conveying to Israel, which had only recently begun its siege of Gaza, that it had a free hand to do whatever it wanted to the Palestinian people, with unlimited support. Germany thus backed Israel’s wars on Gaza in 2008-09, 2012, 2014 and 2021.

Thirdly, to Palestinian people, Merkel made it unmistakably clear that they could expect nothing from Germany. They were left with idle talk about human rights, feigned regrets about their “humanitarian situation”, and mendacious talk about a “two-state solution”, while Germany turned a blind eye to illegal Zionist settlements and land grabs in Palestine.

Finally, German citizens were meant to understand that from then on, there was “no alternative” to unconditional support for Israel.

From that point up until now, with the Bundestag’s adoption last November of the resolution “Never again is now: Protecting, preserving and strengthening Jewish life in Germany” – which relies on the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance’s controversial definition of antisemitism – we have seen a progressive subjugation of democracy to the needs of the Zionist regime, alongside a rise in the smearing of its critics with antisemitism allegations.

Logic of elimination

By stifling and criminalising criticism of Israel’s policies of war, torture and genocide, Germany has surrendered to the destructive, settler-colonial logic of elimination: German democracy today must conform to the contours of Zionism.  Merkel’s making German democracy market-conform and Zionism-conform have been her greatest achievements in destroying quite a number of German citizens’ basic rights.

For Germany’s political class, mainstream media and primary institutions, the country’s “dignity” stems from its total support for Israel’s annihilation of the Palestinian people, and the repression of any dissent within the country. For a country with its own genocidal, settler-colonial and fascist past, what kind of a pathetic “reason of state” is that?

This is not Holocaust guilt – it’s entrenched German racist superiority

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Instead of listening to endless talk about Germany’s “moral obligation” to the Zionist regime, we should focus instead on the state’s naked interests. Many German banks, insurance companies, investors, research institutions, universities and weapons firms are so intimately connected with Israel, that any change in Germany’s politics would inevitably result in losses to markets, profits and important knowledge.

There are fears of losing the Palestine laboratory, from which Germany, in times of neoliberalism, learns so much – from surveillance technology to managing populations, to drone and AI warfare.

Germany is interested in what the settler-colonial logic of elimination against the indigenous Palestinian population has produced over the decades, as neoliberalism progresses and constantly produces new superfluous masses to control. The techniques to achieve this will come from Israel’s decades of oppressing the Palestinian people.

Protecting these interests is the real German „reason of state“, concealed behind an ideological veil of an alleged historical responsibility for a genocidal regime.

The views expressed in this article belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect the editorial policy of Middle East Eye.

Jurgen Mackert is Professor of Sociology at the University of Potsdam, Germany. He was a temporary Professor for the Structure of modern societies at the University of Erfurt, Germany and a visiting professor for Political Sociology at Humboldt University Berlin. His latest books include On Social Closure. Theorizing Exclusion, Exploitation, and Elimination (Oxford University Press 2024). Siedlerkolonialismus. Grundlagentexte und aktuelle Analysen (edited with Ilan Pappe; Nomos 2024).

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Klima und Frieden: Prioritäten für unsere gemeinsame Zukunft

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Liebe FFF,                05.1.25

Danke für eure Aufforderung und euer Engagement. Doch für mich steht die Existenz meiner Familie und der gesamten Menschheit an oberster Stelle. Das ist meine klare Priorität bei der kommenden Wahl.

Albert Einstein und Konstantin Wecker haben es auf den Punkt gebracht: „Kein Krieg mehr“ – ein Ziel, das nur erreichbar ist, wenn wir der Kriegspropaganda widerstehen und Frieden aktiv gestalten.

Wenn wir die Klimageschichte der Erde betrachten, erkennen wir, dass unser Planet schon wesentlich heißere Phasen erlebt hat. Doch diesmal tragen wir die Verantwortung, denn es geht nicht nur um das Klima, sondern auch um Frieden, Gerechtigkeit und das Überleben der Menschheit als Ganzes.

Herzliche Grüße,

Tulpenweg 11, 38108 Braunschweig
Tel: +49 531 350513
Mobile: +49 176 577 47 881
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Dr. med. Helmut Käss, Arzt für Allgemeinmedizin i.R.


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