Wieder eine tolle Rede: Tucker Carlson’s Full Speech and Q&A at AmericaFest https://wp.me/paI27O-5U9
Grundlegende Rede von Tucker Carlson am 20.12. 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oU0pGTGuDY
Seht die Originalrede und das, was Chat GPT mit seiner Übersetzung daraus gemacht hat. Wenn es für falsch haltet, schreibt mir bitte.
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Erst mal eine verkürzte und gewichtete Rede, die die wesentlichen Aspekte anspricht:
anbei nun das Transcript:
thank you this is
wild oh W I love you thank
you that amazing thank you very much thank
you every every year I come here in uh in
December I’ve come here five or six years and every single year I have the same thought which is I feel like I’m in
the set of Stonehenge in spinal tap it’s like I
love it I feel like oie Osborne walk out here thank you so much for having me [Laughter]
I just want to start by saying and I mean this sincerely this is not chilling this is honest I just want to I think
Charlie Kirk did an amazing thing in this election and people you know people
make the obvious point that the two-party system is fading and that the parties themselves are weaker more
disorganized and inevitably more corrupt than they’ve ever been but they’re being replaced and Charlie Kirk is more
powerful in the true sense which is he actually gets things done than the Republican National Committee and I just
think that’s amazing for a man who I mean you know if there’s ever been a debate like is it
worth going to college look at Charlie Kirk an amazing person uh and I’m proud to have this as a friend anyway thank
you very much for having me I was thinking flying out here today this really is a moment of
Liberation for the country I I think the vibe has changed that’s real
and and I feel it everywhere I go I haven’t met a hostile person in the last 6 weeks anywhere in the United States
people seem happier and I’ve been trying to think about like what actually changed I mean obviously Trump
won Carmel Harris lost but what and which is great but
what really happened was the spell was shattered and here’s what the spell was
and I think all of us to one degree or another were under its influence for like at least the past 8 years but
probably like the past 30 years the spell was this now a spell is an
incantation it’s a phrase or idea that if repeated enough gains power and the
way you break a spell is by saying boo really loudly and waking up everyone to
the truth that the spell is fake and it had been 30 years since anyone did that and here’s here’s what the spell was the
spell was that the tiny group of people who run the country to their own benefit represented like the rest of the world
that everybody agreed with all the dumb pieties they were screaming at you that all the good
people were on the other side and that you were somehow alone trapped in your
house thinking freaky far-right things that you should be embarrassed of and all the truly decent moral Progressive
open-minded people on the other side laughing at you and that you were some s
of medieval freak probably dangerous and what the election showed was the opposite was
true the fact that Trump won not just the majority of the popular vote but huge segments of unrelated parts of the
society told the entire story Trump won young people
Hispanics he won Muslims in southeast Michigan he won Orthodox Jews in Upstate
New York he basically won everybody except for the tiny core of super
unhappy people who controlled everything and I remember thinking about
10 years ago having grown up in an affluent neighborhood in California and lived in a bunch of other affluent
neighborhoods my whole life that the politics of the democratic party reminded me very much of my neighbors my
buddies divorced mom in 1978 in La Hoya California I’ll never forget
sitting in his backyard with his mom who had become like an artist after getting divorced an artist and she was sitting
there wearing sandals she had like long frizzy hair and she was smoking a Moore which was like the cigarette of choice
for Divo divorced ladies in the 70s it was like really long and thin and brown
and it was a sign of Liberation personal Liberation like I don’t need a man anymore I’m on my own I Am Woman hear me
roar I am feminist I am the future and I remember sitting in the the backyard of their $4 million house by the pool as
she ranted about the patriarchy and capitalism smoking her more and I remember thinking this is well she’s
obviously crazy but this is the unhappiest person I’ve ever met I kind of can’t wait to
get out of here take off with my buddy and go play this
woman is miserable and that informs all of her views so that was you know 1978
79 I wake up in like 2015 and that’s the entire Democratic
party sound like my friend’s angry feminist mom like pissed at her husband who she hates but you can kind of
understand why but he’s still paying for the house with the pool and I’m like those politics that
very specific politics of affluent unhappy people who have everything but
really nothing inside at all who’ve reached like the Terminus the end stage
of consumer Society where you can’t distract yourself or medicate yourself
enough to avoid like the basic tragedy of your life which is it has no
meaning and rather than solve that by believing in something with inherent
value like God you externalize all your disappointment and hate onto everybody
else your life has been a total failure you have no skills your kids hate you
but you still have the moral High Ground because you’ve occupied it early and defended it
ruthlessly so people who had everything to be ashamed of diverted attention from
their own failures by screaming at you about your moral inferiority and you bought it and I bought it and all of us
kind of bought it it was like you can’t say this stuff out loud because it’s embarrassing and like polite people don’t say those things out loud like
obvious things like You’re idiotic and no boys can’t become girls
and no you don’t get to run our foreign policy or energy policy you can’t even change the tire on your Volvo you’re
useless and dumb and a compassionate society would not let you starve to death but you’re
not allowed to run everything nobody ever said that because
they occupied this place of moral Authority and they had like kind of the
predictable institutions to enforce their rule the cultural institutions
especially the universities and if I could just I want to say one more time Charlie Kirk has done more personally to
break that spell by succeeding without a college degree than anybody I’ve ever
met rather than whining about college IND doctrination and how it’s you know a
waste of money and time he just goes out without a college degree and just becomes a crazy Success Through hard work and intelligence and makes the
point himself by his own life which is by the way how you convince people not by yelling at them or even trying to Pur
Ade them but by living in a way that proves your point if you’re on to something if
you’re on the right path your life should reflect it you should be joyful you should have meaningful deep
relationships with the people around you you should have the respect of the people who work for you you should have the love of your spouse etc etc if you
are telling me that college is a bad idea show me a better way and he
has these are very obvious VI observations but for some reason for like 30 years we ignored them and we
allowed people who not only have no moral Authority who should feel deep
shame and be engaged in a long process of deep reflection that includes ashes
and sackcloth really living in some you know
far away place in the desert repenting full-time for say the Iraq War they
should not be television giving instructions for how we proceed at all but we all kind of sat there and like
well we kind of have to take it you know and they they my kids can’t get jobs because in a country with the
Civil Rights Act they the wrong color but we kind of have to take it and you know my children aren’t going
to own anything they’re going to rent but that’s just the way it is in a free market system we kind of have to take it
and by the way the people who are doing all of this are we will acknow know in some sense better than we are we call
them the elites they did go to Princeton you went to Penn
State and we all kind of played along with it Go Penn State by the way that’s exactly right you have nothing to be
ashamed of Mr Penn State but the point is the Trump election showed that what
they claimed was a farri boutique craz dangerous
ideology that actually was a threat sufficient that the department of homean security and the US military ought to be
keeping an eye on you and they ought have a right to spy on you that that supposedly crazed Fringe ideology was in
fact shared by pretty much everybody other than my buddy’s divorced
mom and other unhappy people and what do we learn from that we learned that the whole thing was an illusion and the
biggest illusion of all was the race stuff that was the biggest illusion of all and they could no longer say that
people who don’t want to go along with their program are racists because look at the election
results look at the election results now no one should be surprised by that by the way if you don’t live in Bethesda if
you’re out in the world you know that like normal people
don’t want crime and homelessness and drugs and open borders it doesn’t matter what they look like or where they’re from nobody wants that no normal person
wants that I remember when I lived in Washington an actual conversation I had
at an actual dinner party that if you put it on film in the middle of a movie people would be like that’s just not believable that never happened but it
actually happened I was in the middle of getting lectured in a very polite way by one of my neighbors who was a a very
nice person but obviously a lot better than me because she was a Hillary Clinton voter and she said but she was
fundamentally a nice person but totally convinced of her moral Authority and she said to me you know I have a lot of
problems with your views on immigration I I frankly I don’t think you’re a racist I just want to be clear I don’t you know she’s my neighbor I don’t think
you’re a racist but basically she said you’re a racist okay so I was trying to like
defend well actually I think countries need borders I’m trying to be polite 15 minutes later she goes my housekeeper
loves you um would you sign something for
her I was like your housekeeper from Belgium no from El Salvador oh right so
I’m such a nice person I was like trying to be a Christian I didn’t say so you think I’m a racist but your Salvador and
housekeeper like fully on board with my racist program tell me how that
works and then you realize it’s not just her Salvador and housekeeper it’s every
Salvadoran housekeeper actually in the world there’s not a liberal one not one
there’s L if you can find a liberal Salvadoran housekeeper call me I don’t believe you they’re just not liberal you
know whatever you think they’re just not liberal and and a lot of America is not liberal in the way that they Envision it
they’re just not they think if you break the law you should be punished they don’t think it’s cool to have somebody
oding on fenyl right outside your house by the way they’d like to own things they don’t they don’t think that
like the you know Uber economy is the real economy they’d like to have a little house somewhere and own a
car you know they think credit card debt is bad and they’re upset about it and they talk about
it cuz they’re right on all counts so these election results if you
look at them and I would recommend everyone do so not just cuz you love Trump but because the long era of
darkness is over actually it’s over we’ll have political debates going
forward you know you’ve got your ideas I’ve got my ideas we can debate them but
I honestly don’t think ever again in my lifetime will the richest people in the
country be able to point a finger in your face and say your position is too
immoral to discuss and if you keep talking we’re going to put you in jail that has been their position and they
will never again get away with that ever and if they
think that boys can become girls and should compete on the swim team that’s fine
they’re going to have to explain exactly how that works and if they think that Ukraine’s
borders are more important than our borders that’s fine but they’re going to have to explain
why and if they think that it’s okay for like three companies owned by their
donors to buy up all the residential housing in the country and rent it back to you at a higher rate they’re going to
have to tell you why that’s a good idea they can never again just do
exactly what they want by waving away your concern with an epithet shut up
racist won’t work
anymore there are no permanent victories in this life it doesn’t mean that people
who voted for Trump are going to get exactly what they want forever you’d have to be a politician to make that
promise which I am not that’s a lie but the era of no debate shut up and
Obey surf is over it is over
so it is a lot harder if you run things to reason with people to treat your
population as Citizens rather than slaves it’s just it’s it’s a hassle and someone like KLA Harris well she wasn’t
capable of explaining what she thought or why she wasn’t capable of making argument by the way I’m not attacking her I always felt sorry for
her I did I mean it I never attacked I’d make fun of KLA Harris you know and it kind of gentle compassionate way but she
was a bystander to her own life she never made a meaningful
decision she wasn’t at fault for anything she had no clue what was going
on she was just white knuckling it through the day the second the Xanax started to wear off she’d be like I got
to get out of here she was chosen from like a sort of national contest like the
way they used to choose you know like the kids on the baby food boxes or whatever we need someone who looks like
this will say the following things oh there she is Let’s Make Her Attorney General of California and then Vice pres
it’s like that’s how it happened she never had a role in it at all so I’m not going to attack her but the people who
chose her and put it up put her up to it and her scile boss who by the way was scile when he became became president in
2020 the people who pulled that Caper off and kept it from everybody for four
years those people are mad because they don’t want to explain why
they’re doing what they’re doing because they can’t justify it it’s unjustifiable there is if you I mean I
had this problem for many years as someone whose job it was to ask people to explain themselves they just wouldn’t
come they would not come it’s like we’re not talking to you racist okay and I I would always
say whatever I would always say just to Rattle him I said this to I said this three different times to the New York Times They never printed it I thought it
was the funny funniest thing every you’re racist to be like actually I’m not and if I was I would say so actually
I’m a sexist which I thought was hilarious I thought that was like the funniest line
ever it was on the record they not one time printed it and I always thought if I was
interviewing someone who’s like no I’m actually a sexist I’d be like wow that’s a headline they never ran
that cuz they didn’t care they didn’t care if I was a racist or a sexist or a
martian or transcendental meditation Enthusiast it didn’t it didn’t matter none of it mattered the point was shut
up shut up and if you don’t shut up it drives them completely Bonkers because
they have no plan B if you don’t shut up they have to explain themselves and justify like was Hunter Biden like a
energy expert how much did he know about natural gas like what was that and Joe Biden how
did you get a credit card company to pay for your house shut up racist they’re just a lot of
unanswerable questions why do we have biolabs in Ukraine that’s kind of weird right of
all the nations of the world if you’re looking for you know looking for people to run biolabs and do Gene editing would
you pick Ukraine the poorest and most corrupt country in Europe I don’t think so you probably go to Geneva wouldn’t you or lickstein I think I would you go
to Ukraine what is that shut up racist I still don’t know the answer
though I have some guesses but the point is it’s a massive threat when the population decid not to shut up and just
politely insist on answers and so at that point you’re stuck with very few options because you can’t answer the
question and anyone who’s been a teenager knows the feeling of being cross-examined by you know a grouchy
parent like what is the answer know the whole front of the car is stoved in like how’d
that happen you don’t really have an answer right so what are they going to do about it well they have about a month
and I don’t want to make anybody paranoid but I don’t think you can overstate how profound this is it’s not even about Donald oh it is about Donald
Trump of course and his policies and the people he’s going to appoint but it’s it’s bigger than that it’s about a
population that feels free to demand answers from people who’ve effectively been oppressing them for
decades and they’re afraid now by the way you know I think
certain people should be afraid I think Tony fouchi should be afraid actually
you fund the creation of the covid virus you know you’re doing it you’re
committing Frankenstein research with American tax dollars in a Chinese military
biolab you know that covid is out it escaped from the lab in August of 2019
within a short period you know this you don’t tell anybody about it you’re responsible for the creation of this
virus you know that with the Chinese military and somehow you get to boss the country
around you get to exert more power than any single citizen in the history of the United States and then at the end of
that once you’ve been exposed as a criminal you get secret service protection at taxpayer expense and ass
signic your at Georgetown because you’re a hero and anyone who ask questions is a danger to you we need to correct some Mis
misconceptions there okay but in general in general I would
say Trump voters like Trump himself are really forgiving people they don’t seek
revenge they seek some measure of Justice because the human heart longs for justice but they don’t seek to grind
their enemies under their feet that’s what the left does most of these people are Christians anyway they believe in
forgiveness so I actually don’t think kamla Harris faces a prison turn and I don’t want KLA Harris to go to prison I
would like Comm Harris to get a legitimate job for the first time in her life unlikely has no skills whatever I
have a lot of hopes but it doesn’t matter the people who’ve been running things are
absolutely paranoid and Afraid and it’s not just Democrats by the way it’s Mitch McConnell in the Senate it’s a number of
Republican Senators who have collaborated with the regime for years
many many years and they are really afraid and the main thing they’re afraid
of is disclosure the system operates on
secrecy and and again anyone who has been a teenager or anyone who is male I’ll just say that understands that
secrecy is 100% a marker for sin as distinct from privacy by the way
we have you know doors on bedrooms and bathrooms privacy is great we have no privacy they have
secrecy so secrecy allows people to do things which if known they could not do
evil thrives in darkness we know this and so the whole system is set up to
keep you from knowing what they’re doing and they use classification laws in order to do that and they fear that if
Donald Trump’s appointments go through and Donald Trump’s people get in charge of the government and get control of the
levers that they will reveal to the country what has been happening well to be precise about it for about 61 years
since you know whatever or 63 years I guess
well exactly and then subsequent to that what exactly has been going on and so by the
way I just want to pause and say you will know that reform is coming that
corruption is in Retreat you will know that things have a chance of getting better when tulsey gabard is confirmed
as Director of National Intelligence and why will you know that
why is that a critical appointment it’s not just because you like telsey gabard agree with her even if you
dislike telsey gabard and disagree with telsey gabard don’t like her she is the critical appointment
because she has the ability to declassify the truth about what your government has been doing in your name
with your money for decades no one doubts that telsey Gabbert’s a patriotic person she’s an
army officer she served in the US military for 20 years so by the way if she was a foreign agent how EXA is she
carrying a gun in the US military it’s absurd you will know who’s on which side
by the reaction of telsey gabard if there are Republican Senators who are voting against Tulsi gabbard’s
confirmation then you either in the Intel committee or in the open Senate you will know that person is not only my
enemy as someone who voted for change for openness for transparency for an end
to corruption for a draining of the swamp you know that person is an enemy of the United States
period it’s really that [Music] simple and you will get the same story
oh it’s National Security we can’t let our enemies know we can’t trust Tulsi gber no we can’t trust you
actually this is going to take place in the open assuming we get that far so this is
just the one point I want to make about the next 30 days there will be attempts to prevent this from happening I don’t
want to make anyone feel paranoid but at this point once you win the electoral college and the majority of the popular
vote that is an undeniable mandate so there’s no way to argue that Trump shouldn’t be seated or anything like
that no one is contesting this election no one can you’re going to need an event
that is effectively catastrophic to change the course from openness to more
secrecy and there’s no faster way to do that than a war and by the way the kind of war that the B Administration is
advocating for right now with the world’s largest nuclear arm power could eliminate the United States and the
entire Western Hemisphere that’s not an overstatement but you will see people you think are your allies all of a
sudden telling you when the United States so badly needs attention someone in charge of the United States has to
look at the country and say you’re in trouble the numbers show it clearly this
country needs the attention of its leaders it needs the care of its leaders it needs people who actually want to
improve the country not the world the country and if some of those people look you right in the face and say I’m sorry
we’re just going to have have to deploy to this that or the other country because there’s an imminent threat to
the world you know those people are trying to thwart the progress that you voted for
those people are your enemies I’m sorry to say that it’s just true and I don’t care what they I mean I
lived there all these years and I watched it time it no we have to do this we have to do this and this person is
now our enemy and I went along with it every single time I was like well that guy sounds bad and by the way they almost always were bad you know what I
mean like most leaders are pretty bad everyone’s a kind of variety of Ed mean though most are less entertaining than
he was but you know what I mean like this Leader’s bad well I believe that that’s why I don’t live there I’m from
here I was born here this Leader’s bad yeah great got it so we need to all of a
sudden take our entire budget all of our energy all of our attention and focus on killing this leader well it’s like you
know I’m not going to weep for that leader but like what about me what about my country what about my children
well that can wait well actually it can no longer wait and I think we need to say that
really really clearly and the next time Dan Crenshaw stands up and says but you don’t
understand the threat shut up Dan Crenshaw and everyone lik Dan CAW just about had it with
you you got hundreds of thousands of American citizens dying of drug Odes and you’ve done nothing your state was
invaded by Foreign Nations at the Beast of international organizations including including the United Nations 15 million
young men just came into our country from for reasons we can’t even understand and you did nothing over your border and you’re going to tell me that
some other nation is the threat and you’re the threat and that’s true so I don’t care what party that
person comes from that person is an enemy of
everything that you voted for trust me we’ve seen this movie so many times and the way that they short circuit your
critical thinking and get you to go along with it and I know because I’ve been a victim of this is by scaring the crap out of you with something and the
second you’re afraid you’re like oh I guess I an experimental vax okay I’ll take it I can’t go outside anymore all
right I’m worried about my grandchildren oh we need to kill Saddam Hussein he’s
bad no noas
noas fix this country you are the father who abandoned
his children and there’s no excuse for that you Dan
kensaw you entire Democratic party you Mitch freaking McConnell you’re the one
whose own children languished and died while you focused on the neighbor’s kids
or kids in another country all of that may be fine but your duty is to your kids that’s why you’re the leader and
anyone who sherks that duty is guilty of Abandonment and there is no lower man
than the man who abandons his family there is no lower form of leader than the leader who doesn’t care about the
people in his charge and so make that the litmus test
I would say I mean it and I don’t care what they say they’ll get up there and be like well I’m against trans swimmers
too well really who isn’t you’d have to be a freak to be for that
if that’s the price of Entry we’re not charging enough you’re against trans swimmers
okay then you’re not like brain damaged or something like what of course you’re
against trans swimmers swimming with girls I mean
obviously demand more what are your priorities and if they tell you some Far
Away place where people speak a language you don’t understand in a conflict that
you can’t possibly comprehend cuz it’s in another country that that’s Priority One you’re done you’re done Mike Pence
and all the rest of those people but they’re Relentless I mean
they are Relentless I mean it is basically everybody and and I just want to I don’t
know if Don was just up here before me I was of course chatting like a magpie backstage Jo I didn’t hear it but he is
really the I my personal view is smartest guy in that whole orbit and
really feels it you know didn’t learn his politics from a book or from Twitter but actually feels it and he always says
when you deal with politicians it’s really it’s the politics of pain they don’t understand anything else it’s not how you deal with normal people and
you’re if you’re if you’re a decent human being you don’t get people to respond to you by threatening them cuz
that’s sick you don’t beat your dog you don’t threaten to you know smack your
kids until they obey you that’s grotesque you com convince people with
love and by example unfortunately that’s not how you deal with politicians they just don’t respond that way they’re a different kind of
organism you really have to tell them I’m sorry get with a programmer you can’t get elected again cuz that’s the
only thing you care about cuz you’re weird and that has to be a baseline
demand Den crot cannot be a congressman again you just can’t it’s just too insulting
anyway I’m getting I’m going to just stop because I could I could go on on my rants but I want to take a couple
questions for well I love you too I can’t even see you I’m going to I’m going to take a quick outbreak and take
your questions yes sir do you know your questions can I sign I’m not qualified to sign your hats
I’m left-handed and dyslexic but okay hold on this this man right here
Ben Shapiro or Candace Owens?
[Laughter] do great the question is Ben Shapiro or
Candace Owens you know
uh I’m only friends with one but I’ll say I you know I want to um you know I
want to support people when they’re right and and not when they’re wrong and um why do you ask questions like
that you’re a smart one I’ll tell you I’ll just be clear on this
I I really think the fastest way to destroy the United States I think the reason that we’re trillions of dollars
in debt I think the reason that our social cohesion is is Fray I think the reason
we open the borders I think it’s all connected and it all stems from the core sin which was believing that it was our
job or duty to reorganize the world along our lines and control Iraq or you
know huge swads the well we’re not good at that and we didn’t succeed in doing it and we never repented for it I think
the cost of Foreign Wars is deeper than just the deaths and the agony that they
caused I think the whole society has felt it and I think that you know there are Wars that you have to fight those do
happen that’s real I’m not against all wars some Wars are necessary you get invaded you have to fight back you a home invasion requires you to pick up
your gun and say get out and if you won’t you shoot him I mean I’m not I’m not Gandhi okay but a war of choice for
the profit of a few and to satisfy the completely ridiculous theories of AI and
all these other absurd think tanks in Washington those are really immoral and anyone who’s for that going forward is
immoral I think that I don’t I mean convince me otherwise yes
sir so Legacy Media is obviously collapsing and I just think we should take a moment of of silence really to
Legacy Media Is Collapsing
reflect inwardly at the joy like there are moments a child is born for the first time your first kiss asking a the
woman you love to marry you MSNBC and CNN dying like they’re all kind of
connected um so we should before we move on to like what’s next we should just
appreciate how great that is and they’re not dying they committed suicide through lying you know um which is by the way
suicidal if you’re in the business and you can’t stop lying you know you’ve killed yourself um but what comes next
well I think what we have I mean I think that x uh is an amazing thing you know um
there are probably downsides but I think the massive upside is it’s basically uncensored I think podcasts are
amazing I I can’t even believe it’s happening I worked in television where we thought no one would pay attention
for more than 4 and A2 minutes and then we had to go sell prostate cures or gold scams and it turns out people
wanted like 3 hours I mean what there’s no greater compliment you can pay a
nation a citizenry that they want information and understanding so badly
they will listen for 3 hours that’s incredible it makes me feel great about America grateful to Joe Rogan for
basically creating the genre when everyone laughed at him including me I never said it to his face
but I was like Joe Rogen really thinks people going to listen for 3 hours amazing so I think I think we’re
in a great place and I think that we should instead of thinking of new forms of media we should defend the ones we
have which are all based on free speech and you’re going to hear people say in the coming months and years we can’t
have speech this free because it’s a danger it offends people it causes violence that’s a
lie violence and speech are not the same I can offend you you know that’s
different from shooting you do not accept any attempt to take away your Birthright something that God gave you
and a government’s job is to protect which is your absolute right to say what you think is true
period and that is worth defending above all things and there are going to be people
you think your allies the deception is profound it’s profound we were promised profound deception and we’re getting it
it’s not simple deception it’s not you know oh yeah you know drink Bud Light
because some dude dressed as a school girl you know that’s the obvious deception he’s not a school girl he’s a
dude that’s not really deception that’s like make believe it’s a joke deep
deception is a actual threat and it plays upon your best qualities your compassion that’s what happened during
Co good people obey do you love your grandparents then you’ll obey well of course all good people love their
grandparents they respect the elderly so they prayed upon your best qualities they leveraged your decency against you
that’s deception and you’re going to see that with speech you’re going to see this is hate and some of it may in fact
be hateful but it’s still your Birthright to express what you believe even if other people don’t like it and
if there’s one thing you have to defend us that yes sir I think we have a microphone hey hi my name is Annabelle I
want to thank you for being a patriot and my question is how can I
help well I think you are helping you you’ve brightened my day
[Applause] [Laughter] already yeah I mean well done I don’t
know every time maybe because I have a lot of children but every time I see like a bright-eyed cheerful child
speaking directly H you know it lifts my spirits it compensates for a lot of bad
things that I see so that’s way more important than any speech given in the Senate as far as I’m
concerned thank you awesome great [Applause] job thank you these people have
microphones yes sir so if we have time oh microphone sorry
oh um hi Tucker my name is Joshua and I’m happy that I get asked you a question at at aest for the second time
Abortion Is Human Sacrifice
I just wanted to ask your thoughts about conservatives running away from the issue of abortion and caving on the
right to life I feared that by avoiding this issue it will Revolt in a GOP eventually being a pro-choice party
which will result in a GOP becoming a less conservative party since without the right to life all other rights are
meaningless I just wanted to get your thought on
that well there’s this this super interesting
phenomenon that I’ve noticed in my own life and it’s described in some detail in the New Testament which is things are
the outcome is actually the opposite of what you expect you know the meek inherit the earth and just when you
think you’re losing actually is the moment when you realize that you’re you’ve kind of won and the opposite is always true when you think you’ve won
you’re usually in first surprise and I think abortion is a perfect example of this yes as a I mean I’ve been very
sincere on that issue you know my whole life and um and and I noticed it and I
really care about it I have a child who was born born on January 22nd which is the anniversary of roie Wade so it was like uh you know I’ve thought about it a
lot and um and yeah I’ve been really distressed by the you know the cowardice of Republican politicians and that’s a
class thing too it’s like you know rich people don’t want to talk oh the social issues well the social issues are the
only issues that matter like what you know whether people live or die and how how my family does that’s a social issue
that doesn’t matter not as important as GDP and War oh shut up it’s all that matters are the social issues cuz
socialization is the only thing that that I care about is other people anyway um but they’re very embarrassed of those
and those are considered like redneck issues or religious people issues but the truth is I think every single person
in the country knows that abortion is at best a like a a real tragedy and at
worst what was clearly a form of human sacrifice that’s why they had an abortion van outside the Democratic
Convention I don’t really think any body sincerely shouts their abortion with joy
I think everybody knows that the cascading effects of that you know never leave and it it’s like the true tragedy
taking of life is the is always the greatest tragedy and I actually think the time is right to just say that out
loud this is the opposite of Liberation speaking of deception the the main thing that most people want I mean there’s
surveys in this but we don’t need surveys we know this is children I mean that is the only real measure of wealth
is children and anyone anyone who’s against children
making it harder for you to have them making it easier for you not to have them is the enemy of you and of humanity
itself is pro death and I just don’t think in the end that wins and I think everyone secretly knows it and I think
the hysteria and the extremism of the abortion people is Testament to that
it’s like when you know you’re wrong you get louder and more hysterical right and so I actually think
it’s become super obvious they can’t even by the way I felt like 30 years ago under Clinton they had a pretty good
formula for justifying abortion they were like well it’s safe legal and rare and it’s a tragedy when a 14-year-old
gets raped and I was like well that’s for sure it’s a tragedy and because it’s so tragic you need abortion now they’re like no no no you want to like do
something good for America kill your kid well that’s just my end at that point I
mean that’s just you know what I mean that’s Canaanite that’s like that’s just human sacrifice and they’re just saying it so I do think it divides the country
into people who sort of know that and it’s obvious and then people who embrace it and you know it’s sad but they’re
probably not going to be on your side so I actually think the recognition that human life is the most important thing
is Dawning on people and that it’s I’m not even Catholic and I agree that war
euthanasia abortion killing people it’s just bad and anyone who’s enthusiastic about
killing people is scary and and the last thing I’ll say is I I
the one thing I am worried about is euthanasia which is the state murder of its citizens and I think the economic
incentives are really powerful for for the state to want to do that as healthc care costs rise as depression Rises
which I think is one of the byproducts of prescription drug use ssris actually have not lowered the suicide rate
they’ve increased it etc etc that’s all getting very obvious and it’s super expensive and how do you pay for it well
Canada is just like we’ll just kill you make it very hard to get your knee replaced make it very easy to die and
I’m I’m very concerned that’s coming here and you don’t have to be Catholic or even Christian to see that as totally
evil and I hope and I will demand to the extent I have any control that the Republican Party says no to that
immediately people are not objects they’re not animals you can’t slaughter them they have souls and just because
you’re expensive and inconvenient doesn’t make you human we reject slavery because we embrace the humanity of
person that’s why we’re against slavery because we recognize that people are human beings with Souls created by God
and anyone who says you can just kill them when they get in the way whether it’s in Ukraine or an abortion clinic or
in a euthanasia lab is evil and I don’t care if they claim that
it’s Liberation it’s not it’s the darkest thing it’s
murder so whatever but I fully expect the people who told you that you to
relinquish the Bill of Rights in favor of protecting old people be the very first to say we need to kill all the old
people because they’re too expensive yes sir this this will be the
last question of the night oh man I’m just getting rolling [Applause]
now I hope you like my question so hi Tucker my name is Jake I just want to say I named my dog after you
Student Asks Tucker About ALP
so you know what I take that as a as a dog man I take that as a High compliment
so thank you I love your laugh too so my question is about nicotine so
I see your your little packet I don’t know if that’s Zin or Alp but from what I hear um you know nicotine comes with a
bunch of benefits increasing testosterone love that um so it’s my
16th birthday today and I’m they say you should be 21 18 25 when
did you start taking nicotine and when would you recommend taking
nicotine who who comes up with these questions you’re trying to get me in
trouble so let me just be clear um there are laws about this you know whether or
not I think they’re insane um that you can go fight and die in Iran but can’t have a nicotine pouch at 18 uh fact
they’d like you to go fight and die in on but you can’t have a nicotine pouch you know I I think we’ve got
misplaced priorities um but there are laws about making Health claims about
you can make Health claims about anything they tell you weed is good for you they tell you to take you know
Aderall in fifth grade go ahead and take ssris you need some bzo diazines because
those are good not addictive or anything but nicotine is somehow a threat and I do think I suspect that any compound
that makes the population passive been willing to accept mistreatment is favored in any compound that heightens
awareness like black coffee which they always telling you is bad and I can tell you was a 55-year-old who’s had
approximately a gallon of it every day for 41 years it’s not is
disfavored so I can only tell you it works for me um I’m not going to tell you how old I was when I started using
related products but I’m 55 and I’ve been using it for 41 years
and I’m not endorsing that at all I’m just telling you what worked for me I
don’t uh drink or use drugs of any kind including Advil and I haven’t for 22 years I’ve got pretty bad eating habits
which is obvious I love pizza but I don’t put any chemicals in my body whatsoever other than nicotine and black
coffee and and I feel great I do I I I feel and and by the way I just want to
say again this is not licens Health advice I don’t run the
CDC okay I’m not not in charge of the Department of agriculture’s food pyramid so I’m not going to tell you to eat 11
loaves of bread to lose weight cuz I’m not a certified scientist or a genius
like the people who told you that masks would keep you from Catching covid and by the way get nine boosters so I don’t
have the moral authority to give you advice about how to be healthy I can only tell you what’s worked for me a
man with a checkered academic record but I can
say I feel good [Applause]
[Laughter] I’ll take one more question sorry
I thank you Tucker a followup question for my 22 question from to you
How Should We Choose Our Leaders?
unfortunately here in state 48 the psychopathic overlords in our establishment class continue to steal
our voices and our votes it happened in California it happened in four different
Senate races as a as ground forces on the field we
fight every day mostly against the Gilded old pathetic GOP yes but what
would you suggest we the people do to reestablish our rights to choose
our servants thank you sir I mean I I think there are a couple
things the first thing you can do is make it known that non-citizens cannot
be counted in the census to abortion congressional seats that is totally well it’s
unconstitutional but but more to the point it defeats the basic premise of
democracy which is that citizens run their own country it’s self-government right that’s the point of a republic we
run we hire people to run in Forest but we run it because it belongs to us because we’re from here we’re
citizens if you allow foreigners noncitizens legal or illegal to pick
your representation then foreign countries run your country and that’s called colonialism over which we fought
a revolutionary war so that cannot be allowed okay so that’s the first thing
you can do the second thing you can do is point out that a sanctuary city or state is a form of insurrection much
more profound than anything South Carolina attempted in 1861 at Fort Sumter you are saying that you are not
not following the most basic of all federal laws which is the federal
government not state governments the federal government gets to decide who comes into the country and you’re saying I’m opting up that’s Insurrection actual
Insurrection not fake Insurrection like january6 four years ago but actual Insurrection and there is a long
precedent for dealing with this it happened in 1956 in Little Rock when Central High School decided we’re going
to ignore Brown versus Board of Education and the Republican president of the United States Dwight Di how sent the 101st Airborne to Little Rocket said
no you’re going to obey federal law period because if you don’t it’s
Insurrection because these are core questions these are not minor sort of
peripheral questions these are questions of national sovereignty so I have no idea why anybody in Washington but
especially Republicans in Washington I mean they’re mesmerized by turning Iraq into Belgium and defending Ukraine that
that’s the actual answer but why did they put up with this they shouldn’t and we should demand that they don’t put up
with it and the third thing you can do is primary the hell out of anyone who doesn’t represent you and no one does
that and what happens is they they talk you into not doing it Lindsey Graham
does this every six years so find some issue and he’ll be like I mean he did it
during the cabau hearings and he did an amazing job Lindsey Graham’s one of the most Charming people in Washington if you wonder why people still listen to
Lindsey grams cuz he’s hilarious and he’s like fun to have dinner with but the truth is he’s totally non-aligned
with the Republican electorate like his his priorities have nothing in common with the priorities of Republican voters
including in South Carolina but every six years he’ll pick a symbolic issue and he’ll be like I stand with judge caugh everyone’s like oh you’re such a
hero and then it’s back second he’s elected it’s like no it’s hey shut up Americans about your stupid border and your Invasion nobody cares shut up
racist it’s Ukraine they all do that and they did it I mean no one could be more offended by
boys in girls Sports is the father of three daughters that I am so I’m not not like Pro Dylan Mulaney or whatever at
all but I also understand slight of hand when I see it because I’ve seen gypsies
do three card Monte and been the victim of it it’s so fast you don’t know what happened like where where’s the
peanut un underneath the walnut shell it was right there they’re too fast I know
what that looks like they divert your attention and they use that issue to divert your attention from what they
were actually doing which is ignoring your concerns in favor of the concerns of their donors and foreign countries
and lobbies for those countries that’s just a fact and they used the trans issue to do that I hate to tell you this
and a lot of people in your conservative media did exactly the same thing and they made you feel like they were on
your side but they weren’t because they don’t really care about that issue you do that’s why you think they’re on your
side you cared about Judge cavos when Lindsey Graham’s like oh yeah I’m on your side you’re like you know I kind of like that guy actually
that Charming little from South Carolina but trust me you just got
played so the key is to figure out what’s important to you and your family
and your neighborhood and start there like one of the problems people have is they extrapolate outward too much they
live in a distant place they live online look at your own family like what do
your kids need they can’t afford to go to college they can’t make enough in their job to buy a house at 32 they
can’t make enough to to get married and produce grandchildren for you that’s a crisis that’s way more a crisis than
anything Iran will ever do to this country and so demand that your elected
leaders who are using your money and have your Authority and your military that they do something about it your
neighborhood looks nothing like it did 10 years ago because of illegal immigration well we have a military on
which we spend like a trillion and a half dollars a year why aren’t they at the border protecting the country they serve what is
that I don’t understand and anyone else who doesn’t get that immediately is not
qualified to represent you and I actually think it rarely takes a primary
I think if enough people sit down with Congressman X even someone like Dan khaw
or Lindsey Graham yeah boo but I think if you actually sat down Dan kensaw said listen
Dan I get it you’re a little you but I’m kind of on to you now and we want you to do the following
10 things things and if you don’t we’re going to get someone who’s aligned with us and we’re going to primary you and at
the very least we’re going to wreck your day and he’ll maybe be like okay your concerns are more important than the
concerns of my donors I will actually do what you want because in the end it’s not personal you just want someone to
listen to you and help you that’s the whole point of our system your representatives are there to help
you and if they’re not then you have to replace them you have have to be serious
about it and they will listen to you if you are serious they will listen and by serious I don’t mean threatening them or
jumping up and down but just call Charlie Kirkman there’s no one better at that hey Charlie Kirk I’m calling you
know I’m a turning point action donor and I think we should primary soand so call Charlie Kirk probably yeah lindsy
like someone should just do that not because like I kind of like Lindsey Graham personally but it is such an insult to the idea of an opposition
party you have two parties they should not agree with each other on the biggest
questions because if they do someone’s getting left out of the equation and that person is you someone needs to represent
you on the big issues the things that actually matter not just on Swimmers at some
State College but like on real issues and anyway just make them obey I
think that’s up to us don’t be Charmed by them force them spank them like the bad little girls they are thank
you we are proud to provide a venue for Oliver Stone’s son sha who’s a friend of
ours and also a filmmaker his latest documentary series called All the President’s Men it’s a multi-part series
in which he explains in Vivid detail how the first Trump Administration 2016 to
2020 was subverted from the very first day by the Deep State who picked off one by one members of the then president’s
Inner Circle and some of them are still on the scene you will see in-depth interviews with for example cash Patel
who is the incoming president’s New FBI director with Mike Flynn and many other people you know whose whole stories you
may not have heard before it’s an amazing series All the President’s Men by Sean Stone playing right now on
tuckercarlson.com we’re proud to have it we think you’ll like it
Am 25.12.2024 um 10:40 schrieb Helmut Käß:
Lieber JH
Frohe Weihnachten!
Wieder eine tolle Rede: Tucker Carlson’s Full Speech and Q&A at AmericaFest 2024 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1oU0pGTGuDY
Ich bin am Deutschen und Englischen Text interessiert!
Er erklärt, wieso die Meinungsfreiheit das wichtigste Gut ist!!!
Herzliche Grüße, Helmut
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